Archive for the ‘Censoring’ Category


Friday, July 26th, 2024


By The Way, Kamala Harris Is A Dangerous Authoritarian

July 25, 2024
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.

With some hard work, pluck, the right boyfriend and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote. Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.

Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes. And sure, according to President Joe Biden, Harris was an identity hire. But “Morning Joe” says we’re not supposed to talk about any of that. So, let’s discuss her record and stated positions.

It seems like a lifetime ago that Biden named Harris his running mate. What you may not recall is that the media tried to gaslight us into believing the California senator was another apolitical dealmaker.

Former Clinton fixer George Stephanopoulos said Harris was “the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.” The New York Times called her a “pragmatic moderate,” while the Associated Press focused on her “centrist record.” And so on.

A “small-c conservative,” one Washington Post columnist wrote.

The only problem was, according to GovTrack, Harris’ record in the Senate was to the left of red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders. She was least likely of any senator to join in any bipartisan bills.

That’s fine. Bipartisan bills are the pits. Harris wasn’t handed a Senate seat by her former beau and California political kingpin Willie Brown to waste her time legislating with a bunch of pinheads. She was there to run for the presidency. In her truncated first term, few excelled more at smearing their political opponents.

Remember when Harris moderately accused Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape?

This false perception of moderation stems from Harris’ time as prosecutor and attorney general. Harris liked to brag about using “a huge stick” as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy — which wasn’t her job.




Thursday, July 25th, 2024


This is a fabulous interview of Dr Ben Carson which covers his political views, his fears for our country’s future  and  his life experiences.    Nancy 


Saturday, July 20th, 2024


The Deep State – Now The Deep Truth


Sunday, July 14th, 2024


Thanks to Laura Cox for sharing with us a very timely article that was written on the 4th of July and ties in with the  assassination attempt on former President Trump yesterday.   Nancy 

How I Became an American

I never realized how easy it was to lose free speech until the totalitarians came to police it

JUL 04, 2024
Sasha Stone is a writer and publisher who covers politics, culture, and Hollywood on Substack. She writes Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning, Gold Tripping, and Hollywood-Elsewhere Plus, among other newsletters.

I grew up without a care in the world as to whether or not this was a free country. I watched the hippies bomb the Capitol. I saw them burn flags. I watched films that explored dark and provocative territory. It never occurred to me that one day, the party I called home would decide that free speech was too much of a threat, and they had the right to tell us what we could and couldn’t say.

Before Elon Musk bought Twitter, we were edging ever so close to the government censoring thought and speech via social media. A brave group of rebels fought back and confronted the government. There is a thriving independent press where free thought is still welcome.

The American Revolution is considered one of our history’s Fourth Turnings. The Right sees this moment we’re living through now as a revolution of sorts. The Left sees it as a Civil War. They’ve cast themselves as the Union Army and MAGA as the Confederacy. They could not justify everything they’ve done to them otherwise.

I didn’t know I was an American until I felt the fundamental rights the revolutionaries fought for slipping away. The government in power now has abused its power, making the words in the Declaration of Independence ring true even today.






Saturday, July 13th, 2024


This is a long but extremely interesting article.  Let me be clear – I dd not find this article on my own as it was sent to me by someone who obviously wishes to be not identified.   Read on – YIKES !!!!    Nancy   

Big Picture Question – Big Picture Answer

July 9, 2024  | Sundance | 319 Comments

I was explaining how Joe Biden is now facing two formidable forces against his 2024 election candidacy, (1) Barack Obama, and (2) the Intelligence Community.

A question was raised: “I thought the IC and Team Obama were one in the same?”

The answer is no, not really; and the expanded answer is a little more important given the nature of what our nation is facing right now in the 2024 election.

ANSWER – Essentially the worst elements of the IC were always present within the deep parts of the apparatus (the “dark arts” parts where the Dick Cheney’s and John Brennan hung out together). However, they were present, but they were not in operational control.

After 9/11, post Patriot Act, the ranks of the IC bad actors began to swell, as the anger amid the general nation seemed to permit it.

Then a big inflection point. Obama was elected.

Obama’s team saw the opening to exploit, which was created by the newly formed Dept of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intel.

Obama, now with Brennan (CIA) and Holder (DOJ), then used the preexisting IC weapons to turn the system internally. The weaponization and surveillance system began targeting operations inside the USA. The targets were then defined as Obama’s ideological enemies (see DOJ/IRS targeting of Tea Party or Patriot groups).

The IC became a domestic targeting operation, with full surveillance power under the auspices of “national security.” That’s the current system we now see.

The FBI was always political, the new IC system made that exponentially worse. The DOJ National Security Division was created, which then weaponized Main Justice. We see this now.

DHS was used to conduct surveillance operations. Thus, social media companies were recruited by DHS for enhanced targeting operations along with speech control, censorship via Google, Facebook, Insta., Twitter etc.

With control over communication and information, the domestic weaponization got worse and worse. Now the DHS weaponizing systems are like HAL-9000, almost virtually self-aware and autonomous. Artificial Intelligence has made this surveillance capture speed even worse.

As with all institutions created by government, the DHS priority now includes self-preservation.

Obama holds influence in the dynamic of the people within the political silos, fellow ideologues. However, the IC no longer has any restraints, controls or bosses.

The IC function is now a weaponized system, with full surveillance power, that can target any threat, ANY THREAT, including the politicians who empowered and created it. That’s why the politicians are scared of it.


Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum.  This point is where many people understandably get confused.



Sunday, June 30th, 2024


The most important question that is asked in this article is  Who then is running the country and under what authority?  Nancy

ROSS RANT – JUNE 4, 2024

Monday, June 10th, 2024


If you are unfamiliar with the Ross Rant, this link will provide information on Joel Ross, the author of the newsletter


I often read the Ross Rant since he seems to have great insights on a huge range of fronts.  I found this particular “Rant” to be extremely insightful.  As with almost all his posts, it is a long read but it sure puts things together in a cogent fashion.



 I hate conspiracy theories, but we all need to look at what is transpiring, and the conspiracy is there for all to see. Put aside all the illegal aspects of how the Trump trial was conducted, and focus instead on the overall bigger picture, and what is really happening. There is a grand scheme to consolidate power in the White House with someone organizing what is, in fact, a non-violent attempt at assumption and retention of power. First, they attacked a lot of the tea party groups by illegally using the IRS when Obama first came to office. They get Trump impeached with the phony dossier. They almost succeeded with the ignorant help of the left-wing press. When that did not work, they tried the impeachment route again on new false claims about a phone call. In 2020, Sanders almost got the primary victory. They needed an easily manipulated Biden to win, and to be the puppet Obama could control by getting many of his senior staff into the top positions in the White House.  Clyburn was tasked to manage rounding up the black votes and get Biden a win. They supposedly made some deal with Sanders to implement some of his far-left agenda, which they have done.  I believe Biden really won the 2020 election even though there were cases of voter fraud, ballot harvesting, no voter ID, same day registration, and mail in ballots. With Biden in the White House, Obama was able to plant Susan Rice, Blinken, Sullivan and others in key jobs, and control policy. It is not clear if Biden even realized what was happening, or he was able to be convinced to have them as his advisors since he had worked closely with them for several years. Now Rice has disappeared for some reason.  Don’t you find it odd that she was this very powerful and very high-profile public person, and now she has just disappeared from sight. Keep in mind congress has paid out millions to cover up affairs and misdeeds by Congressmen. If they prosecuted every CEO who had an affair with an employee, and then paid to keep it quiet, we would have a lot of CEOs in jail. We still do not know exactly what crime he is guilty of as the jury never made that clear.

Now it is 2024, and Trump is in the lead, and Biden Harris is a very weak slate. The Bragg case, according to every objective experienced lawyer who has opined, including Dershowitz, has said the entire case is completely not only without any merit, and was run by a judge who made numerous major errors, but is clearly a set up with the judge being selected outside of normal court routine. The jury instructions were essentially a directed verdict. In another case, the Dems rolled out the woman who accused Trump of sexual assault 20 years ago, well beyond the statute of limitations, and they had the NY State legislature change the statute to allow that case to go forward. The real estate fraud case is total crap. Nobody was damaged at all. Every bank was fully repaid on time. Under banking regs, banks are responsible these days to get their own independent appraisals, and to do their own valuations.  That case is as concocted and staged as the Bragg case. It was designed to bankrupt Trump. And then there is the documents case, which it seems has real flaws with an illegally appointed special prosecutor, and the GA case with the prosecutor who has real issues of conflict. All four of the prosecutors went to the White House and met with the lawyers there before filing charges, and then Bragg gets the number 3 official in DOJ to leave his high-level job and become a low-level local prosecutor for this case. Nobody does that. Recall the 51 intel officials who signed a letter saying the laptop was Russian disinformation, and now that laptop is the proof they will use to convict Hunter. There are also the continuing efforts to get Thomas off the court, and now Alito, and to expand the court with Biden appointments. SCOTUS is all that stands between them and saving our nation. If Trump loses, we will lose the Supreme Court and our liberties. Lastly, they have open borders so they can have millions of illegals vote by mail to be ballot harvested with no voter ID. A few dollars to the illegals and they will sign a ballot. That is exactly how LBJ won his TX governor election. It is also how Daley did it in Chicago, and how JFK became the unelected president. Obama learned from Daley. This is going to be Chicago and LBJ revisited. Taken altogether, this is the latest effort by the Dems to get rid of Trump, and to get total control. Piece all of this together for yourself, and you have a many year’s conspiracy, and an attempt to get full control of the government by Obama and Clinton, but mainly Obama. This is the real threat to democracy. A series of events of this nature and magnitude does not happen without someone planning and directing it-Obama. It is all funded by Arabella. If you are old enough you recall Beria, the secret police chief under Stalin.  “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” You just witnessed this.




Friday, May 31st, 2024


Do you remember on Christmas Day, 2020 when the Dominion voting machines were being transported to Nashville,Tennessee to be investigated for possible voter fraud related to the 2020 election?  The van containing the voting machines was parked in front of the AT&T building.  The van blew up destroying the machines, and also destroyed the mother lode equipment in the AT&T building. 
This report was posted on December 28, 2020 by State of the Nation.  Why have we heard nothing further?  Nancy  

Is this really why the AT&T Building in Nashville was attacked on Christmas Day?!

The court ordered forensic audit on Dominion voting machines, surprise those machines were being moved to Nashville this past week.

The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennard, is a board member for Cerberus Capital Management (Former VP Dan Quayle is the Chairman) and AT&T…. He also was Bill Clinton’s FCC chair, and Obama’s Ambassador to the EU.

Dominion voting is owned by Cerberus Capital Management…. Cerberus is run by Staple Street Execs. Joe Bidens Brother in Law, Steven Owens, is the cofounder of Staple Street Execs along with William Kennard (mentioned above).

Super Computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in NASHVILLE…. yesterday evening the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and Supercomputer fried…..

If you don’t know, “Kraken” is a reference to a supercomputer former prosecutor, Sidney Powell, has been talking about.

So, the explosion “just happened” to be at the AT&T location where they “just so happen” to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the dominion voting machines and drives for forensic audit and some “random” person drove an RV filled with explosives there? See the problem?

Does it make sense now why no lives were lost? Does it make sense now why the RV was broadcasting a recording to people the evacuate…….

Submitted by Allsingingalldancing



Sunday, May 26th, 2024


An extremely insightful video of what is happening to our country because of  mass immigration    Nancy   
Exposing the Ultimate Objective of the Push for Mass Migration: Alex Newman
May 24, 2024
The border crisis has reached unprecedented levels. Over 7.2 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office. However, behind this crisis are official agreements between the U.S. government and the United Nations that are set up to facilitate mass illegal immigration into the United States.
One of the big agreements is called the Global Compact for Migration. This Compact is not just about running the migrant crisis on the ground—which they do through facilitating immigrant buses, migrant camps, and migration routes, among many other things—but it also has a built-in censorship system that works to control the border narrative.
We speak to Alex Newman, award-winning international journalist and Epoch Times contributor, about the ultimate objective behind the global push for mass migration.


Tuesday, May 14th, 2024


SOS: Stop the World Health Organization’s Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab

by Robert Williams
May 13, 2024 


The proposed amendments to the IHR, however, give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.

This means that the WHO will be able to declare whatever it deems to be an actual or potential health emergency and mandate lockdowns, medical examinations, require vaccination or other prophylaxes, place individuals under public health observation, implement quarantine or other health measures.

In addition, the IHR will adopt the worldwide use of digital vaccine passports. Already in June 2023, the European Union and the WHO announced “a long-term digital partnership to deliver better health for all.”


  • The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.
  • Worse, no criticism of the new WHO regime and its decisions to declare potential or actual pandemics, lockdowns and treatment, including vaccines, will be allowed under the amended IHR… In other words, the government lies, obfuscations and cover-ups that so dominated the last pandemic will become normalized, and all criticism outlawed.
  • Already, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (not a medical doctor) has castigated critics of the planned amendments and new Pandemic Treaty as conspiracy theorists who spread “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”
  • (more…)
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