Dear MoveOn member,

There’s no point in sugarcoating this: If the election were held today, Republicans and their corporate benefactors would gain control of the House—and quite possibly the Senate.

That’s the nightmare scenario. It would spell an end to any hope of progress in the next two years—and quite possibly to Obama’s presidency.

But there are three key races that Republicans would have to win to take the Senate, and all are tied. Meaning, they’re close enough for us to tip the balance. We need to help these Democratic candidates raise enough money to get their message out—despite all the corporate ads targeting them—and run serious get-out-the-vote efforts.

This is a true emergency: We must stop the Republicans from taking over the Senate. There’s a critical fundraising deadline at midnight tonight. Please, make the most generous contribution you can afford, immediately:

Here are the three progressive candidates in tight races who need our help right now:

We’re adding Alexi Giannoulias in Illinois to our Progressive Heroes list today because he’s locked in a tight race for President Obama’s old Senate seat, and because he’s running a populist campaign focused on taking on the corporate special interests and cleaning up Washington, D.C. This is the closest race in the country: Every poll in this race for the past two months has been tied.

Sen. Patty Murray

is the highest-ranking Democratic woman in the Senate. She supported the public option and the fight for clean energy jobs, and has worked with other pro-choice Democratic women senators to eliminate egregious gender disparities in insurance coverage. Her Republican challenger significantly out-raised her in the last three months, and Murray needs our help to win.

And Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada is facing Sharron Angle, the tea party fanatic who wants to “phase out” Social Security and Medicare, withdraw from the United Nations, and abolish the Department of Education.1 The latest polls show her tied—or even slightly ahead, and just yesterday her campaign announced that they’ve raised a record-breaking $14 million in the past three months.2

Can you chip in to these candidates’ campaigns and help stop the takeover?

Thanks for all you do.

–Michael, Joan, Anna, Adam, and the rest of the team

1. “Sharron Angle says eliminate Social Security,” Progress Now Nevada, June 8, 2010

“Reid, in Fistfight, Could Take More Punches From Climate Bill,” Climate Wire, May 26, 2010

“Sharron Angle wants to eliminate federal Department of Education,” MyNews4, September 8, 2010

2. “Angle raises $14.3 million,” The Washington Post, October 12, 2010

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. This email was sent to dana postiglione on October 13, 2010. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


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