Archive for the ‘Know Thy Enemy’ Category
Monday, March 4th, 2024
Terrorist Sleeper-Cells Are Already in the US: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince | Facts Matter
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Erik Prince, former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, and the founder of the private military company Blackwater, sat down with us in Washington DC and gave his insight on the true reason that the Biden Administration is so hesitant to deal with the Houthi issue in Yemen: the fact that Iran-backed terrorist cells have already come through the US Southern Border and are waiting in the wings here in the United States.
It was a far reaching conversation, covering many aspects of this problem, as well as the many conflicts raging across the globe. Agree with him or not, Erik’s unique take is invaluable in a world increasingly at war.
Posted in Afghanistan, Big Government, Border Security, China, CIA, Corruption/Crime, Cultural Marxism, Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Dept of Defense, Donald Trump, Drug Smuggling, Drug War, Election 2024, FBI, Foreign Policy, Hamas, Hezbollah, Illegal Immigration, Intelligence, International Affairs, Iran, ISIS Terror Group, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Jihad, Joe Biden, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Military, Muslim Brotherhood, National Defense, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Sanctuary Cities, Sovereignty, Terrorism, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Monday, October 30th, 2023
VIDEO Life, Liberty & Levin Saturday October 28, 2023
VIDEO – Life, Liberty ^ Levin Sunday, October 29, 2023
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Anti Semitism, Big Government, Child Endangerment, Congress, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Defense Budget, Democracy, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, Free Speech, Hamas, Hezbollah, History, Human Rights, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister, Jihad, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Liberalism, Mark Levin, Media, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Military, Muslim Brotherhood, National Defense, Netanyahu, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Racism, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Shariah Law, Soros, Sovereignty, State Department, Terrorism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Violent Protestors, Wokeness | No Comments »
Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
Islamized America: Once again Muslims hijack public property for Islamic “prayer” – this time they seized control of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital. Cries of “Allahu Akbar” echoed throughout the long, grassy National Mall which is home to iconic monuments including the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. At the eastern end is the domed U.S. Capitol, and the White House is to the north… The four stages of Islamic conquest. The first stage involves infiltration, where Muslims migrate to non-Muslim countries, promote Islam as peaceful, and increase their population through high birth rates. In stage two, consolidation of power occurs, with demands for accommodation, proselytizing, and efforts to undermine non-Muslim societies. The third stage escalates to open war with leadership and culture, leading to violence, ethnic cleansing, and imposition of Sharia law. The final stage is the establishment of a totalitarian Islamic theocracy, eradicating all other religions and freedoms.
Posted in 9/11, Afghanistan, Benghazi Terrorist Attack, Big Government, Caliphate, Democracy, Demographics, Diversity, Europe, Foreign Policy, Hamas, Hezbollah, Illegal Immigration, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Iraq - Surge, ISIS Terror Group, Islamic Refugee Migration, Jihad, Know Thy Enemy, Liberalism, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Mohammed, Multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Pakistan, Palestine, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Shariah Law, Taliban, Terrorism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos | No Comments »
Thursday, October 19th, 2023
This Pro Hamas woman, Nejwa Ali, is completely unacceptable to handle asylum claims for Israelis who wish to enter into the U.S. Nancy
The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims
“F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?” Department of Homeland Security officer Nejwa Ali said.
By Luke Rosiak Oct 18, 2023
During the Obama administration, on social media she lobbied for it to “BOYCOTT ISRAEL” and “End AID 2 ISRAEL,” and during the 2016 election, she complained that “Republicans OBSESS over Israel” and called for “decolonization.”
“F*** APARTHEID Israel and any Israeli that supports that bulls***. F*** you, may allah forgive you,” she wrote, alongside pictures of violent leftist Americans Assata Shakur and Malcolm X. In 2017, she posted a picture of herself grinning in front of a statute of Che Guevara, the murderous Communist militant.
.The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or “asylum seeker.” Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, “F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel,” a Daily Wire investigation found.
Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the “PLO office in D.C.” That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an “Asylum Officer,” where she was tasked with “applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications.”
Posted in Afghanistan, Anti Semitism, Big Government, Caliphate, Corruption/Crime, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Hamas, Hezbollah, Human Rights, Intelligence, International Affairs, Iran, Iraq - Surge, ISIS Terror Group, Islamic Refugee Migration, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister, Jihad, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Immigration, Liberalism, Linda Sansour, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Multiculturalism, Muslim Brotherhood, National Defense, Netanyahu, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Pakistan, Palestine, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Islam, Radical Left, Refugee Resettlement Watch - Ann Corcoran, Religion, Saudi Arabia, Shariah Law, Sovereignty, State Department, Syria, Taliban, Terrorism, Transparency, Turkey, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
Below you will find 2 articles – Products Made from Petroleum and Climate Change Lies. Nancy
PRODUCTS MADE FROM PETROLEUM – This will shock you !!!
By Chet Nagle is a graduate of the Naval Academy and Georgetown Law School. A carrier pilot, he was in the Cuban Missile Crisis. A civilian, he was a Pentagon official, CIA agent, and author. He was awarded the Order of Oman during the war with Yemen.
Centuries may intervene before today’s era of convulsive lies and their manipulative, controlling effects on humanity are fully understood.
At or near the top of the list of these convulsive lies (and liars) is everything having to do with the climate change alarmism industry.
Chet Nagle, writing on Sam Faddis’ AND Magazine platform, does a good job in this post laying out important facts showing how this hoax–yes, the word is ‘hoax’–has been constructed.
Humanity seems determined to march itself into broad economic ruin and virtual slavery in pursuit of ‘fixing’ climate change. There is no need for this societal suicide…as 1,600 climate scientists are now screaming into the void created by Big Tech and government censorship. Does their scientific input matter? Are they really head-in-the-sand deniers? What exactly is the hard scientific evidence–not political/ideological opinion–that refutes what they are saying?
Time to wake up. Truth is refreshing and inspiring and freeing.
We Americans have become extremely worried in the last two and a half years because we have suffered a dramatic fall in our standard of living and personal safety. We sense a steep decline in America’s national and economic security and are at last beginning to understand how it happened and who was responsible.
Those who are fundamentally destroying the United States are legion, and their names and organizations are at last becoming known. The organizations include progressive federal and state governments bent on circumventing our Constitutional liberties, a military more concerned about diversity than defending the Republic, a mainstream media in the pocket of special interests like Big Pharma, and billionaire oligarchs like Bill Gates who are only interested in accumulating more wealth, depopulating the planet with lethal vaccines, and indulging their evil fantasies on Epstein’s island.
Posted in Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agriculture, American History, Anti-Capitalists, Big Business, Big Government, Bill Gates, Conservatism, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democrats, Economy, Election 2024, Energy, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection Agency-, Foreign Policy, Fracking, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Indoctrination of students, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Medical/Drugs, National Defense, Nationalism, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Sustainability, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Wall Street, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Monday, July 10th, 2023
July 7, 2023
The French leadership under Emmanuel Macron used the recent riots to usher in new policies of mass government surveillance. News headlines in France have said that every phone in the country can now be used as a spying device by police. But this actually goes further—the measures include computers and other devices as well.
France is now grappling with difficult laws to regulate difficult powers. But in reality, what it’s facing is a question that most of the world may soon have to face: the surveillance systems already exist. They exist wherever these devices exist. The data is already being collected. This holds true just as much in France as it does all through Europe, and all throughout the United States. It’s mainly held by private businesses right now. It’s sold to advertisers and big data networks. But that could change …
In this episode of Crossroads, we’ll discuss this topic and others.
Posted in Administrative State, Artificial Intelligence, Big Business, Big Government, Censoring, Child Endangerment, China, CIA, Corruption/Crime, Cyber Security, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Dept of Defense, Election, Election 2024, Elitism, EU ( European Union), Europe, Fascism, FBI, Foreign Policy, France, Free Speech, Globalists, Government Waste and Fraud, Indoctrination of students, Intelligence, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, One World Government, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Resistance, Social Media, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos | No Comments »
Thursday, June 29th, 2023
Article by Gordon Change re Probable War with China, also how the Chinese are infiltrating our country through our southern border (rough estimate of military age Chinese men – 5,000 – 10,000) and how they will be attacking our electric grid, infrastructure , water supplies to bring us down. All this could happen while our military is concentrating on gender identity. We have been complacent and are so vulnerable ! Thank God many of our citizens are armed ! We are one of the few nations of the world that allow their citizens to be armed The stocking up on canned food and water wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Nancy
by Gordon G. Chang • June 29, 2023 at 5:00 am
- There is now a Chinese invasion of the U.S. homeland.
- Chinese migrants are entering the United States on foot at the southern border. Almost all are desperate, seeking a better life for themselves and their children. Some, however, are coming to commit acts of sabotage.
- Many [Chinese], however, are short-circuiting the long waits at the consulates. At the southern border, Chinese migrants are entering the United States in unprecedented numbers.
- Once here, the military fighters can link up with China’s agents already in place or Chinese diplomats.
- How many of the PLA fighters have slipped into the United States this way? Some estimate 5,000, others 10,000. Those numbers sound high, but whatever the actual figure more are coming.
- These are China’s shock troops. The concern is that, on the first day of war in Asia they will take down America’s power lines, poison reservoirs, assassinate officials, start wildfires, spread pathogens, and create terror by bombing shopping malls and supermarkets.
- The saboteurs will almost certainly attack American military bases. China has already been probing sensitive installations. Chinese agents posing as tourists have, for instance, intruded into bases, including the Army’s Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska.
- (more…)
Posted in Administrative State, Anti-Capitalists, Artificial Intelligence, Asia, Big Business, Big Government, Border Security, China, Congress, Cuba, Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, Defense Budget, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Economy, Elitism, Energy, FBI, FBI Director, Foreign Policy, Grassroots, Gun Control, Industrial Espionage, Industry, Infrastructure, Intelligence, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Liberalism, Media, Military, Missle Defense, National Emergency Preparedness, Nuclear Energy/Weapons, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Oil Industry, Open Borders, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Sovereignty, State Department, Terrorism, Transparency, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, June 10th, 2023
Sorry, but you will have to endure several advertisements before the movie starts. Nancy
Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Full Movie – FREE)
Posted in A Force for Good in the World, Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Anti-Capitalists, Antifa, Asia, Banking, Bernie Sanders, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Class Warfare, Clinton, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Dictators, Diversity, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2024, Elitism, Entitlements, Environmental Issues, Equity, EU ( European Union), Europe, Fascism, FBI, FDA, Founding Fathers, Free Speech, George Soros, Germany, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Hillary Clinton, History, Human Rights, Identity Politics, Indoctrination of students, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Multiculturalism, National Defense, Nationalism, Nazism, NPR - National Public Radio, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Putin, Racism, Radical Left, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Russia, Saul Alinsky, Securlarism, Social Issues, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Sustainability, Tea Party, Totalitarian, transgender issues, Transparency, Tyranny, U.N., Videos, Wall Street, Welfare, White Privilege, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Sunday, June 4th, 2023
In his third installment of the Plandemic series, documentary filmmaker Mikki Willis explores the psychological and ideological roots of all of the skulduggery we’ve witnessed since March of 2020, and investigates the chief decision makers behind the tyrannical pandemic policies. An important narrator in the film is the American author and broadcaster, G. Edward Griffin, who devoted his career to trying to warn America about the danger posed to our Constitutional Republic by fanatical collectivist ideologues, animated by a crude, Marxist slogan concept of the world. I recently narrated a documentary (still in production) about Griffin’s famous 1984 interview with KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, and I share Willis’s perception that what we are seeing now is, in many respects, what Griffin and Bezmenov warned us about 40 years ago.
Billionaire villains such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros have appealed to collectivist sentiments among the young and disaffected while using their vast wealth and influence to build a centralized command structure for imposing their harebrained schemes on mankind, across all national jurisdictions. The ultimate impediment to their aspiration for world domination is the U.S. Constitution, which has, for the last 230 years, served as mankind’s brightest and most successful model of limited government. If the U.S. Constitution falls and U.S. sovereignty is ceded to globalist institutions such as the WHO, there will be little if anything to protect the citizenry from total, centralized state power exerted by blundering tyrants.
I highly recommend that all of our readers watch The Great Awakening and share the link with their networks. Mikki Willis and his team have worked very hard to make their documentary free and easily accessible to everyone with an internet connection.
Posted in Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democrats, Dr Fauci, Education, Election 2020, Europe, FDA, Free Speech, George Soros, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, History, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Media, National Defense, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Regulations, Resistance, Seniors, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Monday, May 29th, 2023
This is a must watch video. If we don’t understand the origin of Woke and its intent, we will not be able to defend ourselves against it. Nancy
170,451 views May 7, 2023
.Dr. James Lindsay on Marxism “Woke, a culture war against Europe” this conference was organised by the “Identity and Democracy Foundation” and MEP Tom Vandendriessche at the European Parliament on the 30th of March 2023 Contents ————– 00:00 The definition of Equity – woke is Maoism with western characteristics 02:10 Marxism is a genus of ideological thought, with many different species in this genus bound together by intersectionality, but the logic is Marxist 04:35 Society produces man = inversion of praxis 08:00 Take out class, put in race: CRT falls out of the hat 11:00 How’s Queer Theory Marxist ? 14:03 Cultural Marxism appears (or Western Marxism) 16:25 Herbert Marcuse said the working class is no longer base of the revolution, abandons the working class and focuses on race, sexuality and culture 19:00 They see themselves as nations, evolved to attack the west 21:03 ‘Being white is bad, being white is oppressive’ 22:02 The European Cultural Revolution to destroy western civilization from within 24:00 Woke is Marxism evolved to attack the West, Europe is at great risk 26/20 The Goal is to make us global citizens: 17 sustainable goals (SDG) of UN = slavery 28:00 I have come to name the enemy Link to full conference video • Woke, a Cultural … _______ Follow Dr James A Lindsay on twitter: @conceptualjames on web:
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, American History, Anti-Capitalists, Antifa, Big Government, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Child Endangerment, China, Class Warfare, Cloward-Piven, Corporate Cronyism, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Department of Education, Discrimination, Diversity, Education, Elitism, England, Equity, EU ( European Union), Europe, Feminism, Foreign Policy, France, Frankfurt School, Free Speech, George Soros, Germany, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Gun Control, History, Human Rights, Identity Politics, Indoctrination of students, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Know Thy Enemy, Legal Issues, LGBTQ, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Multiculturalism, National Defense, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Privacy Rights, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Racism, Radical Left, Redistribution of Wealth, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Same Sex Marriage, Saul Alinsky, Social Issues, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Sustainability, Tea Party, Totalitarian, transgender issues, Transparency, U.N., UN Agenda 2030, Videos, White Privilege, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »