Archive for the ‘Demographics’ Category


Thursday, July 25th, 2024


This is a fabulous interview of Dr Ben Carson which covers his political views, his fears for our country’s future  and  his life experiences.    Nancy 


Friday, July 19th, 2024


 What more evidence do we need that these illegals are not coming quietly into our country to just seek asylum and escape tyranny in their own countries ?  Please click on the link to view the photos.   Nancy

Packs of “Fighting Age Males” in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town

CC border

As the nation’s largest southern border crossings finally receive mainstream media coverage years into an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis, untold numbers of “fighting age males” dressed in military uniforms are entering the United States through remote areas with no Border Patrol presence. It is a palpable security lapse unlikely to be reported by most news outlets and local, federal, and state law enforcement sources have provided Judicial Watch with detailed accounts, reports, diagrams, and photos of the situation which is terrorizing residents in a once harmonious Arizona town just a few miles from Mexico. They blame the Biden administration’s catastrophic open border policies for the serious problems that have gripped the area in the last few years.

The Santa Cruz and Pima County regions in southwestern Arizona have been slammed with extraordinary violence and crime fueled by Mexican cartels—smuggling drugs and humans—that are victimizing fourth and fifth-generation cattle farmers who have captured thousands of illegal immigrants on security cameras passing through their property since Joe Biden became president. Sometimes they find dead bodies and drug paraphernalia. “Violent activity has drastically increased over the past three years since the border is now perceived to be wide open,” a veteran law enforcement official told Judicial Watch this week, adding that in the communities of Amado and Arivaca American citizens feel much less safe than they did when Donald Trump was president. Both are cattle ranching towns with small populations that are diminishing because of the increased violence. Amado is nestled in the Santa Cruz River Valley about 29 miles from the Mexican border. Arivaca is situated southwest of Amado about 11 miles from Nogales, Mexico.




Wednesday, June 26th, 2024


I have sent out this video before but it is so excellent that it needs to be seen again. Please share with your contacts.    Nancy


This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back


Friday, June 21st, 2024

EXCLUSIVE – New Docs Reveal the Brennan-Clapper-Led DHS Committee Proposed Americans Report Neighbors to the Feds




Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
ON THE LEFT: DEMOCRAT HATE HUSTLERS / JUNE 19, 2024  by Mark Alexander

Juneteenth Versus the Demo Hate Hustlers

“I will give thanks for being born in a country where such moral progress is possible.”

EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  They won’t mention that this federal holiday was proposed by their arch nemesis, Republican President Donald Trump, and their black salvation pretense is far from the truth.

I read an outstanding commentary this morning by Condoleezza Rice, our former secretary of state appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005. She was previously the director of the prestigious Hoover Institution. Not a single State Department appointee under the current administration rivals her intellect and leadership.

In a piece titled “Juneteenth Is Our Second Independence Day, Rice, the great-grandchild of a slave, wrote about June 19, 1865, when soldiers under orders from Republican President Abraham Lincoln “arrived in the farthest territory of the Confederate states — in Galveston Bay, Texas — bringing with them the news that slavery had been abolished.” It was, she noted, “an important step for the 250,000 people still enslaved in Texas, and one they probably didn’t believe would ever come to pass.”

She wrote of her personal experience a century later, “growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, which was then the most segregated city in the country,” and recounted: “I was eight years old when, on a Sunday morning in September 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed. I felt the blast a few blocks away in the church where my father was the pastor. Four little girls, two of whom I knew, were killed.”

She observes: “To me, Juneteenth is a recognition of what I call America’s second founding. Despite our nation’s extraordinary founding documents about equality, this country was founded as a slave-owning state. That is our birth defect. But the words in those carefully crafted documents — written by great men who were themselves flawed human beings — ultimately lit the way toward a more perfect union.”

She concludes: “Today, just as I once did with my parents, I will celebrate Juneteenth. I will think about my ancestors and what they must have felt when they were liberated from slavery. And I will give thanks for being born in a country where such moral progress is possible. That is worth celebrating not just by black Americans but by all of us.”

Indeed. Well said.

But in the years since she was a child in Birmingham, that “moral progress” has been subjugated to the Democrat Party’s politics of hate and division.




Sunday, June 16th, 2024


This situation is beyond frightening.  Nancy 

Yes, Ripley, IQ’s Did Drop Sharply While You Were Away – We Are Doing Nothing To Stop The Impending Terrorist Attack

By Sam Faddis,  retired  CIA operations officer 
 -Bio –
June 16, 2024
In the science fiction movie “Aliens” Sigourney Weaver, confronted with unimaginable stupidity on the part of military and corporate officials planning to revisit a planet known to be inhabited by monstrous, almost indestructible aliens famously utters the line, “Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”
I can relate. Unfortunately, we all can relate. Watching the slow-motion train wreck that is the Biden administration’s “national security” policy is quite literally maddening.

Back in March, a bunch of guys from ISIS-K shot up a Moscow concert hall. At least 143 people were killed. All of the attackers were Tajiks.

The Russians had been warned in advance by the United States of the impending attack. The Russians were aware that ISIS-K operatives were on their soil. They did nothing of consequence to stop the attack from happening.

In the aftermath of the Moscow attack, everybody in the vaunted American intelligence and security apparatus understood that we were next on the list of targets for ISIS-K. They also understood that there was a pipeline moving illegals from Tajikistan directly into the United States. Those individuals traveling to the United States typically transit Istanbul, just as the attackers did on their way to Moscow. Istanbul is a known logistical hub for ISIS-K operations.

There was a big uptick in the number of migrants from Central Asian countries last year, with more than 50,000 people from the region illegally entering the United States. Among them were some 17,000 from Uzbekistan, 7,000 from Kyrgyzstan, 3,000 from Tajikistan, 2,700 from Kazakhstan, and some 2,000 from Turkmenistan.”

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty March 20,2024

In a single U.S. border sector, San Diego, California, 140,000 illegal migrants, including around 2,500 Uzbek citizens, 500 Tajiks, and about 400 Kyrgyz nationals, entered the United States in the first quarter of this year, according to the Border Patrol. 




Thursday, May 23rd, 2024



Mind-Blowing Revelation on Border Betrayal

Biden Facilitating Organized Illegal Immigration

Act For America – May 17, 2024

Globalists Utilize Marxist-Climate Doctrine to Undermine US Sovereignty

Under the guise of the United Nations “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” the Biden administration swiftly initiated full cooperation with the UN, systematically dismantling Trump-era policies aimed at securing operational control of the border.

This shift towards UN partnership and the erosion of border security measures has resulted in borderlessness and unconstitutional incursions violating our national security and sovereignty. Through executive orders, suspension of immigration enforcement, and collaboration with UN partners and NGOs, Biden’s administration is facilitating an orchestrated invasion of nations, notably evident in Panama’s Darien Gap camps. Overseen by Mayorkas, these camps serve as a launching pad for planned migration from 150 countries, a move fully aligned with and managed by the UN under 2030 Agenda objectives.

The core tenets of the 2030 Agenda, including orchestrated migration for “inclusive growth and sustainable development,” highlight the coordinated efforts between the Biden administration and UN members. The agenda’s emphasis on facilitating safe and regular migration, income redistribution, elimination of perceived discriminatory laws against migrants, adoption of specific wage and social protection policies, financial market regulation, and enhanced migrant representation in decision-making processes mirrors the trajectory of Biden’s immigration policies.

The alignment between Biden’s immigration agenda and the 2030 Agenda reveals a deliberate fusion of Marxist climate doctrine with international migration policies. This underscores a broader agenda aimed at replacing national identities and freedoms with a homogenized global order, particularly targeting the United States, the world’s economic leader.




Sunday, May 19th, 2024


Heads up everyone.  Be aware of your surroundings !   Nancy  

Two Jordanian nationals in ICE custody over breach at Quantico Marine base: Possible ‘ISIS dry run’

Story by Megan Palin

Two Jordanians who may have been doing a “dry run for Al Qaeda or ISIS” have been arrested after allegedly trying to scam and then ram their way onto a US marine base in Virginia with a truck.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to The Post two Jordanian nationals are now in custody after being stopped at the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base, 35 miles southwest of Washington DC.

“On May 3, 2024, Marine Corps Base Quantico’s Criminal Investigations Division arrested two Jordanian noncitizens for trespassing,” ICE Washington spokesperson James Covington said.

“Deportation officers from Enforcement and Removal Operations’ [ERO] Criminal Apprehension Program responded and arrested both individuals without incident.”

The incident was first reported by Potomac Local News and highlighted by The Post on Monday.

The local site reported multiple sources saying the truck’s occupants had recently crossed the southern border into the US and one occupant was on the US government’s terrorist watch list.


However, authorities would not confirm if either were on the terror watch list, elaborate on their intentions or what was in the truck, only saying the pair will remain in custody and will be deported from the US.

The Jordanian pair drove a box truck up to the Fuller Road Gate of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, where they were stopped by military sentries on May 3, Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, said in an earlier statement to The Post.

“When asked, the operator of the truck informed the military police officers they worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon and were making a delivery to the US Post Office located in the Town of Quantico,” he explained.

The military officers reportedly realized the occupants of the vehicle had no affiliation to Quantico or approved credentials and directed them to a holding area to be vetted.


“It was at that time, one of the military police officers noticed the driver ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Marine Corps Base Quantico,” Curtis said.




Saturday, May 18th, 2024


Why Counting Illegals On The Census Threatens American Democracy

May 15, 2024

The counting of illegal aliens as part of the decennial U.S. Census is one of the most under-discussed aspects of illegal immigration, but it represents a major threat to the future of American democracy.

As currently constituted, the census counts everyone currently living in the U.S., regardless of their citizenship or legal status. The results establish the number of electoral votes and congressional seats allocated to each state. So, while illegal aliens and all noncitizens are legally banned from voting in federal elections, they are still allowed to legally impact elections through the census. Given that more than seven million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. over the past three years, we can expect illegal aliens to have an outsized influenced on both the electoral college and the House of Representatives after the counting of the next census occurs in 2030. This is a crisis of democracyas well as a crisis of sovereignty.

Even if one buys into the dubious notion that all of the many millions of illegal aliens who currently reside in the country are following the law and not voting in federal elections, their presence in the country could still potentially be decisive in elections. Take the state of New Jersey, for example. A recent study from the Garden State found that almost 1-in-10 New Jersey residents are illegal aliens. This means that nearly 1/10th of New Jersey’s electoral college votes and 1/10th of its House representation after 2030 could be the result of illegal immigration, and New Jersey is not even a border state. Imagine the impact illegal immigration may have on the census results in states like California, Arizona, or Texas.

All of this violates the sacred principle that American elections must be decided by American citizens and American citizens only. Illegal aliens may not be a voting bloc, but they are a large bloc with growing influence on the outcome of American elections.




Thursday, May 9th, 2024


Blue State Outlook: Almost 1-in-10 New Jersey Residents Are Illegal Aliens

By John Binder   May 7, 2024

Nearly 1-in-10 New Jersey residents are illegal aliens, costing the blue state’s residents at least $7.3 billion annually, a report from State Assemblyman Paul Kanitra (R) finds.

The report suggests that illegal aliens now account for about 7 to 8 percent of all New Jersey residents with an estimated 892,000 out of the state’s 9.3 million residents. According to Kanitra, New Jersey “hosts a disproportionate share of the illegal alien population in these United States.”

“New Jersey hosts about 1 in 22 of the illegal aliens and 1 in 37 of the people in these United States,” the report states. “That means there are 60% more illegal aliens in New Jersey than our fraction of this Union’s population.”

The cost to New Jersey residents is enormous, Kanitra details, as each New Jersey household spends about $2,100 every year to afford illegal aliens residing in the state. Likewise, every individual employed in New Jersey is billed nearly $1,600 annually for illegal immigration.

Housing illegal aliens, specifically, has come with large burdens for blue state residents — including those who live in New Jersey.





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