Monday, September 5th, 2022
A Bleak View of America From the Wilderness of Zinn
Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the U.S.” is a left-wing view. It shouldn’t be the only one students read.
Regarding David J. Bobb’s “Howard Zinn and the Art of Anti-Americanism” (op-ed, Aug. 13): News flash! Howard Zinn was a socialist and his books are leftist. Since when are educated people, including students, not supposed to read stuff that they may not or even should not agree with? Young people of all political persuasions should read “The Communist Manifesto,” “Mein Kampf,” “The Conscience of a Conservative” and “God and Man at Yale.” How else can we expect students to develop the capacity to think and reason critically?
Left-wing and right-wing dictatorships censor and control what people are allowed to read because that is the most effective way to prevent the ability to question or even think about questioning the government. David Bobb’s opinion piece would have delighted Zinn himself, for it gives credence to the fact that the “paranoid style” in American politics is still alive and well.
Allan A Bloom
Raleigh, N.C.
Zinn’s acceptance of accolades from the university “owned” by one of history’s worst serial human-rights abusers is interesting. It would have been refreshing if Zinn, after being awarded his doctorate at the University of Havana, had decided to stay in Cuba and write a revisionist (i.e., truthful) history of Fidel Castro’s Marxist regime and its effect on the Cuban people, and what Marxism had “accomplished” in Cuba. Perhaps languishing in a Cuban prison with real political dissenters for a few years would have helped Zinn appreciate the “beastly” American system, with all its faults, somewhat more favorably.
Zinn obviously chose the more comfortable decision to criticize the U.S., where his free speech wasn’t punishable by imprisonment, and his philosophy would be feted by our current crop of movers and shakers. Typical.
Richard T. Groff Jr.
Huntersville, N.C.
How long can a successful nation long endure an endless diatribe of self-hate, coming from an intelligent, committed, yet misery-loving minority, which has ironically succeeded in achieving an active following of equally committed elites, particularly among academia, the media and Hollywood? How long will the good, the brave and productive of this country be willing to sit quietly and watch the damage being done in the false narrative of social justice, before they say: “Enough”?
Jim Farr
Sarasota, Fla. (more…)
Roger A. Keats has it right in his letter of Jan. 14 (“Protecting the Election of Democrats”) when he describes how a minority-Anglo Texas has ruffled the national Democratic Party. In my 49-year stint as a resident in Texas, I witnessed a 100% Democratic state in the 1950s change to one of the reddest of red states today. Among other states, its economy and job creation are beyond comparison. It has become the absolute opposite of California; it does not need nor require a state income tax; and it pays for a substantial homestead exemption on resident and senior-citizen property taxes.
It appears that Sam Houston had it right in his negotiations with the U.S. Congress over the 1845 Treaty of Annexation when he reportedly said in essence that Texas is going to keep ownership of its public lands or we are not going to join, thus laying the groundwork for its economy to become unique among the 50 states. Texas doesn’t have a significant share of its area under federal control, as many other states do, and it is able to profit from royalties on state lands on which it encourages development.
Fred Humke
Bailey, Colo.
Baton Rouge, La.
Mr. Zuckerman seems surprised that President Obama has not reached out to the congressional leadership and forged relationships in a bipartisan manner. Mr. Zuckerman is forgetting President Obama’s history. Community organizers are not known for building trust and friendship with business owners and government officials. Organizers’ tactics are more of confrontation, intimidation and division. When community organizers confronted bankers to open home loans to unqualified minorities, they did not reach out in a friendly, compromising fashion. They demonstrated and lobbied aggressively to get lending laws changed to provide “social justice” for the oppressed.
When the White House demonizes the “millionaires and billionaires” while subtly encouraging the Wall Street occupiers, or berates obstinate Republicans while demanding passage of a “jobs bill” for which there is bipartisan distaste, it shows a consistency of tactics which intelligent people like Mr. Zuckerman should have expected.
Steve Tanberg
I don’t believe Mr. Zuckerman would have for a minute appointed a person with Barack Obama’s lack of experience or lack of important leadership accomplishments to head any of his firms or departments. Yet, for whatever reasons, he helped elect him to the most important leadership post in the world. Now, apparently surprised, he looks back and thinks what went wrong? Mr. Zuckerman and many of his friends need to look in their mirrors.
Cliff Ourso
Sun City West, Ariz.
Teddie E. Pryor Sr. Chairman , Charleston County Council, Charleston, S.C.
Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr., Charleston, S.C.
Mayor R. Keith Summey, North Charleston, S.C.
Mayor Billy Swails, Mount Pleasant, S.C.
Boeing made a well-informed, private business decision in locating its second 787 assembly line to North Charleston, S.C. The company weighed multiple business factors, but the bottom line was simple: keep the company globally competitive. Boeing’s confidence in our work force is well-founded.
Although Mr. Geoghegan refers to our labor force as “poorly educated and low-skilled workers,” experienced aerospace workers are coming from Puget Sound, from across the aerospace-intensive Southeast and from other national aerospace labor sheds. Local manufacturing workers with previous experience are also being hired following their graduation from an intensive, customized Boeing training curriculum offered by the state of South Carolina.
South Carolina is rapidly growing its manufacturing sector and leads the U.S. in the number of jobs recruited from international firms per capita, according to the Financial Times. (more…)
One, the editorial asserts that people in Massachusetts who wouldn’t buy coverage, even though they could afford it, was not a major fiscal problem. But as a state we were spending almost $1 billion on free care for the uninsured. What we did was convert that money into premium support for those who needed help buying a policy, and require those uninsured who could afford to buy coverage to take personal responsibility for their own health care. Two, while it’s true that insurance premiums in Massachusetts are among the highest in the nation, that was also the case before reform. A truer statement would be that getting everyone insured is not by itself enough to bring down the costs of health care. And finally, it is simply wrong to say that state spending on health care in Massachusetts has skyrocketed. The cost of the health-care plan to the state budget is “relatively modest” and well within projections, according to the independent Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. They conclude that the new state spending on reform has amounted to less than 1% of the state budget each year.
While I have had my disagreements with the Journal’s editorial board, where we find common ground is on the need to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with reforms that empower states to craft their own solutions. A one-size-fits-all plan that raises taxes and ignores the very real differences between states is the wrong course for our nation.
Mitt Romney
Belmont, Mass.
The border situation is not something easily understood through statistics. It is far more easily seen in the fear in people’s eyes. A constituent who lives 20 miles from the border in the boot heel of New Mexico said that although there are more Border Patrol vehicles in southern New Mexico than in years past, the bulk of them are patrolling along Highway 9, some 50 miles from the actual border in some areas. Stunningly, Secretaries Napolitano and Locke did not mention the murder of Robert Krentz, a rancher from rural Arizona, or the recent murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Wearing rose-colored glasses will not change the fact that our government is failing us.
Just last week, a southbound van was stopped at a border checkpoint with 148 AK-47 magazines and 6,000 rounds of ammunition. Secretaries Napolitano and Locke will point to such an event and claim that the situation is improving because border agents stopped the truck. I look at such an event and wonder how many trucks we didn’t stop. If our borders are really as secure as Ms. Napolitano and Mr. Locke claim, then no smuggler would be so bold as to use our highways to carry weapons by the score straight through our checkpoints.
While those in Washington want to talk about “the progress we’ve made over the past two years,” I don’t have that luxury. As long as I see fear in the eyes of my constituents, I will hold our leaders to a higher standard.
Rep. Steve Pearce (R., N.M.)
Hobbs, N.M.
This communication was sent to editors of the N&O by me. I have yet to see them print it and I do kindly appreciate your consideration of sharing it with your members and friends. Thank you, John Tedesco
Moving Forward for our children
Looking back on this past year presents many successes and opportunities to grow. While not usually shown in the media, the Wake County School Board has produced measurable gains in several key areas. The many positive things accomplished in our first year may have been easily missed; many accomplishments of which we can be proud.
Often our Board is portrayed as being 5-4 with a great chaos and divide, but in reality I believe that more than 80% of the literally hundreds of votes we have taken have not been 5-4. This would include many substantive issues. Proudly we voted to recommend that the General Assembly lift the cap on charter schools, we tightened budgets, cut administrative overhead, and protected classroom teachers. None of these votes were 5-4.
Admittedly, there are some 5-4 votes on matters of strong debate, and as we represent different districts with broad values it can be expected. In the recent State of the Union, the President noted, “The debates have been contentious; we have fought fiercely for our beliefs. And that’s a good thing. That’s what a robust democracy demands.” I agree. (more…)
Prof. Blinder seems blind to the clear and present dangers of QE2. Instead of seriously discussing these dangers, he takes us on an excursion to a Keynesian utopia, a mythical land in which endless government spending is an amazingly effective job creator and investors’ confidence in U.S. Treasury bonds somehow increases as we sink ever deeper into debt while the Fed has its printing presses working overtime.
Here are some cold, hard facts from the real world: The first is the 8.7% 2012 unemployment rate predicted by the Survey of Professional Forecasters of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. It seems the Obama administration’s record spending binge won’t result in job creation, but in unacceptably high long-term unemployment. The second fact is that long-term interest rates have actually gone up following the Fed’s recent QE2 announcement. The markets took one look at the Fed’s pump-priming plans and decided they had to increase interest rates—probably in order to compensate for the expected rise in inflation.
None of this should come as a surprise. Blinders off, common sense engaged, it’s time for us to “refudiate” the notion that this dangerous experiment in printing $600 billion out of thin air, with nothing to back it up, will magically fix economic problems that were caused in large part by the government’s interfering with our free market system in the first place, and then made worse by the government’s reckless spending experiments with our children’s fiscal future. Instead of the tired, old Keynesian ideas behind Obamanomics, we need to turn to time-tested practices that are pro-free market rather than pro-big government. Some call this “free-market populism.” It’s based on the realization that the best way to get the economy moving again is to get government out of the way, let the free market dictate winners and losers, and allow the private sector to grow our economy one job, one paycheck and one American dream at a time. It’s the only way we can restore much needed confidence and certainty in our economy. This is the only way we will all be able to soar from New York to Los Angeles and throughout the heartland.
Sarah Palin
Wasilla, Alaska