Archive for the ‘Environmental Issues’ Category


Thursday, July 18th, 2024


Perhaps Trump should consider adding “Dig, Baby, Dig” to his “Drill, Baby, Drill” policy   Nancy 

The Risks Of China’s Near-Monopoly On Minerals Are Worrisome

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The scarcity of mineral supplies due to worsening relations with China is an open and alarming question.

The problem is that China dominates the global production and supply of 30 out of the 50 minerals the Department of Energy considers essential. These minerals, ranging from lithium and cobalt to rare earths, are crucial for national security and the transition to a green economy.

Consider rare earth metals such as dysprosium, lanthanum, and cerium, integral to laser-guidance systems for weapons, jet fighter engines, anti-missile defense systems, and smart bombs. The United States relies on China for 70 percent of its rare earths — and an even greater share of other critical minerals.

Who dares claim that trade embargoes are relics of the past? China holds the power to halt mineral exports at a moment’s notice. Over the last year, it has imposed export controls on gallium, germanium, and graphite — all minerals essential for weapons production and energy transition technologies.

Most U.S. imports of these minerals come from China. Furthermore, China has banned the export of rare earth extraction and processing technology. Its next move could be to restrict exports of metals like copper and lithium, which are crucial for electricity transmission and the production of batteries for electric cars.

What is disturbing about our predicament is that over the last 30 years, we have neglected opportunities to reduce our dependence on China. The United States boasts immense mineral resources — worth an estimated $6.2 trillion. To leave them untapped is sheer folly. While Canada and Australia have continued to harness their mineral resources, the United States has failed to fortify its supply chains and protect against China’s potential export curbs.




Thursday, July 18th, 2024


The Green Energy industry that promotes the end of fossil fuels is not being honest with the world.  The following article explains why our modern society will need fossil fuels for the foreseeable future.  Nancy  


Policymakers are oblivious to the differences between ELECTRICITY and PRODUCTS

Since all hospitals, airports, communication systems, militaries, planes, trains, and vehicles are based on the products that did not exist before the 1800’s, that are now made from fossil fuels, today’s policymakers are incapable of sharing a plan to support a supply chain for the products and fuels demanded by today’s materialistic society and economy, as America tries to reduce its dependency on crude oil.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet, of which only one billion existed less than 200 years ago.

  • As a refresher for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil. Wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity but manufacture NOTHING for society.
  • Crude oil is virtually never used to generate electricity but when manufactured into petrochemicals, is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800’s being used at these infrastructures like:  Transportation, Airports, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications, Communications systems, Space programs, Heating and
    Ventilating, and Militaries.
  • We’ve become a very materialistic society over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of all the products for society, and the different fuels for jets, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space program that did not exist before the 1800’s.
  • If the world governments want to rid the earth of crude oil usage, what's the back-up source that can manufacture the supply chain of products for refrigerators, tires, asphalt, X-Ray machines, iPhones, air conditioners, and the other 6,000 products that wind and solar CANNOT manufacture?
  • (more…)


Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024


Our nation’s water supplies must be protected against cyber attacks.  If you have your own water well on your property,  having a hand pump installed on your well (just in case we lose our electricity) might be a good idea.     Nancy

US says cyberattacks against water supplies are rising, and utilities need to do more to stop them

Associated Press
May 20, 2024

WASHINGTON (AP) — Cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and more severe, the Environmental Protection Agency warned Monday as it issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation’s drinking water.

About 70% of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards meant to prevent breaches or other intrusions, the agency said. Officials urged even small water systems to improve protections against hacks. Recent cyberattacks by groups affiliated with Russia and Iran have targeted smaller communities.

Some water systems are falling short in basic ways, the alert said, including failure to change default passwords or cut off system access to former employees. Because water utilities often rely on computer software to operate treatment plants and distribution systems, protecting information technology and process controls is crucial, the EPA said. Possible impacts of cyberattacks include interruptions to water treatment and storage; damage to pumps and valves; and alteration of chemical levels to hazardous amounts, the agency said.

“In many cases, systems are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is to have completed a risk assessment of their vulnerabilities that includes cybersecurity and to make sure that plan is available and informing the way they do business,” said EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe.




Tuesday, May 14th, 2024


SOS: Stop the World Health Organization’s Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab

by Robert Williams
May 13, 2024 


The proposed amendments to the IHR, however, give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.

This means that the WHO will be able to declare whatever it deems to be an actual or potential health emergency and mandate lockdowns, medical examinations, require vaccination or other prophylaxes, place individuals under public health observation, implement quarantine or other health measures.

In addition, the IHR will adopt the worldwide use of digital vaccine passports. Already in June 2023, the European Union and the WHO announced “a long-term digital partnership to deliver better health for all.”


  • The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.
  • Worse, no criticism of the new WHO regime and its decisions to declare potential or actual pandemics, lockdowns and treatment, including vaccines, will be allowed under the amended IHR… In other words, the government lies, obfuscations and cover-ups that so dominated the last pandemic will become normalized, and all criticism outlawed.
  • Already, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (not a medical doctor) has castigated critics of the planned amendments and new Pandemic Treaty as conspiracy theorists who spread “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”
  • (more…)


Wednesday, May 8th, 2024


This is the explosive new book everyone is talking about   Nancy

Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America Hardcover – April 9, 2024

by Scott Walter (Author)
 While billionaires like George Soros, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are well known as left-wing megadonors transforming the country’s politics, few Americans know about Arabella Advisors, a “dark money” operation that channels much of this money into particular causes via pop-up groups designed to look like grassroots outfits. Citizens across the spectrum will be shocked to learn how Arabella’s empire secretly operates using arrangements that produce the darkest of “dark money.” 

Thanks to the author and his colleagues at the Capital Research Center, which first exposed Arabella, even the mainstream press have begun to report on this scandalous story. As this book reveals, Arabella is a major player in battles over Supreme Court nominations, environmentalism, abortion, Medicare for All, fake local news outlets, “Zuck Bucks” that manipulate election offices, lawsuits brought by Democratic super-lawyer (and Steele dossier booster) Marc Elias, and much more.

The money is staggering. In the 2018 election cycle, Arabella’s nonprofits took in $1.2 billion, more than double the fundraising of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee combined. In the 2020 election cycle, Arabella’s fundraising spiked to $2.4 billion.

This mountain of money explains why the left-leaning major media are alarmed. Arabella is “the indisputable heavyweight of Democratic dark money,” warns the Atlantic. A “dark-money behemoth,” says Politico. An “opaque network,” says the New York Times, that funnels “hundreds of millions of dollars through a daisy chain of groups supporting Democrats and progressive causes.” 



Saturday, April 27th, 2024


Is The Great Illusion In Ruins?

73 Comments April 8, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

In 2021, Joe Biden was elected after a bitterly fought campaign that deposed the incumbent Donald Trump. Democrats eventually captured, for a time, both the House and Senate, ensuring the most left-wing government in modern American history.

Americans were then set to witness a great experiment. For the first time in their lives, a truly radical socialist program would supposedly fundamentally transform the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement, crime, education, and social questions such as religion, gender, abortion, and schooling.

In a sense, we were all to be lab rats of sorts, to be experimented on by the radical left and their various critical theories. Now in the last year of the Biden term, we can see the results of that experiment—and the unfortunate disasters that followed.

But first, how was such a radical move to the left even possible in a center-right America?

The Democratic nominee, Biden, had earlier united the left, but only through a Faustian deal. The handlers of a nearly non compos mentis Biden had ushered all his 2020 primary rivals out of the primary races in unison.

But in exchange for their exits that ensured Biden the nomination, the left took over his general campaign—in which Biden was virtually relegated to his basement—and then set his agenda.

Who was running things?

The mysterious architects of White House ideology included, inter alia, the omnipresent, now-Washington-DC-dwelling Obamas, the old socialist gadfly Bernie Sanders, the fossilized tribunes of the black and Latino congressional caucuses, the DEI firebrand Squad, and the neo-socialist scold Elizabeth Warren.

As a result, for one of the few times in American history, the hard left now had undreamt of power. And it was enhanced by a chorus in our compliant media, academia, corporations, the administrative state, foundations, entertainment, and popular culture.




Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024


More tax dollars  thrown down the green energy pipe dream – Drill, Baby Drill !!!    Nancy   

Gone With the New York Wind

Three more offshore windmill projects hit the rocks, despite subsidies.

April 22, 2024   By The Editorial Board
Is offshore wind a perennial infant industry? Despite receiving countless billions of dollars in subsidies over the last few decades, these energy projects are still failing to launch. On Friday three New York offshore wind projects hit the rocks owing to rising costs and technical snafus.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority called off contract negotiations with three wind developers after turbine manufacturer GE Vernova said it couldn’t deliver 18-megawatt turbines for the projects. As a result, the projects would have to be redesigned with more and smaller turbines that would make them noneconomic.

GE’s renewable business had planned to produce the 18-megawatt turbines but last year decided to limit turbines to a maximum of 16.5 megawatts, according to Bloomberg News. Bigger and more powerful turbines have recently been toppling over, requiring expensive repairs. This is one reason GE’s renewable business lost $1.44 billion last year, which was an improvement on its $2.24 billion loss in 2022.

The offshore wind industry received a strong tailwind from the Inflation Reduction Act, which included tax credits that cover 30% or more of a project’s cost. The law also subsidized the domestic manufacturing of components, which New York’s wind developers and their suppliers planned to exploit by making parts at new plants in the state.




Monday, March 25th, 2024


Democrats certainly do have a knack for destroying everything they touch !    Nancy
California is not all right
March 23, 2024

Despite stubbornly high inflation and record-high credit card debt, the economy added 2.7 million jobs last year while unemployment hovered just below 4%. But not all states did as well. California, the gem of Democratic uniparty governance, added just 154,000 jobs, and joblessness stagnated above 5%.

While states such as Florida and Texas grew their workforce by 3.4% and 3.3%, respectively, California’s grew by just 0.87%. All this was while the state budget deficit ballooned to a record $73 billion as revenues from personal income tax collection dropped by 25%.

Why is California’s economy sputtering while the rest of the nation moves ahead?

The simplest answer is that California’s population is shrinking. After more than 100 years of steady growth, California is exporting more people than it is importing. The state continues to have golden sunshine, natural beauty, and warm winters, but bad policy decisions by Democratic politicians who run the state mean people simply don’t want to live there anymore.

The biggest reason people are leaving is the cost of housing. On the coast where the best jobs are, California has some of the most expensive housing in the nation. To afford a median-priced home in San Francisco, a household needs to make $400,000 a year. Actual households in San Francisco make just one-third of that: $136,000.

California’s housing crisis is due to excessive environmental regulation, which makes it impossible to build new homes. While California built just fewer than 120,000 new homes in 2020, Texas built more than 260,000.




Friday, March 22nd, 2024


This is what you are facing if you are traveling with an EV  or for whatever reason, you can’t charge your EV in your garage.  As if  we don’t have enough stress in our lives !   Caveat emptor  (Buyer Beware !)  Nancy  

Public EV charging is a DISASTER (and always will be) | MGUY Australia



Wednesday, January 17th, 2024



Trump Victory May Forecast Creative Destruction

Chaos may lead to renewal

JAN 15, 2024


“Creative destruction,” the term coined by Joseph Schumpeter to describe the power of capitalism to create something greater from the destruction of something lesser, is an optimistic forecast of the outcome of Monday’s vote in the Iowa Caucuses.

Former President Donald Trump resoundingly won the contest, setting himself up for a triumphant return as the GOP nominee who will confront whomever the Democrats nominate this year, whether it is an ailing and unpopular President Joe Biden or a late-game substitute.

Within the Republican contest, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, whom I favored, couldn’t overcome the wellspring of support for Trump that came from unfair, undemocratic prosecutions by the Biden administration and local hick prosecutors in New York City and Atlanta. Those prosecutors and officials in Colorado, Maine and elsewhere who have sought illegally and outrageously to deny voters the option of voting for Trump—supposedly in the name of democracy—helped propel his ascent.

Trump still faces former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, but the former president seems likely to prevail. Haley is a happy warrior like Trump, but will be cast as a globalist, neoconservative, establishment Republican for the simple reason that she is one. Few on the Right beyond the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Chamber of Commerce long for uncontrolled immigration, exporting manufacturing to Asia, or funding the defense of wealthy European moochers.

But Iowa was about more than the prosecutions. Trump is right on policy and right on the image of America, which appealed to Iowa voters. They want the Three Fat Years of economic growth that Trump and his economic team achieved before China inflicted the COVID-19 pandemic on the world. Through those years, Trump had ended the decade of economic malaise that created the populist wave that brought him to power. He made everyone willing to work hard better off—especially minorities.


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