Nealz Nuze

Thursday, May 26, 2011

You can’t spend like Europe and expect American results.

Americans shouldn’t strive to be like Europe … especially when it comes to spending on social programs.  Though this is exactly what Democrats are striving to achieve.  In discussions about our entitlement crisis, it has become increasingly apparent that Democrats have mounted their moral high-horses and are ready to battle for more government spending.  They will do this under the guise of “security” or our “moral duty” to help those who can’t help themselves.  However, the real purpose of their efforts is clear: power.  That’s it.  Bigger government, more spending, more programs to “secure” Americans means that Washington wields more power over you because you are more dependent on it.  I firmly believe that this is not the American way.  This is the liberal perversion of American ideals for their selfish pursuit of power.  But throughout the years, their vision has become much more accepted and mainstream.  There are a few reasons for this: government education, the liberal media and a celebrity-obsessed culture.

We used to believe that America offered opportunity for you to do anything you’d like so long as you worked to achieve it and didn’t harm anyone in the process.  In a study published by Oxford University in 2004, “60% of European citizens subscribe to the view that the poor are trapped in poverty, only 29% of Americans share this view.”  This is a good reflection of American opportunity; people in America do not feel trapped by their socioeconomic status.  “Between 2004 and 2007, for example, roughly a third of the households in the lowest income group moved up to a higher income group,” according to the Census Bureau.  Another study by the US Treasury conducted in 2007 found that almost “58% of those in the lowest income group in 1996 moved to a higher group by 2005.”  However, what’s interesting to note is that there is no evidence that shows America to be a significantly more mobile society than Europe.  So what’s the difference?  Our American spirit.  Because moochers are not tolerated .. at least, they weren’t.  According to this Oxford study, “60% of Americans believe the poor are lazy, as compared to 26% of European citizens.”  We strive for success and to move up the income ladder because there is incentive to in America.  But now more than ever, the Democrats are dangling the promise of wealth and security, all at the expense of somebody else (the taxpayers).  The Democrats demonize the people who move up this income ladder, calling them greedy.  The Democrats demonize their fellow colleagues in Washington when proposed with an option to give people more choices and freedom to make decisions in their lives: Ex. Healthcare.  Democrats will back the teachers unions in order to keep their government schools in check.  Democrats are insistent on raising taxes on the rich, to make productivity less desirable.

We are not Europe, yet … but if the Democrats keep this up, we will get there before you can say “Barack Obama.”


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