Archive for the ‘Germany’ Category


Tuesday, June 25th, 2024


Conservative Women’s Forum is proud to announce a new book that one of our own  conservative ladies, Laura Gutman,  has written.  This is Laura’s first book and is based on her own experiences as an Army Brat during the 2nd World War and the Vietnam era.    Congratulations Laura !!!!   Nancy  


Army Brat: World War II Kindle Edition

by Laura Gutman (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

The lives of Army brats have always been a core component of the US military. Scarcely described until now, Army Brat: World War II is an essential account that fills a major gap in history.
Author Laura Thurston Gutman lived deeply embedded within the US Armed Forces from the United States’ earliest entry into World War II through the Vietnam era. Chronicling pivotal events during those years, this historical autobiography describes a life inextricably intertwined with the military. From her birth at West Point’s hospital, to her cobbled-together education, and witnessing her father’s many military honors, Laura’s childhood was one of intense awareness of the danger her father faced and the courage her mother displayed. As she grew older, she lurked in the background during long evenings of intense discussions of policy. Through the constant upheaval and disruption so familiar to military families, Laura developed a radical independence, a determination to gain control over her life, and a fearless approach to her own education.
Chronicling the experiences of a strong military family as they witness and participate in the unfolding of history in a dangerous and challenging world, Army Brat identifies consequential insights into the critical importance of a strong religious foundation; an educational system dedicated to core concepts of nation and loyalty; and leadership that prioritizes sovereignty, national defense, and military support.


Tuesday, June 11th, 2024


Trump and the European Populist Right

The continent’s elites worry about America’s election, but the problem has hit closer to home.

By Gerard Baker  June 10, 2024
Europe’s elites have been huddling in a defensive crouch to shield themselves pre-emptively from what they regard as the catastrophe of a looming second Donald Trump presidency. From their chancelleries, newsrooms, academic common rooms and plush corporate and bureaucratic corner offices, they have watched with horror political trends on this side of the Atlantic. They can’t believe that instead of gratefully returning Joe Biden and his enlightened Democrats for four more years of the green revolution, vast increases in state spending and further devotion to the modern religion of diversity, equity and inclusion, American voters from no-name places between New York and California may succeed again in placing in the White House the man these Continental elites regard as the greatest threat to democracy ever.

But it turns out that it isn’t the American electorate our cultured European friends most have to fear. It’s their own people. It isn’t the loud-mouthed New Yorker with his deplorable views on fossil fuels, immigration and national security, but the rising tide of populist leaders in their own countries that pose the largest threat to Europe’s comfortable establishment.

The past weekend’s elections for the European Parliament provided the clearest evidence yet that large numbers of voters have had enough of the bipartisan progressive-green-secularist-globalist consensus under which they have been governed for years. France, Germany, Spain, Italy and smaller countries saw huge advances by parties of the right that oppose mass immigration, reject extreme climate measures and resist the continuing dissolution of their civilization into a relativist, multicultural mush.



ROSS RANT – JUNE 4, 2024

Monday, June 10th, 2024


If you are unfamiliar with the Ross Rant, this link will provide information on Joel Ross, the author of the newsletter


I often read the Ross Rant since he seems to have great insights on a huge range of fronts.  I found this particular “Rant” to be extremely insightful.  As with almost all his posts, it is a long read but it sure puts things together in a cogent fashion.



 I hate conspiracy theories, but we all need to look at what is transpiring, and the conspiracy is there for all to see. Put aside all the illegal aspects of how the Trump trial was conducted, and focus instead on the overall bigger picture, and what is really happening. There is a grand scheme to consolidate power in the White House with someone organizing what is, in fact, a non-violent attempt at assumption and retention of power. First, they attacked a lot of the tea party groups by illegally using the IRS when Obama first came to office. They get Trump impeached with the phony dossier. They almost succeeded with the ignorant help of the left-wing press. When that did not work, they tried the impeachment route again on new false claims about a phone call. In 2020, Sanders almost got the primary victory. They needed an easily manipulated Biden to win, and to be the puppet Obama could control by getting many of his senior staff into the top positions in the White House.  Clyburn was tasked to manage rounding up the black votes and get Biden a win. They supposedly made some deal with Sanders to implement some of his far-left agenda, which they have done.  I believe Biden really won the 2020 election even though there were cases of voter fraud, ballot harvesting, no voter ID, same day registration, and mail in ballots. With Biden in the White House, Obama was able to plant Susan Rice, Blinken, Sullivan and others in key jobs, and control policy. It is not clear if Biden even realized what was happening, or he was able to be convinced to have them as his advisors since he had worked closely with them for several years. Now Rice has disappeared for some reason.  Don’t you find it odd that she was this very powerful and very high-profile public person, and now she has just disappeared from sight. Keep in mind congress has paid out millions to cover up affairs and misdeeds by Congressmen. If they prosecuted every CEO who had an affair with an employee, and then paid to keep it quiet, we would have a lot of CEOs in jail. We still do not know exactly what crime he is guilty of as the jury never made that clear.

Now it is 2024, and Trump is in the lead, and Biden Harris is a very weak slate. The Bragg case, according to every objective experienced lawyer who has opined, including Dershowitz, has said the entire case is completely not only without any merit, and was run by a judge who made numerous major errors, but is clearly a set up with the judge being selected outside of normal court routine. The jury instructions were essentially a directed verdict. In another case, the Dems rolled out the woman who accused Trump of sexual assault 20 years ago, well beyond the statute of limitations, and they had the NY State legislature change the statute to allow that case to go forward. The real estate fraud case is total crap. Nobody was damaged at all. Every bank was fully repaid on time. Under banking regs, banks are responsible these days to get their own independent appraisals, and to do their own valuations.  That case is as concocted and staged as the Bragg case. It was designed to bankrupt Trump. And then there is the documents case, which it seems has real flaws with an illegally appointed special prosecutor, and the GA case with the prosecutor who has real issues of conflict. All four of the prosecutors went to the White House and met with the lawyers there before filing charges, and then Bragg gets the number 3 official in DOJ to leave his high-level job and become a low-level local prosecutor for this case. Nobody does that. Recall the 51 intel officials who signed a letter saying the laptop was Russian disinformation, and now that laptop is the proof they will use to convict Hunter. There are also the continuing efforts to get Thomas off the court, and now Alito, and to expand the court with Biden appointments. SCOTUS is all that stands between them and saving our nation. If Trump loses, we will lose the Supreme Court and our liberties. Lastly, they have open borders so they can have millions of illegals vote by mail to be ballot harvested with no voter ID. A few dollars to the illegals and they will sign a ballot. That is exactly how LBJ won his TX governor election. It is also how Daley did it in Chicago, and how JFK became the unelected president. Obama learned from Daley. This is going to be Chicago and LBJ revisited. Taken altogether, this is the latest effort by the Dems to get rid of Trump, and to get total control. Piece all of this together for yourself, and you have a many year’s conspiracy, and an attempt to get full control of the government by Obama and Clinton, but mainly Obama. This is the real threat to democracy. A series of events of this nature and magnitude does not happen without someone planning and directing it-Obama. It is all funded by Arabella. If you are old enough you recall Beria, the secret police chief under Stalin.  “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” You just witnessed this.




Thursday, June 6th, 2024


Thanks to Colonel Jay Stobbs (Ret) for sharing this article commemorating the 80th anniversary of D Day.  Nancy

“The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. … And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

͏   ͏   ͏   ͏   ͏   ͏   ͏   ͏
Alexander’s Column · June 5, 2024 Read Online Subscription

Profiles of Valor: The Last D-Day Vets Standing

“The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. … And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

Mark Alexander

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” —John 15:13

Thursday of this week, June 6th, 2024, marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Europe at Normandy, D-Day. The photos of the few Veterans who remain and were able to return to the beaches where so many friends were lost are inspiring. They embody the American Spirit of their Greatest Generation, many of whom I have featured in Profiles of Valor over the years. (See photos here.)

They are the last of the D-Day Vets standing — fewer than 200 remain, and their average age is over 100. It is fitting that D-Day follows close behind Memorial Day as a visceral reminder of enormous sacrifice.

A total of 66 Veterans are expected to return for the week-long observance, the youngest being 95 and the oldest 107. The fitting commemorative events are outlined in a 30-page program of activities along the 50-mile stretch of beaches. They include various reenactments, airborne parachute jumps, military convoys, and parades and ceremonies featuring dignitaries from around the world.

Kathryn and Don Edwards, who operate Best Defense Foundation, arranged travel and accommodations for many of those returning. Kathryn says, “This is going to be the last hurrah,” and her mission is to ensure that these Vets and their families “know what they did is still respected and honored.” Also, a note of appreciation here for American Airlines, which not only provided Veteran transportation for this anniversary event but also provides transportation at no charge for all our nation’s Medal of Honor recipients every day of the year.

One of those returning, Californian Bill Becker, was warmed by the welcome he and the other Vets received at Deauville, Normandy: “These people love us so much. It’s overwhelming. I made it.” And indeed, they do love these Americans. There is not a native French resident in the area who does not have a family connection and survival story from this dark period of history. Bill adds: “I feel very good that we did something to help win the war. We did something in this world that made it better.” And at a great cost.




Tuesday, May 14th, 2024


SOS: Stop the World Health Organization’s Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab

by Robert Williams
May 13, 2024 


The proposed amendments to the IHR, however, give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.

This means that the WHO will be able to declare whatever it deems to be an actual or potential health emergency and mandate lockdowns, medical examinations, require vaccination or other prophylaxes, place individuals under public health observation, implement quarantine or other health measures.

In addition, the IHR will adopt the worldwide use of digital vaccine passports. Already in June 2023, the European Union and the WHO announced “a long-term digital partnership to deliver better health for all.”


  • The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.
  • Worse, no criticism of the new WHO regime and its decisions to declare potential or actual pandemics, lockdowns and treatment, including vaccines, will be allowed under the amended IHR… In other words, the government lies, obfuscations and cover-ups that so dominated the last pandemic will become normalized, and all criticism outlawed.
  • Already, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (not a medical doctor) has castigated critics of the planned amendments and new Pandemic Treaty as conspiracy theorists who spread “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”
  • (more…)


Thursday, May 9th, 2024
1,246,557 views Premiered Jan 18, 2024

Our very own Dr. Kevin Roberts went to the belly of the beast to give globalist elites a clear message: Americans will not tolerate a woke agenda that strips them of self-governance and liberty.




Monday, January 15th, 2024


I know this is going to sound “over the top” but Tucker Carlson’s interview of Bret Weinstein, a former professor of evolutionary biology, is one of the most extremely informative and profound interviews I have seen.  The interview is long and begins with an analysis of the Pharma industry and about half way through the interview, the subject of the attempt by the WHO (World Health Organization) to control and mandate global responses to  the next pandemic is discussed. We just have two weeks before this globalist plan is put in place.   I sent out an email yesterday regarding how to register your objection to this globalist plan with your representatives-

 Please take the time to take action on this globalist plan and  please share Tucker’s important video interview with your contacts.  Nancy   



  • Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are
  • American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied
  • Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it
  • The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology
  • By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health


Saturday, November 25th, 2023


Europe is finally waking up to the fact that the undeveloped world is making a concentrated effort at getting to the West and their generous welfare systems.  When will we wake up ?   In the words of Margaret Thatcher  – 

Margaret Thatcher

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

― Margaret Thatcher



As Migration to Europe Rises, a Backlash Grows

Anti-immigration parties are winning elections and surging in polls

Finnish border guards escort migrants at the international border crossing at Salla, northern Finland, this week. PHOTO: LEHTIKUVA/REUTERS

Rising migration across Europe, including the biggest surge in asylum seekers since a 2015-2016 migrant crisis, is fueling support for far-right and anti-immigration parties, potentially reshaping European politics for years.

Nationalist parties that champion a harder line against immigration are surging in polls and have entered governments in countries from Italy to Finland, as anxiety rises about sluggish economic growth and crises from Ukraine to the Middle East. The far right is polling strongly in the continent’s two largest countries, Germany and France.

This week’s victory in Dutch elections by far-right politician Geert Wilders, who has placed anti-migration policies at the heart of his political platform for the last 15 years, was a powerful sign of how voters are drifting to antiestablishment politicians, analysts said. He will still need to form a coalition in a fractured political landscape, which likely means softening some of his policy goals, but said Thursday that he wants to become prime minister.




Wednesday, November 1st, 2023


Ep. 35 Start another war, send millions more anti-Western refugees to the West. Starting to notice a pattern?


Tuesday, October 31st, 2023


The Global War on the Jews

Anti-Semitism surges, even in the West, which shows why Israel exists.

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board  October 31, 2023

The Islamist group and its Western enablers are pursuing or justifying a genocidal war against Jews, not merely a territorial dispute with Israel. And since Western governments too often seem unable to protect the Jewish minorities in their midst, Israel must defend itself as the only safe home for the Jewish people.

This weekend hundreds of rioters in Dagestan, Russia, stormed an airport in search of Jewish travelers. Mobs raided hotels in other parts of the North Caucasus looking for Jews, and a Jewish community center under construction in the city of Nalchik was the target of an apparent attack.

Germany has witnessed a spate of anti-Semitic incidents, including an attack with Molotov cocktails against a synagogue in Berlin on Oct. 18. Some Jews found Stars of David painted on their homes, an echo of the Nazi persecution. German politicians have been forceful in their denunciations, but apparently not forceful enough in their policing.

Two Jewish schools in London closed for a period over safety concerns, and some British Jews no longer feel safe wearing visible symbols of their faith. They’re probably right to worry the state can’t protect them. Tens of thousands of protesters in London over three successive weekends called for “jihad” and chanted “from the river to the sea,” a demand for the erasure of Israel and by extension its citizens. A crowd in Sydney, Australia, chanted “gas the Jews” after the Hamas attack.


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