Archive for the ‘Small Business’ Category
Thursday, September 5th, 2024
Trump gave a fantastic detailed economic speech today. Please share with your contacts. Nancy
Former President Donald Trump is speaking at the Economic Club of New York. September 5, 2024
Posted in Afghanistan, Artificial Intelligence, Big Business, Big Government, Border Security, California, China, Conservatism, Deep State, Defense Budget, Democracy, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Donald Trump, Economy, Election, Election 2024, Energy, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, Fascism, Foreign Policy, Fracking, Germany, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Green New Deal, Hamas, Hillary Clinton, Illegal Immigration, Industrial Espionage, Industry, Inflation, Infrastructure, International Affairs, Iran, ISIS Terror Group, Israel, J D Vance, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Mexico, Middle East, Military, National Debt, National Defense, Nationalism, Nuclear Energy/Weapons, Open Borders, Pensions, Police/law enforcement, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Resistance, RFK Jr, Russia, Small Business, Socialism, Sovereignty, Spending, State Department, Taxation, Taxes, Trade Agreements, transgender issues, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Videos, Wokeness, Women Candidates, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 29th, 2023
Please click on the link and please share. Nancy
Posted in Administrative State, Afghanistan, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agriculture, Asia, Banking, Big Business, Big Government, Border Security, Budget for 2022, China, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Defense Budget, Demographics, Department of Education, Dept of Defense, Donald Trump, Durham Report, Economy, Education, Election 2020, Election 2024, Europe, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, Fracking, Free Trade, Germany, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Healthcare, Housing Market, ICE, Illegal Immigration, Industry, Infrastructure, Intelligence, Interest Rates, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, IRS, ISIS Terror Group, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister, Judges, Justice Department, Legal Issues, MAGA, Medical/Drugs, Melania Trump, Mental Health, Mexico, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Missle Defense, Mueller, National Defense, NATO, Netanyahu, North Korea, Nuclear Energy/Weapons, Open Borders, Palestine, Patriotic, Police/law enforcement, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Republican Convention, Resistance, Sidney Powell, Small Business, Social Media, Space Exploration, Spending, State Department, Supreme Court, Taliban, Taxes, Technology, Terrorism, Trade Agreements, Trump Cabinet Members, U.N., U.S. Presidents, USMCA, Voter Fraud, Wall Street, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, March 11th, 2023
Watch immediately as they take down his shows quickly
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Banking, Bankruptcy, Big Business, Big Government, Canada, Censoring, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Diversity, Economy, Education, Election 2024, Energy, Environmental Issues, Equity, Federal Reserve, Government Regulation, Green New Deal, Interest Rates, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Liberalism, National Debt, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Republican Governors, Small Business, Spending, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Videos, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Thursday, February 23rd, 2023
IRS ‘is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that’ll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits to boost racial “equity”
- America First Legal Foundation filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal Treasury Department communications
- It claims that an executive order signed by President Biden last week encourages the IRS to alter its algorithms to audit more white and Asian taxpayers
- The algorithm the IRS uses was found to target black households and businesses more than non-black households and businesses
PUBLISHED: 13:03 EST, 22 February 2023 | UPDATED: 13:08 EST, 22 February 2023
Posted in Administrative State, Big Government, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Diversity, Economy, Equity, Government Waste and Fraud, IRS, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Small Business, Social Justice, Taxation, Taxes, Transparency, White Privilege, Wokeness | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
Exclusive: On the Ground With the Farmers Blockade; True Reason Why Elites Plan to Confiscate Land | Facts Matter
We are in the village of Erbeek in the Netherlands. This is the site of one of several dozen farmers’ protests that have sprung up across the entire country. These are real grassroots protests. They’re not really coordinated and there’s no top-down structure, but they’re just springing up everywhere. They are being initiated by farmers who are seeing new government regulations that are being proposed in the parliament as something of a death sentence for their farms: between 30 percent to 50 percent of farms might actually close down if these regulations go into effect
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agriculture, Big Government, Bill Gates, Demographics, Discrimination, Economy, Environmental Issues, EU ( European Union), Europe, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Grassroots, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Media, Nationalism, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Regulations, Small Business, Social Justice, Socialism, Sustainability, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Wokeness | No Comments »
Thursday, February 17th, 2022
This is the most important article I have ever sent out. Please share with all your contacts as The Great Reset has to be stopped. Nancy
December 2021 • Volume 50, Number 12 • Michael RectenwaldWHAT IS THE GREAT RESET?
Michael Rectenwald
Chief Academic Officer, American Scholars
Michael Rectenwald is the chief academic officer for American Scholars. He has a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, an M.A. from Case Western Reserve University, and a Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University. He has taught at New York University, Duke University, North Carolina Central University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Case Western Reserve University. He is the author of numerous books, including Nineteenth-Century British Secularism: Science, Religion, and Literature; Google Archipelago; Beyond Woke; and Thought Criminal.
The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on November 7, 2021, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “The Great Reset.”
Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real.
Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.
But the idea of the Great Reset goes back much further. It can be traced at least as far back as the inception of the WEF, originally founded as the European Management Forum, in 1971. In that same year, Schwab, an engineer and economist by training, published his first book, Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering. It was in this book that Schwab first introduced the concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism,” arguing “that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.” Schwab and the WEF have promoted the idea of stakeholder capitalism ever since. They can take credit for the stakeholder and public-private partnership rhetoric and policies embraced by governments, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and international governance bodies worldwide.
The specific phrase “Great Reset” came into general circulation over a decade ago, with the publication of a 2010 book, The Great Reset, by American urban studies scholar Richard Florida. Written in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Florida’s book argued that the 2008 economic crash was the latest in a series of Great Resets—including the Long Depression of the 1870s and the Great Depression of the 1930s—which he defined as periods of paradigm-shifting systemic innovation.
Four years after Florida’s book was published, at the 2014 annual meeting of the WEF, Schwab declared: “What we want to do in Davos this year . . . is to push the reset button”—and subsequently the image of a reset button would appear on the WEF’s website.
In 2018 and 2019, the WEF organized two events that became the primary inspiration for the current Great Reset project—and also, for obvious reasons, fresh fodder for conspiracy theorists. (Don’t blame me for the latter—all I’m doing is relating the historical facts.)
In May 2018, the WEF collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct “CLADE X,” a simulation of a national pandemic response. Specifically, the exercise simulated the outbreak of a novel strain of a human parainfluenza virus, with genetic elements of the Nipah virus, called CLADE X. The simulation ended with a news report stating that in the face of CLADE X, without effective vaccines, “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 900 million around the world—twelve percent of the global population.” Clearly, preparation for a global pandemic was in order.
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Artificial Intelligence, Australia, Banking, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Border Security, Canada, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Class Warfare, Congress, Conservatism, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Department of Education, Dictators, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2020, Election 2022, Elitism, Energy, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, Equity, EU ( European Union), Europe, Fascism, FDA, Foreign Policy, Free Speech, George Soros, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Hillary Clinton, Human Rights, Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration, Indoctrination of students, Inflation, Intelligence, International Affairs, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Multiculturalism, National Debt, National Defense, Nationalism, Nazism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Racism, Redistribution of Wealth, Regulations, Resistance, Science, Small Business, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Sustainability, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.N., Wall Street, White Privilege, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Friday, February 4th, 2022
By the Washington Examiner Editorial Board January 24, 2022
By so many measures, Joe Biden’s presidential administration falls at the bottom of the scale. But there is one metric by which Biden is tops — in fact, the very tops in all of history. That is the regulatory costs his administration has imposed on the nation in a single year.
The American Action Forum, a conservative think tank that tracks government regulation, has tallied up what agencies estimate their regulations cost. The Biden administration has now imposed $201 billion in regulations — more than three times the cost that President Barack Obama’s very left-wing administration imposed on families and businesses in its first year.
What’s more, Biden’s new regulations are forcing more than 100 million hours of annual paperwork on the nation, far more than either the Obama or Trump administration.
For a presidency that has basically failed in every important area — on COVID, on the border, on Afghanistan, on the economy — Biden certainly knows how to succeed when it comes to imposing new costs.
The single most expensive rule change, by far, is a requirement that automakers meet an unrealistic 55-mile-per-gallon fleetwide average by 2026. But this is only one of many expensive new rules that stand to sap the bank accounts and energy of entrepreneurs and families.
This is one of the many areas in which we are already missing the Trump administration. For all his faults, Trump made a point of repealing at least one regulation for every new one put into effect. This was a revolutionary idea that actually reduced costs. It was one factor that helped usher in prosperity and unprecedented low levels of unemployment prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biden is now crushing the life out of the economy with his regulatory frenzy. And unfortunately, he’s only just gotten started. The new infrastructure bill that he signed will impose many additional regulations and billions in added expenses. And matters will only get worse going forward. With the failure of his legislative agenda and Democrats’ impending loss of Congress in this year’s elections, Biden is likely to follow Obama’s example and govern with his pen and his phone, using regulation where he is unable to pass laws.
From the very beginning of his presidency, when he prevented needed pipelines from being constructed and blocked oil and gas exploration on federal land, Biden has been working to make big government bigger and individuals poorer. His administration is filled with far-left ideologues who know nothing about the daily realities of making ends meet or running a business.
The new president who takes power in 2025 will need to think carefully in advance about how to undo all the damage Biden is doing right now.
Posted in Administrative State, Big Government, Donald Trump, Economy, Election, Election 2020, Election 2022, Energy, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, Fracking, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Green New Deal, Infrastructure, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Small Business, Social Justice, Socialism, Sustainability, Transparency | No Comments »
Wednesday, November 24th, 2021
Jeffrey Tucker: How the Working Class Was Betrayed By Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates
“Many societies have been constructed around this idea of clean and unclean. That’s what we did. And it’s grim. It’s brutal. It’s anti-modern.”
At the Brownstone Institute’s inaugural conference in Hartford, Connecticut, we sat down with Brownstone founder and president Jeffrey Tucker to discuss vaccine mandates, the devastating consequences of lockdown policies, and his vision to create an intellectual sanctuary for free discussion and scientific inquiry.
“Shutting the schools, closing the churches, sending SWAT teams into rural Texas bars to arrest people for drinking beers—they did all these terrible things. But once they invested so heavily in this population-wide experiment all over the world, now you have a problem, right? Because you’ve got a ruling class that’s not going to admit error. So that’s when the lies began. And the lies have not stopped. We live in a world of lies,” Tucker says.
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Democracy, Demographics, Discrimination, Dr Fauci, Economy, Education, Elitism, FDA, Free Speech, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, History, Human Rights, Joe Biden, Judges, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Libertarians, Marxism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Nationalism, Nazism, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Privacy Rights, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Religion, Religious Freedom, Science, Small Business, Social Media, Socialism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, October 30th, 2021
- A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide
- While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies
- These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock
- No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors
- These major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies. At the very top are Vanguard and Blackrock. Blackrock’s largest shareholder is Vanguard, which does not disclose the identity of its shareholders due to its unique structure
Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola’s competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. However, all of that turns out to be an illusion.
Since the mid-1970s, two corporations — Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America’s strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind.
Indeed, the global economy may be the greatest illusionary trick ever pulled over the eyes of people around the world. To understand what’s really going on, watch Tim Gielen’s hour-long documentary, “MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World?” above.
Posted in American History, Australia, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Clinton Foundation, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Elitism, Foreign Policy, France, Free Trade, George Soros, George W. Bush, Germany, Globalists, Globalization, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Hillary Clinton, History, Inflation, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Liberalism, Nationalism, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Oil Industry, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Resistance, Small Business, Social Justice, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Wall Street, White Privilege, Wokeness | No Comments »
Monday, September 27th, 2021
This is a mind blowing video of the global plan behind the pandemic. God help us if this is all true. Nancy
Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Banking, Bankruptcy, Bernie Sanders, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Biodefense, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Cultural Marxism, Cyber Security, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Election 2016, Election 2020, Entitlements, Europe, Federal Reserve, Financial Meltdown, Foreign Policy, George Soros, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Great Reset, Gun Control, Human Rights, Indoctrination of students, Intelligence, IRS, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Marxism, National Defense, Nationalism, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Resistance, Science, Small Business, Social Media, Social Security, Soros, Space Exploration, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Voter Fraud, Wall Street | No Comments »