Archive for the ‘Diana West’ Category


Saturday, July 25th, 2020


This is an absolutely fascinating interview with Diana West by Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch.   They cover a whole range of topics –  the corruption inside the FBI and other government agencies  re the attempt to take down President Trump, questioning why the Durham Report is taking so long, the history of Attorney General Barr,  the self admitted Marxist backgrounds of Comey and Brennan, the Marxists and Globalists  that are  behind the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements, the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers, the  effects of the pandemic and the lockdown – just a whole range of information.  Diana West is an incredible researcher and you will find this video interview packed full of historical  information that will shed a spot light on  the turmoil that is  now  happening in our country and that  its roots date  back to the 1960’s.  Nancy      

On Watch: Marxism & The Current Insurrection in America

Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell joins Diana West, author of “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character” to discuss the current unrest in the nation, the political ideologies of those involved, and a brief history of Marxism in America.


Monday, January 27th, 2020


The information provided by Diana West, author of ‘American Betrayal’ and now ‘The Red Thread’,   in this video  explains so much of what has been happening in our country in the attempt to discredit and impeach President Trump.  Frightening !  Nancy

How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West

Why does Diana West believe that communist ideology has infiltrated America’s intelligence agencies? After looking into key figures involved in the Spygate scandal, what information did Diana West uncover about their ideological beliefs? How is Donald Trump a “counter-revolutionary” president, in West’s view? This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek. In this episode, we’ll sit down with Diana West, a journalist and author of “The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy.”
Premiered Jan 13, 2020



Wednesday, April 10th, 2019


Wait till you hear this video – explosive information on Comey’s background   11:57 on the video   and re  Mueller – 42:56 on the video and all the players involved in the targeting of Donald Trump .  The whole interview is really incredible !    Please share with your email lists.  Nancy

Diana West Discusses The Red Thread – Why Did The Administrative State Target Donald Trump?…

Posted on April 7, 2019 by sundance

Diana West discusses her new book “The Red Thread” with Stefan Molyneux in a recent interview.  Mrs West asks why the conspiracy against President Trump took place; and she is one of the few people openly challenging the false narrative about Russia intefering in the 2016 election.  This is a great interview to watch:

“There was nothing normal about the 2016 presidential election, not when senior U.S. officials were turning the surveillance powers of the federal government — designed to stop terrorist attacks — against the Republican presidential team. These were the ruthless tactics of a Soviet-style police state, not a democratic republic.”

“The Red Thread asks the simple question: Why? What is it that motivated these anti-Trump conspirators from inside and around the Obama administration and Clinton networks to depart so drastically from “politics as usual” to participate in a seditious effort to overturn an election?”

 Book Available Here



Tuesday, July 10th, 2018


This article  will help you to understand the history behind  how the Far Left has been able to take control of the Democrat Party and what their goals are for our country.     It is a fascinating read .   Nancy

To understand where the radical left plans to take America, you must understand the source of its ideas. We have been warning America about this for over 50 years!

America is in serious decline. Many Americans are deeply concerned. The radical left has gained control of the nation. Look at the Democratic Party today: Its leading personalities promote policies that are weakening the nation economically, socially, morally, militarily and geopolitically. How did they get control? What caused this nation to descend into this condition?

You need to understand what has happened inside this country and why. The problem is far deeper, and has been going on for far longer, than most people realize.

During the Cold War, there was a lot of fear within America about the spread of communism. Today, most Americans no longer consider it a threat of any concern.

But it is of grave concern. Few people realize it, but many mainstream political views in America today are identical to—and trace directly back to—the ideals and beliefs of communism.

One popular candidate running for the Democratic presidential nomination claims to be a socialist. Well, many Communists call themselves socialists. The fact that he has so much support reveals how dangerously ignorant the American people are.

What do you know about communism? A growing number of Americans support the government taking over health care and other major segments of the national economy. They fail to understand the dangers that accompany a Communist system.

Understanding Communism

Socialism and communism are alike in fundamental ways. Both say the centralized government or “the public” should own and control production, rather than individual business owners. Both call for centralized planning and control, which make for powerful governments that are highly susceptible to corruption. Socialism is considered the transition stage from capitalism to communism; in some cases, it is a less radical version that might eventually “mature” into communism.




Wednesday, October 26th, 2016


  Diana West, author of “Death of the Grownup” and “American Betrayal” was the guest speaker at ICON’s event on Tuesday, October 18, 2016.  Political Correctness was the subject of her talk – What It Is, Where It Comes From and Why It Matters.  Diana referred to her research for  her book, “American Betrayal”  which documented  how Communists infiltrated  our government during the Roosevelt administration of the 1940’s.  Her further research has turned up evidence that the Marxists were actually actively working in this country as early as 1905.  During the 1930’s a group of Marxist professors from the Frankfurt School in Germany came to America and  established themselves first  at Columbia University and  then methodically started to spread their Cultural Marxism ideology within our university system.  By using  “Political Correctness”,  they were able to  silence those who opposed the stealth  attack on our traditional core  values which was designed to weaken our society from within.   
Through a news article about Diana’s talk, a coalition of Far Left groups organized a protest of Diana West  and made charges of “hate speech” .  When the Far Left feels threatened by the facts, they call it “hate speech”.  The protest  ended quietly but photos of some of their protest signs are at the end of the photos from the lecture.  There is also a photo of our  friend, Lee Green, holding up her sign as a counter protest to support free speech. 
A video of Diana’s talk  will be posted on our website – in the next week so you will be able to listen to  Diana’s West’s  fascinating presentation.   You will not hear this subject matter being discussed anywhere else  in the media ! 
This was our last event of 2016 but 2017 is going to be an exciting year with our first speaker being Mike Adams, PHD, speaking on March 7, 2017, on “How U.S. Campuses Incubate and Enforce Cultural Marxism by using safe spaces  and speech codes. 
ICON’S lectures for the rest of 2017 are April 25 – “Slow Death:  Assessing America’s War on Terrorism”.     May 23 – “Impact of Mass Migration into the U.S.”   Sept 12 – “The Real Story on Climate Change” and October 17  “The Growing National Threat from Iran” 
Season tickets for 2017  are now available online at along with a description of our five speakers that are already booked for 2017 ! 
Hope you enjoy the following photos that were taken at the event.   Nancy     
Diana West, Guest Speaker

Diana West, Guest Speaker

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Gladys Kofalt and Jim Duncan

Gladys Kofalt and Jim Duncan

From the left:  Sandy Bazley, Ken Johnson, Karen Kolias, Ginny and Jerry Cole, Gus Kolias and Jim Kofalt

From the left: Sandy Bazley, Ken Johnson, Karen Kolias, Ginny and Jerry Cole, Gus Kolias and Jim Kofalt

Ginny and Jerry Cole

Ginny and Jerry Cole

From the left:   Nancy Clark, Jim Ball, Wendy Ball and Gladys Kofalt

From the left: Nancy Clark, Jim Ball, Wendy Ball and Gladys Kofalt

From the left:  Andrea Rock, Dr. Rosemary Stein, Hannah Stein  and PJ Gentry

From the left: Andrea Rock, Dr. Rosemary Stein, Hannah Stein
and PJ Gentry

From the left:  Mary McKinney, Caroline Bishop, Karen Macomson,  Andrea Rock and Kimberly Rosario Sanchez

From the left: Mary McKinney, Caroline Bishop, Karen Macomson,
Andrea Rock and Kimberly Rosario Sanchez

From the left:  Susan Berkowitz, Fran Mammolito and Margaret Fox

From the left: Susan Berkowitz, Fran Mammolito and Margaret Fox

From the left:  Kimberly Rosario Sanchez, Meg Gresham, Dana Postiglioni,  Andrea Rock and Nancy Clark

From the left: Kimberly Rosario Sanchez, Meg Gresham, Dana Postiglioni,
Andrea Rock and Nancy Clark

From the left:   Terry Wiegers, Bonnie O'Neill and Eduardo Sanchez

From the left: Terry Wiegers, Bonnie O’Neill and Eduardo Sanchez

From the left:  Marlene Waller and Mary Lopez Carter, Republican candidate for the North Carolina State Senate

From the left: Marlene Waller and Mary Lopez Carter, Republican candidate for the North Carolina State Senate

Dave Carter and son, Chris

Dave Carter and son, Chris

From the left:  Chris Lee, Dr. Leon Coleman and Jeff Miller

From the left: Chris Lee, Dr. Leon Coleman and Jeff Miller


Diana West answering questions after her presentation

Diana West answering questions after her presentation

From the left:   Sean Moser and Jim Duncan

From the left: Sean Moser and Jim Duncan

From the left:  Bob Drake, Paul Olsen, Mary and Ben Proctor

From the left: Bob Drake, Paul Olsen, Mary and Ben Proctor

From the left:  Mary Lou Drake and Laura Cox

From the left: Mary Lou Drake and Laura Cox

Michaela and Paul Tomas

Michaela and Paul Tomas

From the left:  Dr. Laura Gutman and Diana West

From the left: Dr. Laura Gutman and Diana West

A fun get together after the lecture

A fun get together after the lecture

Lee Green,  a counter protest in support of Free Speech

Lee Green, a counter protest in support of Free Speech


Protestors who requested that their faces not be shown

Protestors who requested that their faces not be shown








Tuesday, May 27th, 2014


Diana West is the author of The Death of the Grownup and American Betrayal.     She was also the first speaker of the ICON Lecture Series in Durham, North Carolina  in June  2013.  

Report from the Future: The Umma States of America

Written by:Diana West 5/24/2014


Imagine a curious soul or two in the not-too-distant future furtively peeling back the layers and learning the cruel truth: that their forbears willingly exchanged all of their precious liberties for tyranny rather than assess and educate and protect themselves against Islamic conquest — violent, pre-violent, smooth, explosive, financial, political, kafiyya-wrapped or Armani-suited. I think they will marvel because, as they will so very tragically know first-hand, Islam is so simple: its culture of death, its oppression of women and non-Muslims, its defilement of children, its suppression of conscience, religion and speech. They will be astonished, also very angry, over the way free men and women in 20th-21st centuries saw fit, not to embark on emergency measures to ensure energy independence from Islamic oil, block Islamic immigration, and shield financial markets and academia from sharia-compliance, but rather to erect a massive and invasive security state that robbed all citizens of their liberties as they fiddled away the Islamic threat. Mustn’t offend? Mustn’t offend? That was more important than saving the blessed beauty of our lost civlization…?! Incredulously, they will learn how “public intellectuals” invented all manner of “division” within Islam, detected endless “signs” of “evolution” to come,  supported disastrous “democracy” movements, diagnosed “moderation” ever-aborning, projecting all in a static of isms and ists that confounded and dumbfounded and confused. To be sure, it kept “public intellectuals” gainfully occupied, but it did nothing to stem the waves of conquest that made life in the West a sharia-compliant and, of course, post-Communist hell on earth. Obamacare Allahu Akbar. (more…)



Friday, September 27th, 2013




A unique and monumental project by Frank Gaffney and the Center for Security Policy, “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: A Video Course” is both an essential guide to comprehending the depth and breadth of the threat posed to America by the Muslim Brotherhood, and a useful plan of action to counter that threat.


About the Course – 10 part course


Have you ever asked yourself why, despite more than ten years of efforts –involving, among other things, the loss of thousands of lives in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, well-over a trillion dollars spent, countless man-years wasted waiting in airport security lines and endless efforts to ensure that no offense is given to seemingly permanently aggrieved Muslim activists – are we no closer to victory in the so-called “war on terror” than we were on 9/11?


Thankfully, we have been able to kill some dangerous bad guys. The sad truth of the matter is that, by almost any other measure, the prospect of victory is becoming more remote by the day. And no one seems able to explain the reason.


In an effort to provide the missing answer, on April 24, the Center for Security Policy is making available via the Internet a new, free ten-part video course called “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within.” This course connects the proverbial dots, drawing on a wealth of publicly available data and first-hand accounts to present a picture that has, for over a decade, been obscured, denied and suppressed:


America faces in addition to the threat of violent jihad another, even more toxic danger – a stealthy and pre-violent form of warfare aimed at destroying our constitutional form of democratic government and free society. The Muslim Brotherhood is the prime-mover behind this seditious campaign, which it calls “civilization jihad.”



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