Archive for the ‘covid vaccines’ Category
Thursday, July 25th, 2024
This is a fabulous interview of Dr Ben Carson which covers his political views, his fears for our country’s future and his life experiences. Nancy
Posted in Abortion, Africa, American Exceptionalism, American History, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Censoring, Child Endangerment, Class Warfare, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Department of Education, Discrimination, Diversity, Donald Trump, Dr Fauci, Dr. Ben Carson, Education, Election, Election 2024, Equity, FBI, Founding Fathers, France, Global Warming, Globalists, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Green New Deal, Hydroxychloroquine, Identity Politics, Indoctrination of students, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, LGBTQ, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Nationalism, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Religion, Religious Freedom, Science, Social Issues, Social Justice, Socialism, Totalitarian, transgender issues, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Urban Renewal, Videos, Voter Fraud, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
SOS: Stop the World Health Organization’s Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab
by Robert Williams
May 13, 2024
The proposed amendments to the IHR, however, give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.
This means that the WHO will be able to declare whatever it deems to be an actual or potential health emergency and mandate lockdowns, medical examinations, require vaccination or other prophylaxes, place individuals under public health observation, implement quarantine or other health measures.
In addition, the IHR will adopt the worldwide use of digital vaccine passports. Already in June 2023, the European Union and the WHO announced “a long-term digital partnership to deliver better health for all.”
- The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.
- Worse, no criticism of the new WHO regime and its decisions to declare potential or actual pandemics, lockdowns and treatment, including vaccines, will be allowed under the amended IHR… In other words, the government lies, obfuscations and cover-ups that so dominated the last pandemic will become normalized, and all criticism outlawed.
- Already, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (not a medical doctor) has castigated critics of the planned amendments and new Pandemic Treaty as conspiracy theorists who spread “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”
- (more…)
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Censoring, China, Congress, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democracy, Dictators, Dr Fauci, Election 2024, Environmental Issues, EU ( European Union), Europe, Foreign Policy, George Soros, Germany, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Healthcare, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Medical/Drugs, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Science, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.N., WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Sunday, May 5th, 2024
Joe Prepares To Surrender To Beijing
By Sam Faddis May 1, 2024
In 1945 the Japanese stood on the deck of the battleship Missouri, signed a surrender document, and relinquished their national sovereignty to the United States. Biden is getting ready to do the same thing. He is preparing to hand our national sovereignty over to the World Health Organization (WHO), run by an Ethiopian Maoist terrorist who is a puppet of Beijing.
The Biden administration is negotiating an agreement with the WHO to promote “global health equity.” This agreement will subordinate Americans to the WHO an international body. The WHO will be empowered to call the shots and to override American law whenever it decides there is some sort of global health emergency. Joe knows that the Senate would never approve this agreement, which is clearly a treaty and requires Senate approval per the Constitution. He is billing it therefore as simply an “agreement” of some sort and intends to bypass the people’s elected representatives completely.
The ”agreement” contains a plethora of provisions so outrageous they are almost impossible to believe:
- In the event of an emergency declared by the WHO, the United States will be required to hand over 20% of its medical supplies, to the WHO for global distribution.
- The WHO will decide which countries get what supplies.
- Whenever the WHO decides there is a pandemic all patent protections go out the window. The world gets all your intellectual property.
- The United States and other designated “wealthy countries will be required to pay a fixed percentage of gross domestic product yearly into a WHO pandemic-preparedness fund. The WHO will then decide how that money is spent and where.
- The WHO would have the authority to declare a public health emergency in any country overriding the decisions of the national government. The WHO would also have the power to counter “disinformation” spread during a public health emergency.
Posted in Administrative State, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, China, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democrats, Dr Fauci, Election 2024, Europe, Fascism, Foreign Policy, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Medical/Drugs, National Defense, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Socialism, Sovereignty, State Department, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Saturday, January 27th, 2024
Dr Villa has treated over 2,000 patients who have suffered adverse effects from the covid vaccine. At the event, there were statements from numerous people whose lives had been severely affected after receiving the covid vaccine. Worst of all, finding doctors who are willing to treat these patients is extremely difficult. This was a very emotional meeting as it was heart breaking to hear how these people’s lives have been destroyed.
Below is a link for video interviews with the Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo on why he is calling to halt mRNA Covid vaccines. Dr. Ladapo’s explanation of how there can be DNA contamination in these vaccines is very easily understood. Please share with your contacts. Nancy
VIDEO – Florida Surgeon General Explains DNA Contamination on Epoch Times and Tucker Carlson – two videos (Jan.2024)
Dr. Joseph Ladapo on Why He’s Calling to Halt mRNA COVID Vaccines:
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democrats, FDA, Free Speech, Healthcare, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Media, Medical/Drugs, Political Correctness, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Science, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization | No Comments »
Monday, January 15th, 2024
I know this is going to sound “over the top” but Tucker Carlson’s interview of Bret Weinstein, a former professor of evolutionary biology, is one of the most extremely informative and profound interviews I have seen. The interview is long and begins with an analysis of the Pharma industry and about half way through the interview, the subject of the attempt by the WHO (World Health Organization) to control and mandate global responses to the next pandemic is discussed. We just have two weeks before this globalist plan is put in place. I sent out an email yesterday regarding how to register your objection to this globalist plan with your representatives-
Please take the time to take action on this globalist plan and please share Tucker’s important video interview with your contacts. Nancy
- Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are
- American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied
- Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it
- The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology
- By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health
Posted in Administrative State, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Deep State, Dr Fauci, Election 2024, EU ( European Union), Europe, Fascism, FDA, Free Speech, Germany, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Great Reset, Green New Deal, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Liberalism, National Defense, Nationalism, One World Government, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Science, Seniors, Social Media, Sovereignty, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Tyranny, U.N., Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Saturday, December 9th, 2023
A friend of mine who lives in New Zealand sent me this report today of a newly reported New Zealand whistle blower’s report of unreported deaths from the covid vaccine in New Zealand that has been kept from the public. There is a tremendous amount of information in this report but I have tried to condense some of it from . Whistleblower Data Release – A Smoking Gun. Keep reading beyond this account that I have copied and pasted as there is so much more to this information in this email including the video. Nancy
Whistleblower Data Release – A Smoking Gun.
Excerpt from the Whistleblower Data article:
Last week, a New Zealand whistleblower, Barry Young, who until recently was an employee of the Ministry of Health, courageously came forward with statistical information about the experimental gene-based therapy “Covid” injection. The data was anonymised, according to Barry and the interviewer, Liz Gunn, and confirmed last night by the prime minister, which means that no personal information of the names of individuals was included, so their privacy was protected.
The CEO of the Ministry of Health reported that the data related to a large amount of vaccine-related information, and was published on an overseas website. It was reported in a Newshub article (4 December) that the man claimed in a video that “New Zealand has had a high number of excess deaths since the vaccine rollout.” He provided a substantial amount of statistical information in the release.
Posted in Big Government, Big Pharma, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Dr Fauci, FDA, Free Speech, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Intelligence, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Media, Radical Left, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Wokeness | No Comments »
Friday, December 8th, 2023
If you are tired of worrying about possible terrorist attacks because of the invasion at our southern border, here is something else to worry about. Steve Bishop has shared with us this very long list of athletes who have died this year after the covid vaccine rollout. Nancy
Soccer Players Are Still Collapsing and Dying Three Years After COVID”Vaccine” Rollout
46 players died from June to November 2023.
Guest post by Dr. William Makis
NOTE: This is just a partial list of the athletes who have died this year. Please click on the above link to read the entire article as there are many more athletes in the article that have died.
Nov.11, 2023 – 28 year old Ghana professional soccer player Raphael Dwamena collapsed during a game in the 24th minute in Albania Super League and died suddenly.
Nov.10, 2023 – Palapye, Botswana – 59 year old Zimbabwe soccer legend and coach Rahman Gumbo died suddenly in his home from a heart attack, in the presence of his son.
Nov.4, 2023 – PIetermaritzburg, South Africa – 32 year old AmaZulu Football Club striker Bonginkosi Ntuli has died after a very short battle with aggressive cancer.
Oct.27, 2023 – Germany – 40 year old Marc Dippold, died suddenly on Oct.27, 2023.
Oct.16, 2023 – 57 year old Mexican soccer player Efraín “Fanny” Munguía died suddenly on Oct.16, 2023.
Oct.14, 2023 – Slovakia – 30 year old professional soccer player Ondrej Chren died in his sleep on Oct.14, 2023, his partner couldn’t wake him up.
Oct.7, 2023 – Glasgow, Scotland – 39 year old James McCourt, professional soccer player and captain died suddenly on Oct.7, 2023. Cause of death not reported.
Posted in Big Government, Big Pharma, Coronavirus, covid vaccines, Demographics, Dr Fauci, Europe, Government Waste and Fraud, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Medical/Drugs, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Science, Transparency, WHO - World Health Organization | No Comments »
Saturday, November 11th, 2023
DNA Contamination in Vaccines: A Potential Cancer Risk? | Dr. Jessica Rose
Views 80.3K •
“100 percent of the vials that have been tested in five different labs around the world now have discovered some level of DNA contamination.”
Jessica Rose is an immunologist who has been analyzing datasets and testing components of the COVID-19 mRNA shots since they were released in 2021.
“If VAERS is a functioning pharmacovigilance database, then why isn’t it being used as such by the owners of the data? Why is it [that] independent scientists like me are having to do this work and bring questions to the table?” she asks.
“The onus is not on us to prove that these things aren’t safe. The onus was never on us to do that. This is appalling. The onus is on them, the manufacturers and the regulators, to prove that they are. And they claim that they have done that, but they have not.”
In this episode, we dive into her research and look into the latest studies concerning DNA contamination and vaccine injury.
“When you look at some datasets and you see things that really contradict, or a week later you see that they’ve changed the numbers in a way that is not possible, it kind of makes you wonder: is this data being manipulated?” asks Dr. Rose.
Posted in Administrative State, Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Canada, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Dr Fauci, FDA, Free Speech, Globalists, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Healthcare, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Medical/Drugs, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Regulations, Science, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023
Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists
Analysis by Dr Joseph Mercola October 3, 2023
- In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan detailed finding massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots. The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning nearly one-third of the content of the shot was plasmid DNA, the presence of which dramatically increases the likelihood of DNA integration and cancer
- An in vitro experiment found that the modified RNA in the Pfizer jab has the ability to enter human liver cells and reverse transcribe into DNA in as little as six hours post-exposure
- The lipid nanoparticles that the mRNA and DNA contaminants are encased in facilitate getting the DNA inside the cell. Once it’s in the cytoplasm, bits of DNA can enter the nucleus by random chance
- Mice injected with the COVID mRNA shot passed on their acquired immune traits — both good and bad — to offspring, which not only suggests that the mRNA can enter the nucleus of the cell, but also that it can be permanently integrated into chromosomal DNA and have intergenerational effects
- Pfizer’s bivalent jab has also been found to contain simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter, an oncogenic piece of the virus’ DNA known to drive very aggressive gene expression. Combined with pieces of DNA, the presence of SV40 promoter make the risk of cancer all the more likely
- The SV40 promoter is a sequence used in gene therapy to drive DNA into the nucleus of cells. If the shots aren’t supposed to alter the human genome, why do they contain bits of DNA and an SV40 promoter that can drive that DNA into the nucleus?
Posted in Big Business, Big Government, Big Pharma, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Child Endangerment, China, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democrats, Dr Fauci, Election 2020, Election 2024, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Healthcare, Intelligence, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Media, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Social Media, Technology, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, Wokeness, Women's Issues, World Economic Forum | No Comments »
Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
Please watch this video of Dr. McCullough, a world renowned cardiologist speaking at the European Parliament. Nancy
Dr. McCullough’s Speech at the European Parliament
September 13, 2023
Posted in American History, Big Government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Censoring, Center For Disease Control, Center For Disease Control - CDC, Coronavirus, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Dr Fauci, EU ( European Union), Europe, FDA, Free Speech, Globalists, Globalization, Government Regulation, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Medical/Drugs, One World Government, Political Corruption, Science, Technology, Transparency, Videos, WHO - World Health Organization, World Economic Forum | No Comments »