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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Since Rick Santelli’s call to organize a Chicago Tea Party (throwing derivative contracts in the water) in February of 2009, an impressive mobilization of concerned Americans has been unleashed.  Long pent up frustration with policy out of Washington, DC finally had a vehicle for a voice in the debate.

Many who came to be involved in the Tea Party movement had long been ringing the warning bell for America, but few had listened.  The realization that President Obama actually intended to pursue the policies he campaigned on seemed to have been a catalyst.  The uniquely un-American policy prescriptions put forth by the Obama administration and enabled by the Democrats in Congress, topped of by health care reform, was too much for those long lingering on the sidelines of American politics to tolerate.

We have seen the power of proud Americans getting involved through several elections nationwide.  The Tea Party movement has been a positive development, if for no other reason, it has given a voice to a large group of Americans deeply concerned about the out of control expansion of the federal government, disregard for the constraints of the Constitution, and meaningful impositions on our individual freedoms.

Still in it’s infancy, the Tea Party movement is made up of a lot of local organizations of like minded Americans.  Like most new organizations/movements, some political infighting has raised it’s head, there is no single agreed upon message, and there is no national governing structure.  That’s OK, because they don’t want to be like national Democrats and Republicans.  The diversity of the message, and the structure and method of participation is one of the Tea Party movement’s strengths.

However, and importantly, there is no filter to block participation by some of our fellow Americans who adhere to more extreme remedies for the problems we face in DC.

Increasingly, one can find among the Tea Party groups people who feel the one-plus year awakening of America has gone on long enough. That the time for rallies and taking to the ballot box has already passed.  That the time for hope of America overcoming self inflicted pubic policy wounds with new policy has passed.  They seem to feel the only way for America to regain her strength and standing is to tear her apart first through violent revolution, succession, and/or abandon this great land for life elsewhere on the planet.

This line of thinking by a minority of participants must be pushed aside and ignored.

Revolution of the style of the Founding Fathers is not the answer at this time, nor in the foreseeable future.

Succession in the style of the American Civil War is not the answer at this time, nor in the foreseeable future.

Abandoning America, abandoning our country, is not what Americans do.  The English and Europeans do that.  Mexicans do that.  Chinese do that.  People from the Middle East do that.  Look at our net immigration numbers…Americans don’t abandon their country, they fix it.

As of August 2010, there is still plenty of time ahead to put the right American citizens into the halls of Congress and the White House to set this country back on her correct historical pathway.  It should be Americans who accept our exceptional-ism, not as individuals, but as nationality all benefiting from the greatest system ever established for the organization of a safe and prosperous society, who understand the right policy prescriptions and have the courage to implement them, and who want to assure America remains the beacon of freedom and opportunity for the rest of the world.

Those who have given up on America, who want to tear her apart to build her back up, they are not those we want with a leading voice in the Tea Party movement.

Violent revolution, state succession, moving overseas are remedies that should not yet be advocated, supported, or given voice to.  There may come a time for that in the future, I don’t think so, but if so, that time is no where near.


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