Archive for the ‘Ted Cruz’ Category
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
The greatest comeback in history! The moment the big networks announced
Tags: Trump The Greatest Comeback
Posted in Abortion, Administrative State, Afghanistan, Big Government, Border Security, Congress, Conservatism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Diversity, Donald Trump, Economy, Education, Election, Election 2024, Elitism, Elon Musk, FBI, FBI Director, Foreign Policy, Free Speech, George Soros, Global Warming, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, Illegal Immigration, Industry, Inflation, Intelligence, International Affairs, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, IRS, Israel, J D Vance, Joe Biden, Judges, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Middle East, Military, National Defense, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Resistance, Soros, Sovereignty, Ted Cruz, Terrorism, Tim Walz, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Videos, Wokeness, Women Candidates, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Monday, July 29th, 2024
I am specifically sending out this video because of the last guest on Maria’s Sunday show – Peter Schweizer and how he reveals what a long relationship Obama and Kamala Harris have which dates back to when Obama was running for a senate seat Who knew ??? Evidently, The powers to be did not want this political relationship between Kamala and Obama known as she helped him win his senate seat and he helped her win one of her elections in California. This was years ago. Do you possibly think they helped each other because of their joint Marxist ideology backgrounds ?
In trying to find this video on youtube, all three of the videos of Maria’s show cut out the last segment which was the Peter Schweizer segment I had to find Maria’s show on Rumble that did not cut out Peter’s segment. PLEASE VIEW THIS VIDEO QUICKLY BEFORE IT IS DELETED FROM THE INTERNET We’re going to expose these democracy imposters yet ! Cheers !!! Nancy
Sunday Morning Futures w/ Maria Bartiromo – Sunday, July 28, 2024
– Border crisis, Obama endorsement, Israel-Hamas.
Posted in American History, Big Government, Bill Ayers, California, China, Community Organizers, Congress, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2024, Elitism, FBI, FBI Director, Hamas, Illegal Immigration, Israel, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Socialism, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Videos, Women Candidates, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Monday, February 19th, 2024
Senator Ted Cruz is dynamite !
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Banking, Big Business, Big Government, CIA, Congress, Conservatism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Durham Report, Election, Election 2016, Election 2020, Election 2024, FBI, FBI Director, FISA Court, George Soros, Globalists, GOP, Government Waste and Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Intelligence, Iran, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Judges, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, National Emergency Preparedness, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Resistance, Ted Cruz, Transparency, Tyranny, Ukraine, Videos | No Comments »
Thursday, November 9th, 2023
Posted in Big Government, CAIR, Caliphate, Child Endangerment, Cloward-Piven, Critical Race Theory, Cuba, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Diversity, Donald Trump, Election 2024, FBI, FBI Director, Foreign Policy, Hamas, Hezbollah, Illegal Immigration, Indoctrination of students, International Affairs, Iran, Islamic Refugee Migration, Jihad, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Mark Levin, Marxism, Mexico, Multiculturalism, National Defense, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Palestine, pedophiles, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Sanctuary Cities, Senator, South America, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Videos, Wokeness | No Comments »
Monday, February 13th, 2023
Seymour Hersh is arguably one of the last remaining relentless American investigative journalists. With a warrior spirit, he has a long history of breaking open some of the most important, carefully sourced investigations of the repeated malfeasance of the US Imperial Administrative State and its’ intelligence and military crimes. The very names associated with his journalistic revelations are historic. My Lai. Abu Ghraib. The list of his breaking stories which blew the cover on US Government misdeeds is enormous. This guy is a national treasure. And now he has ferreted out the details and spoken the truth which all who are politically astute knew but none could speak for fear of retaliation by the CIA and captured global media. But here it is, yet another story of illegal activities.
The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.
The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.
Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.
Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.
Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”
Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.
Posted in Administrative State, American Exceptionalism, Big Government, CIA, Congress, Dept of Defense, Energy, EU ( European Union), Europe, Foreign Policy, Germany, History, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Military, National Defense, NATO, Oil Industry, Putin, Russia, State Department, Technology, Ted Cruz | No Comments »
Monday, October 31st, 2022
Both of these books have recently been released. Nancy
Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System
. . . with liberty and justice for some.
The left has corrupted the U.S. legal system. Wielding the law as a weapon, arrogant judges and lawless prosecutors are intimidating, silencing, and even imprisoning Americans who stand in the way of their radical agenda. Their “enemies list” even includes parents who dare to speak up for their children at school board meetings.
In this shocking new book, Senator Ted Cruz takes readers inside the justice system, showing how the wrong hands on the levers of power can strangle liberty, crush opposition, and wreck lives. The notion of a “Democratic” or “Republican” Department of Justice is outrageous. That institution should safeguard the Constitutional rights of all Americans. Justice Corrupted will equip patriots and lovers of liberty to hold their government accountable.
By Senator Tom Cotton
New York Times bestselling author and conservative U.S. Senator Tom Cotton exposes the progressive left’s decades-long plot to sabotage American power, culminating in a behind-the-scenes look at the dangerous failures of Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden—and explains what we must do to recover America’s strength.
If it seems to you that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have weakened America and emboldened our enemies, you’re not alone. But Senator Cotton explains that their failures aren’t just incompetence or bad luck—it’s decline by design.
Only the Strong reveals the untold inside story of how progressive ideologues and Democratic politicians abandoned the American tradition of strength, pride, and honor. From the beginning, early progressives like Woodrow Wilson repudiated our Founding in favor of globalist fantasies abroad and big government at home. By Vietnam, leftists had begun to blame America first for the world’s problems—just as Barack Obama did for eight years as he apologized and sought to atone for America’s supposed sins. Along the way, Democrats have sold out America’s sovereignty and hollowed out our military to restrain American power. Even when Democrats have acted tough, it usually ends in disaster, from John Kennedy’s debacle at the Bay of Pigs to Bill Clinton’s fiasco in Mogadishu to Joe Biden’s humiliating retreat from Afghanistan.
While offering a timely warning of the dangers ahead and new stories from Senator Cotton’s service in the Senate and the Army, Only the Strong also provides a formidable and urgent roadmap to restore American strength before it’s too late. Because only the strong can survive in a dangerous world and only the strong can preserve their freedom.
Posted in Administrative State, Afghanistan, American Exceptionalism, American History, Big Government, Book Reviews, Censoring, China, CIA, Clinton, Congress, Conservatism, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democrats, Dept of Defense, Election, Election 2022, Election 2024, Equity, FBI, FBI Director, Free Speech, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, Hillary Clinton, Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration, Intelligence, Iran Nuclear Deal, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Judges, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Media, National Defense, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Regulations, Senator, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Wokeness | No Comments »
Monday, February 15th, 2021
Mark Levin’s show last night with Dave Rubin and Charlie Kirk as guests was really excellent. Well worth a second look if you did see it. Nancy
Posted in Administrative State, American Exceptionalism, American History, Andrew Breitbart, Anti-Capitalists, Bernie Sanders, Big Business, Big Government, Cancel Culture, Censoring, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Education, Election, Election 2020, Free Speech, Government Waste and Fraud, Identity Politics, Indoctrination of students, Joe Biden, Judges, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Libertarians, Mark Levin, Marxism, Media, Mitt Romney, Nationalism, Patriotic, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Racism, Radical Left, Rand Paul, Regulations, Resistance, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Sovereignty, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, White Privilege, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Saturday, February 6th, 2021
This is a long but very important article by Lee Smith. I’ve highlighted areas that will hopefully help if you just have time to skim read it. Please share with your contacts. Nancy
By Lee Smith author of “The Permanent Coup” February 3, 2021
In Chapter 5 of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli describes three options for how a conquering power might best treat those it has defeated in war. The first is to ruin them; the second is to rule directly; the third is to create “therein a state of the few which might keep it friendly to you.”
The example Machiavelli gives of the last is the friendly government Sparta established in Athens upon defeating it after 27 years of war in 404 BCE. For the upper caste of an Athenian elite already contemptuous of democracy, the city’s defeat in the Peloponnesian War confirmed that Sparta’s system was preferable. It was a high-spirited military aristocracy ruling over a permanent servant class, the helots, who were periodically slaughtered to condition them to accept their subhuman status. Athenian democracy by contrast gave too much power to the low-born. The pro-Sparta oligarchy used their patrons’ victory to undo the rights of citizens, and settle scores with their domestic rivals, exiling and executing them and confiscating their wealth.
The Athenian government disloyal to Athens’ laws and contemptuous of its traditions was known as the Thirty Tyrants, and understanding its role and function helps explain what is happening in America today.
For my last column I spoke with The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman about an article he wrote more than a decade ago, during the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. His important piece documents the exact moment when the American elite decided that democracy wasn’t working for them. Blaming the Republican Party for preventing them from running roughshod over the American public, they migrated to the Democratic Party in the hopes of strengthening the relationships that were making them rich.
Posted in Administrative State, Afghanistan, American History, Asia, Big Business, Big Government, Border Security, Censoring, China, CIA, Class Warfare, Clinton, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Coronavirus, Corporate Cronyism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Demographics, Dept of Defense, Dictators, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2016, Election 2020, Elitism, FBI, Foreign Policy, Free Enterprise, Free Speech, George Soros, George W. Bush, Globalists, Globalization, GOP, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Great Reset, Hillary Clinton, History, Human Rights, Hunter Biden, Identity Politics, Industrial Espionage, Intelligence, International Affairs, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Military, National Defense, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Open Borders, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Putin, Radical Left, Resistance, Russia, Russian Reset, Social Justice, Social Media, Socialism, Soros, Sovereignty, State Department, Technology, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Trade Agreements, Transparency, Tyranny, U.N., U.S. Presidents, Voter Fraud, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
If you didn’t watch Life, Liberty and Levin last night, this is a must watch. Senator Cruz lays out the whole history of the Democrat’s fight over control of the Supreme Court and how important this present Supreme Court nomination is. They also discuss Ted Cruz’s new book – ‘One Vote Away’ Nancy
October 4, 2020 Life Liberty and Levin
Posted in Abortion, American History, Constitution, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Electoral College, Free Speech, Gun Control, Joe Biden, Judges, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Mark Levin, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Senator, Supreme Court, Ted Cruz, Texas, Transparency, Videos | No Comments »
Thursday, August 13th, 2020
Doctor Robert Epstein testifies about unchecked influence on social media
•Aug 9, 2019
Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Big Business, Congress, Deep State, Democrats, Discrimination, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Election 2018, Election 2020, Elitism, Free Speech, Globalists, Identity Politics, Liberalism, Media, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Resistance, Social Issues, Social Justice, Social Media, Ted Cruz, Totalitarian, Transparency, Videos, Wokeness | No Comments »