Archive for the ‘White Nationalists’ Category
Sunday, July 14th, 2024
This article has footage of the shooting, including the shooter firing and Secret Service firing back, an alarming interview with an eyewitness, as well as images of the apparent shooter on the roof of a building outside the venue. As you consider what happened yesterday, it is more important than ever to remember President Trump’s inspiring words when he got up off the ground: “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Please click on the link to view the videos Nancy
July 13, 2024/by News Editor
An assassination attempt occurred Saturday at an outdoor Pennsylvania rally for President Donald Trump. The shooter, positioned on a rooftop outside the venue, opened fire, resulting in a grazing injury to President Trump and the death of a rally attendee.
Posted in Conservatism, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2024, FBI, FBI Director, GOP, Gun Control, Intelligence, Joe Biden, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Media, Nationalism, Patriotic, Police/law enforcement, Politics, Radical Left, Tea Party, Terrorism, Transparency, Videos, White Nationalists, Wokeness | No Comments »
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024
Tucker Carlson first brought Revolver News to our attention. If you are not familiar with Revolver News, take the time to check out their news site.
Kimberly Guilfoyle Interviews Darren Beattie re new evidence on January 6
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Big Government, Censoring, Congress, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Election 2024, Fascism, FBI, FBI Director, Free Speech, GOP, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, James Comey, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Nationalism, Pelosi, Police/law enforcement, Political Corruption, Politics, Populism, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Social Media, Steve Bannon, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, Voter Fraud, White Nationalists | No Comments »
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
Please scroll down for a very informative article re the vulnerabilities of our electric grid substations except for the fact that the author blames the past attacks on domestic terrorists and white supremacist groups. What, no mention of the possibility that foreign terrorists who have entered our country through our open border could be a possible threat ! Nancy P.S. This Judicial Watch article re migrants caught at our border makes for some very interesting reading !
The Ongoing Battle to Protect Critical Substation Infrastructure
EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE: The threats to substations are many, and varied. According to a study by Politico, physical attacks on the power grid are at their highest level since 2012, and utilities reported 60 such attacks on major grid infrastructure (in addition to two cyberattacks) during the first three months of 2023 alone. That’s more than double the number from the same period last year, and the methods of attack are increasing alongside the frequency.
Given the diversity of these threats, experts are now advising that utilities undergo threat assessments based on specific challenges posed by their location and unique vulnerabilities.
You’ve seen them, though they’re not much to look at – gravel patches of dull gray poles and metal boxes strung with wires, coils, and pipes. The U.S. grid consists of around 55,000 substations, high-voltage equipment used for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity across the country. Usually found off to the side of some unassuming rural road or industrial park, we drive by substations each day with little thought, just some dystopian (this is the second use of dystopian in writing in my entire life.) art exhibits lining our commute. But for bad actors intent on creating chaos, substations represent something much more valuable – the perfect target.
One of substation’s primary functions is to (the main roles of substations is to) convert electricity into the correct (different) voltages that can be used by (so it can be transmitted into) our homes and businesses. Without substations, electricity cannot be measured, and voltage levels cannot be switched or regulated because the equipment is specifically designed to handle particular voltages of power. When this happens, the power goes out and cities or regions can shut down. Given its critical importance, you’d assume this infrastructure would be heavily guarded round-the-clock. Nope. Instead, substations are usually just surrounded by a chain-link fence, the security equivalent of protecting a basketball court.
Posted in 9/11, Big Government, Border Security, Cyber Security, Economy, Energy, FBI, FBI Director, Illegal Immigration, Infrastructure, Islamic Refugee Migration, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Mexico, Middle East, Migration - Islamic, Open Borders, Police/law enforcement, Radical Left, Technology, Terrorism, Transparency, White Nationalists | No Comments »
Thursday, September 21st, 2023
FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number: ex-official
Posted in American History, Big Government, Censoring, Congress, Deep State, Democracy, Donald Trump, Election 2020, FBI, FBI Director, Government Waste and Fraud, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, MAGA, Police/law enforcement, Political Corruption, Politics, Protestors, Radical Left, Resistance, Transparency, Videos, White Nationalists | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
Sickening is right ! Nancy

A Shameful J6 Sentence
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio felt the full wrath of our nation’s two-tiered justice system.
You don’t have to be a Proud Boys supporter to be sickened by what went down yesterday in the January 6 criminal case against the group’s leader, Enrique Tarrio.
And what went down is this: Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison on charges of “seditious conspiracy” for his role in the riot at the Capitol. That’s the longest sentence for anyone associated with J6 — and Tarrio got it despite the fact that he wasn’t even at the Capitol that day.
Even the Leftmedia can’t help but note as much. As Politico reports: “Tarrio, unlike most of his co-conspirators, was not at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Upon his arrival in Washington on Jan. 4, 2021, he was arrested for his role in the theft and burning of a Black Lives Matter flag from a church after an earlier pro-Trump march. Tarrio was released the next day and ordered to leave Washington D.C., so he headed with a group of allies to a hotel in Baltimore.”
Posted in American History, Big Government, Censoring, Congress, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2020, FBI, FBI Director, Free Speech, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, Inauguration 2016, Intelligence, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Nationalism, Police/law enforcement, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Radical Left, Resistance, Tea Party, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, White Nationalists | No Comments »
Friday, August 4th, 2023
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: “They’re evil, they’re conniving, they’re cunning, but they’re stupid”
Posted in A Force for Good in the World, Administrative State, American History, Big Government, Censoring, CIA, Clinton, Congress, Conservatism, Constitution, Corporate Cronyism, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Dominion Voting Machines, Donald Trump, Durham Report, Election, Election 2020, Election 2024, FBI, FBI Director, FISA Court, Free Speech, GOP, Grassroots, Hillary Clinton, Identity Politics, James Comey, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Marxism, Media, Mike Pence, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Open Borders, Pelosi, Police/law enforcement, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Populism, Protestors, Radical Left, Resistance, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Social Media, Sovereignty, Steve Bannon, Supreme Court, Tea Party, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Tyranny, Videos, Violent Protestors, Voter Fraud, White Nationalists, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
Whistleblower explains how FBI rendered his family homeless in powerful testimony, and more ‘shocking’ footage…
The “weaponized” FBI is “targeting” innocent Americans and retaliating against whistleblowers, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who joined House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for a Thursday morning press conference ahead of scheduled testimony from three FBI whistleblowers before the committee.
“The FBI has been victimized by political capture, and that politicization has manifested in the targeting of Americans who never deserved to have the government weaponized against them,” Gaetz stated. “Whistleblowers saw those bad acts. They stepped forward and they were retaliated against and crushed as a consequence.”
The “weaponized” FBI is “targeting” innocent Americans and retaliating against whistleblowers, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who joined House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for a Thursday morning press conference ahead of scheduled testimony from three FBI whistleblowers before the committee.
“The FBI has been victimized by political capture, and that politicization has manifested in the targeting of Americans who never deserved to have the government weaponized against them,” Gaetz stated. “Whistleblowers saw those bad acts. They stepped forward and they were retaliated against and crushed as a consequence.”
Posted in Administrative State, American History, Big Government, Cancel Culture, Censoring, CIA, Congress, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Cultural Marxism, Culture Rot, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Discrimination, Donald Trump, Election, Election 2016, Election 2020, Election 2022, Election 2024, Elitism, Fascism, FBI, FBI Director, Free Speech, Globalists, Government Waste and Fraud, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, IRS, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Judges, Justice Department, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, MAGA, Media, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Religion, Religious Freedom, Resistance, Social Justice, Terrorism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, U.S. Presidents, Videos, White Nationalists, Wokeness | No Comments »
Saturday, May 6th, 2023
This should concern everyone ! Nancy
The IRS has spent $10 million on firearms, ammunition, and “military-style gear” since 2020, the New York Post said on May 2, citing an Open the Books report.
Open the Books specified some of the purchases the IRS has made since 2020:
$2.3 million on duty ammunition
$1.2 million on ballistic shields, plus another $1.3 million on ‘various other gear for criminal investigation agents” – very non-transparent description
$474,000 on Smith & Wesson rifles
$467,000 on duty tactical lighting
$463,000 on Baretta 1301 tactical shotguns
$354,000 on tactical gear bags
$267,000 on ballistic helmets
$243,000 on body armor vests
(Read more from “Watchdog: IRS Has Spent $10 Million on Guns, Ammo, and ‘Military-Style Equipment’” HERE)
Posted in Administrative State, Big Government, Censoring, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, Deep State, Democracy, Democrats, Discrimination, FBI, Free Speech, Government Regulation, Government Waste and Fraud, Grassroots, Great Reset, Gun Control, Intelligence, IRS, January 6 Capitol Hill Event, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Kamala Harris, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Marxism, Military, National Debt, National Defense, Nationalism, Obama, Obama Administraiton and Policy, One World Government, Political Correctness, Political Corruption, Politics, Progressive Movement, Protestors, Radical Left, Resistance, Social Justice, Socialism, Sovereignty, Taxation, Taxes, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, White Nationalists, Wokeness | No Comments »
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back
Posted in American History, Big Government, Black Lives Matter, Class Warfare, Cultural Marxism, Deep State, Democrats, Demographics, Diversity, Education, Equity, Free Speech, Globalists, Great Reset, History, Identity Politics, Indoctrination of students, Joe Biden, Liberalism, Marxism, One World Government, Political Correctness, Progressive Movement, Racism, Radical Left, Securlarism, Social Justice, Socialism, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tyranny, Videos, White Nationalists, White Privilege, Wokeness, Women's Issues | No Comments »
Thursday, June 30th, 2022
Brazil, China, U.S. and out of control FBI criminalizing of the American justice system by arresting and harassing Trump supporters
Posted in Big Government, Censoring, China, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption/Crime, covid vaccines, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Elitism, FBI, FBI Director, GOP, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Legal Issues, Liberalism, Police/law enforcement, Political Corruption, Progressive Movement, Resistance, South America, Totalitarian, Transparency, Tucker Carlson, Tyranny, Videos, Voter Fraud, White Nationalists | No Comments »