Archive for the ‘Medicare/Medicaid’ Category
Thursday, September 14th, 2023
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Dr. Harvey Risch: Rise in Aggressive ‘Turbo Cancers’–And Especially Among Younger People |
“What clinicians have been seeing,” says Dr. Harvey Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don’t have family histories of the disease—that’s basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they’re seeing in very young people.”
Dr. Risch is Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis.
We discuss the rise of what are called “turbo cancers” and what may be causing them.
“Some of these cancers are so aggressive that between the time that they’re first seen and when they come back for treatment after a few weeks, they’ve grown dramatically compared to what oncologists would have expected for the way cancer normally progresses,” Dr. Risch says.
Posted in Big Government, Big Pharma, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, covid vaccines, Dr Fauci, FDA, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Liberalism, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Technology, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 12th, 2023
This article discusses how many of the diseases that were once eradicated are now returning because of our illegal migrant crisis. Nancy
How Long Until A Real Pandemic – New York City Jams Unvaccinated Kids Into City Schools
by Sam Faddis September 12, 2023
Not so very long ago New York City effectively shut down its public education system out of fear of a disease that may very well have never killed a single healthy child. Schools were shuttered. Kids were masked. Hysteria reigned.
Now, suddenly, concerns about very real diseases that constitute significant threats to the lives of school children are being shoved aside. The children of illegal immigrants are being pushed into public schools in the nation’s largest city without even a pretense of determining their health status or requirement for immunization. The official policy of the CDC is that they do not track disease by immigration status so good luck trying to get accurate numbers on how many migrants are carrying disease.
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, Corruption/Crime, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Diversity, Education, Election, Election 2024, Foreign Policy, Globalists, Illegal Immigration, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Immigration, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Mental Health, National Defense, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Obamacare, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Social Justice, Socialism, Sovereignty, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022
June 25, 2022
Entitlement: Indignity, irresponsibility, enslavement, tyranny
Progressive Democrats try to bribe the public with government handouts — entitlements — such as Obamacare (“All the care that Americans deserve”), free food (“No American should go hungry”), free education (student loan forgiveness), free housing, reparations for past sins, and income redistribution (“the rich must pay their fair share”). Washington promises to deliver all these entitlements to every American, everywhere, equitably, when needed, for free.
Of course, federal politicians will decide what equitable means, what is fair share, how much is paid in reparations and to whom, what is taught in schools, where you live, what you eat, how much money you have, and who deserves medical care — and when, even if, you get that care.
Americans need to be very clear about what will happen if they accept entitlements.
Entitlement refers to a right to have something or the belief that one is deserving of privileges or special treatment. When all promised entitlements are considered together, progressives intend to create a government-controlled cradle-to-grave nanny state. They make no mention of what Americans must give up to achieve this impossible utopia: the dignity of work, personal responsibility, and freedom.
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Big Government, Congress, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Elitism, Equity, Government Regulation, Healthcare, Human Rights, Indoctrination of students, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Medicare/Medicaid, Multiculturalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Obamacare, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Social Justice, Socialism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Welfare, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Monday, May 31st, 2021
Definitely food for thought ! Nancy
Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of cancer patients after they received COVID-19 vaccinations showed abnormal radiotracer uptake in lymph nodes, researchers reported.
The retrospective study demonstrated that about 10% of patients, who had no visible axillary nodal uptake on PET imaging performed pre-vaccination, exhibited positive axillary lymph nodes after COVID-19 vaccination, according to Jason Young, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and colleagues.
“The decision to proceed with PET imaging after recent COVID-19 vaccination should take into account the evolving knowledge of the pitfalls that such vaccination can cause on PET, as well as patient-specific factors such as the cancer type, cancer stage, and the urgency of the clinical decisions to be made based on the PET finding,” the authors wrote in the American Journal of Roentgenology.
Posted in China, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Obamacare, Technology, Transparency, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Biden’s ‘infrastructure’ plan would cost $809,000 per job
By Jeffrey H. Anderson Jeffrey H. Anderson served as the director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics from 2017 to 2021 and is the co-creator of the Anderson & Hester Rankings, which were part of college football’s Bowl Championship Series from 1998 to 2014. April 22, 2021
President Joe Biden’s “infrastructure” plan is called the American Jobs Plan, but it doesn’t focus much on infrastructure and wouldn’t create many jobs. A more appropriate name for the $2.2 trillion proposal would be the “American Debt Plan.”
Former President Barack Obama’s “stimulus” bill, which Congress passed in 2009 with Biden as vice president, cost taxpayers a cool $278,000 for every new job added or saved, based on estimates from Obama’s hand-picked economists. Biden’s “infrastructure” plan might have trouble matching even that pathetic record. The plan’s overarching philosophy appears to be that the private sector doesn’t create jobs but government creates jobs.
Moody’s Analytics projects that Biden’s “infrastructure” plan would result in there being 2.7 million additional nonfarm jobs by 2030 at a total cost of $2,183,800,000,000. That works out to $809,000 per job — nearly three times as much as those under Obama’s failed “stimulus” bill. Yet Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that creating fewer than 3 million jobs at the cost of more than $2 trillion “is a great place to be.”
Perhaps Buttigieg is comparing this anemic rate of return to that of Biden’s recently passed “COVID-19 stimulus” bill, which Moody’s projects will result in about 700,000 additional jobs by 2030 at a cost, per the Congressional Budget Office, of $1.8 trillion. That’s a little over $2.5 million per job. Still, compared to anything but Biden’s wasteful COVID-19 stimulus bill, his infrastructure plan would be an appallingly inefficient job-creation program.
Posted in Administrative State, Big Business, Big Government, Budget for 2022, Congress, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Debt Ceiling, Deep State, Defense Budget, Democrats, Economy, Election 2020, Election 2022, Energy, Free Enterprise, Government Waste and Fraud, Green New Deal, Industry, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Lobbyists, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, National Debt, National Defense, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Social Justice, Socialism, Spending, Taxation, Taxes, Transparency | No Comments »
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
We used to worry about our government controlling our healthcare. Now we really have something even worse to worry about !!! Nancy
U.S. officials tell “60 Minutes” that China is trying to collect Americans’ DNA
•Feb 1, 2021
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, China, Cyber Security, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, George Soros, Globalists, Government Regulation, Great Reset, Healthcare, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Marxism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Mental Health, National Defense, Obamacare, One World Government, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, August 15th, 2020
August 14, 2020
Despite the mainstream media attempting to brand her as a pragmatic moderate, Kamala Harris is anything but. Mark Levin: She’s a political chameleon who LIES in order to play off of emotions. WATCH more Mark Levin:
Posted in Big Government, Border Security, California, Democrats, Election 2020, Illegal Immigration, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Liberalism, Mark Levin, Medicare/Medicaid, Open Borders, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Transparency, Videos, Wokeness, Women Candidates | No Comments »
Wednesday, July 29th, 2020
This is the complete video. The one I sent you today was just a part of the address of Frontline Doctors. Tucker Carlson had a whole segment tonight (July 28, 2020) on this video. Thanks to Mary Lopez Carter for sharing. Nancy
Posted in Big Government, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Coronavirus, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Economy, Education, Election 2020, Free Speech, Government Regulation, Healthcare, Liberalism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Mental Health, Resistance, Seniors, Small Business, Social Media, sweden, Transparency, Videos, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
Dr. Stella Immanuel talks about the cure for c0vid.
This was taken down from YouTube but you can find it on BitChute –
There is a simple explanation. The one thing “Big Pharma” can’t stand
is therapeutics that are inexpensive.
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, Coronavirus, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Election 2020, Legal Issues, Media, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Resistance, Social Media, Transparency, Videos, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Sunday, March 29th, 2020
NYC nurse: Andrew Cuomo is no hero. He spent years slashing hospital capacity
•Mar 25, 2020
Posted in Big Government, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Coronavirus, Cuomo, Democrats, Election 2020, Healthcare, Liberalism, Medical/Drugs, Medicare/Medicaid, Spending, Transparency, Videos | No Comments »