Archive for the ‘George W. Bush’ Category
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
Juneteenth Versus the Demo Hate Hustlers
“I will give thanks for being born in a country where such moral progress is possible.”
EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE: They won’t mention that this federal holiday was proposed by their arch nemesis, Republican President Donald Trump, and their black salvation pretense is far from the truth.
I read an outstanding commentary this morning by Condoleezza Rice, our former secretary of state appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005. She was previously the director of the prestigious Hoover Institution. Not a single State Department appointee under the current administration rivals her intellect and leadership.
In a piece titled “Juneteenth Is Our Second Independence Day, Rice, the great-grandchild of a slave, wrote about June 19, 1865, when soldiers under orders from Republican President Abraham Lincoln “arrived in the farthest territory of the Confederate states — in Galveston Bay, Texas — bringing with them the news that slavery had been abolished.” It was, she noted, “an important step for the 250,000 people still enslaved in Texas, and one they probably didn’t believe would ever come to pass.”
She wrote of her personal experience a century later, “growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, which was then the most segregated city in the country,” and recounted: “I was eight years old when, on a Sunday morning in September 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed. I felt the blast a few blocks away in the church where my father was the pastor. Four little girls, two of whom I knew, were killed.”
She observes: “To me, Juneteenth is a recognition of what I call America’s second founding. Despite our nation’s extraordinary founding documents about equality, this country was founded as a slave-owning state. That is our birth defect. But the words in those carefully crafted documents — written by great men who were themselves flawed human beings — ultimately lit the way toward a more perfect union.”
She concludes: “Today, just as I once did with my parents, I will celebrate Juneteenth. I will think about my ancestors and what they must have felt when they were liberated from slavery. And I will give thanks for being born in a country where such moral progress is possible. That is worth celebrating not just by black Americans but by all of us.”
Indeed. Well said.
But in the years since she was a child in Birmingham, that “moral progress” has been subjugated to the Democrat Party’s politics of hate and division.
Posted in American History, Big Government, Black Lives Matter, Civil War, Class Warfare, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Discrimination, Diversity, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Entitlements, George W. Bush, Great Society- Lyndon Johnson, Identity Politics, Liberalism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Social Issues, Social Justice, Transparency, Welfare, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
This was a TV show that was made after 9/11. I sent it out nearly 10 years ago and thought our readers would benefit from seeing it again. There was an outcry against this film at the time but now that years have passed and more information about Islamic extremism is now known, you be the judge. Extremely well done and terrifying ! Nancy
3,883 views Jul 30, 2023
A television miniseries (both parts put together here for one main feature) on the events leading up to the U.S. terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
Posted in 9/11, Administrative State, American History, Anti Semitism, Big Government, CIA, Clinton, Congress, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Election, FBI, FBI Director, FISA Court, FOIA - Freedom of Information Act, Foreign Policy, George W. Bush, Hamas, Hezbollah, History, Intelligence, Iraq - Surge, ISIS Terror Group, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Jihad, Justice Department, Legal Immigration, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Military, Muslim Brotherhood, National Defense, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan, Palestine, Patriotic, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Religion, Rudy Giuliani, Saudi Arabia, Seal Team 6, Sovereignty, State Department, Taliban, Terrorism, Totalitarian, Transparency, U.S. Presidents, Videos | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 15th, 2023
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Big Government, Big Pharma, Censoring, CIA, Congress, Conservatism, Coronavirus, Cuba, Deep State, Defense Budget, Democrats, Dictators, Europe, FBI, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, George W. Bush, Germany, Globalists, Government Waste and Fraud, History, Intelligence, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, National Defense, NATO, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Putin, Radical Left, Russia, Social Media, State Department, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Tyranny, U.N., Ukraine, Videos | No Comments »
Sunday, July 2nd, 2023
Posted in Abortion, Administrative State, Affirmative Action, Afghanistan, American History, Big Government, Border Security, Cancel Culture, Censoring, China, Clinton, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Department of Education, Dept of Defense, Dictators, Diversity, Donald Trump, Durham Report, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2016, Election 2020, Election 2024, Electoral College, Elitism, Energy, Environmental Issues, Equity, EU ( European Union), Europe, Fascism, FBI, FBI Director, Foreign Policy, Founding Fathers, Free Enterprise, Free Speech, Free Trade, George W. Bush, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Green New Deal, Gun Control, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration, Indoctrination of students, Industrial Espionage, Industry, Inflation, Infrastructure, Intelligence, Interest Rates, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Joe Biden, Judges, Justice Department, Legal Issues, LGBTQ, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Military, Missle Defense, Mueller, Multiculturalism, National Debt, National Defense, Nationalism, Nazism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Oil Industry, Open Borders, Patriotic, Paul Ryan, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Putin, Racism, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Rare Earth Minerals, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Russia, Social Justice, Socialism, Sovereignty, Space Exploration, Spending, Supreme Court, Taxation, Taxes, Tea Party, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Ukraine, USMCA, Videos, Voter Fraud, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, January 21st, 2023
Hi Everyone, I’ve been down here in The Villages in Florida for the past several weeks and had lunch today with a good friend and one of our conservative ladies, Mary Lou Drake and her husband Bob and a few of their friends. Of course, the conversation turned to the political problems we are having and someone mentioned Cloward & Piven. After lunch Mary Lou did a little homework and found this 2015 article by Glenn Beck where he clearly lays out the roots of all the problems we are now having in our country. Glenn Beck does a great job at giving us the historical background of how these problems have been building. Actually, back to Woodrow Wilson and the creation of the Federal Reserve and through the 60’s and on. So, sit back, pour yourself something a bit strong and read it and weep.! Nancy
Cloward & Piven and the Fundamental Transformation of America
Published May 15, 2015 By Glen Beck
I’m going to give you a hard concept to get your arms around: It’s the concept that there are people in this country who want to intentionally collapse our economic system. How could it be that any American would or would want to do such a thing? Well, those involved sleep just fine at night because they tell themselves that they’re not collapsing, they’re transforming — transforming — America into something better. The progressive movement in which these people are involved started around the turn of last century. These are the same people who gave us the Federal Reserve. They brought America the concept of redistribution of wealth through the progressive income tax, telling Americans at first that only the rich would be affected. They are the same people who felt that they knew better about your health than you did that they needed to force you to stop drinking alcoholthrough Prohibition. They brought us the League of Nations, then the United Nations. And their biggest contribution of all: They brought the understanding that our Constitution was a flawed, living, breathing document and that our Founding Fathers were a group of rich racists. Now, today’s group of progressives do not speak the same language as you and I do: Economic justice is taking from haves and giving to the have nots; social justice, to quote Mark Lloyd, is when someone needs to step down so someone else can have a turn, and transforming America means collapsing the state as we know it and rebooting it as a progressive utopia. None of the language is the same. What I would call socialist, they call social justice. That’s critical to understand; they really believe they’re making things better and they’re about to finish the process. They learned from their earlier failed attempts to transform America and the world, like the League of Nations. First, there can’t be a debate. They simply declare the debate over and that they have consensus already. Second, they can’t conduct their transformation in the open. And third, they can never let a good crisis go to waste. Now, as we discuss this, keep in mind that you’re watching all of this through your eyes; you see this as trying to collapse our economy. But progressives see this as a fundamental transformation — something better than we’ve ever had — as promised by Barack Obama: (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, OCT. 30, 2008) THEN-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE BARACK OBAMA: We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. (END VIDEO CLIP) So, let me introduce you to the people you would say are fundamentally responsible for the unsustainability and possible collapse of our economic system: Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven, authors of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Something else to remember is that this isn’t some conspiracy theory that we’re tossing out; they wrote about collapsing the economy and how they planned to do it in the article they co-authored in the ’60s called, “Mobilizing the Poor: How it Could Be Done.” Six months later, it was published in The Nation, under the title “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” So, just what is Cloward-Piven? Well, remember the tree:
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Anti-Capitalists, Bernie Sanders, Big Government, Bill Ayers, Clinton, Cloward-Piven, Common Core Curriculum, Congress, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Diversity, Dodd/Frank Financial Regulations, Economy, Election, Election 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, Election 2018, Election 2020, Election 2022, Election 2024, Elitism, Entitlements, Equity, Food Stamps, Frankfurt School, George Soros, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Hillary Clinton, History, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Multiculturalism, National Debt, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Obamacare, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Rudy Giuliani, Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky, Social Justice, Socialism, Soros, Sustainability, Taxation, Taxes, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, UN Agenda 2030, Voter Fraud, White Privilege, Wokeness, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
What will it be, The Great Reset or A Great Reawakening ?
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Australia, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Class Warfare, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Dictators, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2016, Election 2020, Election 2022, Election 2024, England, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, Equity, Europe, Fascism, FBI, FBI Director, FDA, Financial Meltdown, Foreign Policy, France, Free Speech, George Soros, George W. Bush, Germany, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, Green New Deal, History, Human Rights, Illegal Immigration, Indoctrination of students, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Media, Medical/Drugs, Mueller, National Debt, National Defense, Nationalism, Nazism, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Regulations, Resistance, Russia, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Sustainability, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Violent Protestors, Voter Fraud, Wall Street, White Privilege, WHO - World Health Organization, Wikileaks, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Friday, July 1st, 2022
Harriet Hageman passionately tells fellow patriots in Wyoming, all across America, and across the world, what we patriots are ALL feeling at this point; “WE’RE FED UP!”
Harriet Hageman is Liz Cheney’s opponent as candidate for U.S. Congress from Wyoming, tells the crowd at President Trump’s “SAVE AMERICA” rally in Casper, Wyoming on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
Liz Cheney is mailing instructions to Democrats on how to change parties and vote for her in Wyoming’s GOP primary
Posted in Abortion, Administrative State, Afghanistan, American Exceptionalism, American History, Anti-Capitalists, Big Government, Big Pharma, Black Lives Matter, Border Security, California, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Child Endangerment, China, CIA, Class Warfare, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Cloward-Piven, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Department of Education, Dept of Defense, Discrimination, Diversity, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Drug Smuggling, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2020, Election 2022, Election 2024, Elitism, Elizabeth Warren, Energy, Entitlements, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, FBI, FBI Director, FDA, Federal Reserve, Feminism, Foreign Policy, Free Speech, George Soros, George W. Bush, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Gun Control, Hillary Clinton, Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration, Indoctrination of students, Inflation, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, James Comey, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, LGBTQ, Liberalism, Media, Migration - Islamic, Military, Multiculturalism, National Debt, Nationalism, NPR - National Public Radio, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Open Borders, Pelosi, Planned Parenthood, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Putin, Racism, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Regulations, Resistance, Same Sex Marriage, Senator Richard Burr, Shariah Law, Social Issues, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Spending, State Department, Steve Bannon, Supreme Court, Sustainability, Totalitarian, transgender issues, Transparency, Tyranny, UN Agenda 2030, Videos, Violent Protestors, Voter Fraud, Wall Street, Welfare, White Privilege, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Thursday, March 31st, 2022
Scroll down as there are other videos besides Victor Davis Hanson in this email including one of Kash Patel. Nancy
[PREMIERING 3/29 7:30PM ET] PART 2: Victor Davis Hanson on Russia-Ukraine ‘New World Order,’ Biolabs, and Other War Messaging—Is This a WWIII Moment? |
In part one of my interview with classicist and military historian Victor Davis Hanson, we discussed Vladimir Putin’s goals, Beijing’s position on the war, and why the left and corporate media seem to all be advancing identical narratives.
In part two, we dig deeper into what’s really going on with the Russia-Ukraine War—from talk of biolabs to ultra-right-wing battalions to President Joe Biden describing a “new world order.”
And while everyone is talking about a no-fly zone, many haven’t noticed that Turkey, a NATO member, has imposed what’s essentially a “no float zone,” blocking Russian warship access to the Black Sea.
Is this a World War III moment? |
Watch |
Posted in Congress, Corruption/Crime, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Donald Trump, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, George W. Bush, Germany, Globalists, History, Intelligence, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Kash Patel, Liberalism, Marxism, Middle East, Military, National Defense, Nationalism, Political Corruption, Putin, Russia, Sovereignty, Totalitarian, Transparency, U.N., Ukraine, Victor Davis Hanson, Videos, WW II | No Comments »
Monday, January 24th, 2022
Watch the video quickly as Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty & Levin videos are usually taken down within a day or two. Nancy
Life, Liberty & Levin 01/23/22 ( FULL ) | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP January 23, 2022
Peter Schweizer says that, in a quarter-century as an investigative journalist, this is the scariest investigation he has ever conducted.
That the Chinese government seeks to infiltrate American institutions is hardly surprising. What is wholly new, however, are the number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony.
Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes—all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment.
In Red-Handed, six-time New York Times bestselling investigator Peter Schweizer presents his most alarming findings to date by revealing the secret deals wealthy Americans have cut to help China build its military, technological, and economic might. Equally as astonishing, many of these elites quietly believe the Chinese dictatorial regime is superior to American democracy.
Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators spent over a year scouring a massive trove of global corporate records and legal filings to expose the hidden transactions China’s enablers hoped would never see the light of day. And as Schweizer’s past bombshells like Profiles in Corruption, Secret Empires, and Clinton Cash all made clear, there are bad actors on both ends of the political spectrum.
Exhaustively researched, crisply told, and chilling, Red-Handed will expose the nexus of power between the Chinese government and the American elites who do its bidding.
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Artificial Intelligence, Big Business, Big Government, Book Reviews, China, Congress, Constitution, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democrats, Dictators, Donald Trump, Education, Elitism, Foreign Policy, Founding Fathers, Free Speech, George W. Bush, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Hunter Biden, Indoctrination of students, Intelligence, IRS, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, Mark Levin, Marxism, Media, National Defense, Obama, One World Government, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Social Media, Sovereignty, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Wall Street | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 8th, 2021
Posted in Administrative State, Afghanistan, Big Government, Censoring, CIA, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2020, Election 2022, FBI, Free Speech, George W. Bush, GOP, Government Waste and Fraud, International Affairs, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Media, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Resistance, Russia, Social Media, Totalitarian, Transparency, U.S. Presidents, Videos, Voter Fraud | No Comments »