Below you will find 2 articles – Products Made from Petroleum and Climate Change Lies.  Nancy
PRODUCTS  MADE FROM PETROLEUM – This will shock you !!!


Posted at 11:08h in A C W T Statements by ericgeorgatos
By Chet Nagle is a graduate of the Naval Academy and Georgetown Law School. A carrier pilot, he was in the Cuban Missile Crisis. A civilian, he was a Pentagon official, CIA agent, and author. He was awarded the Order of Oman during the war with Yemen.

Centuries may intervene before today’s era of convulsive lies and their manipulative, controlling effects on humanity are fully understood.

At or near the top of the list of these convulsive lies (and liars) is everything having to do with the climate change alarmism industry.

Chet Nagle, writing on Sam Faddis’ AND Magazine platform, does a good job in this post laying out important facts showing how this hoax–yes, the word is ‘hoax’–has been constructed.

Humanity seems determined to march itself into broad economic ruin and virtual slavery in pursuit of ‘fixing’ climate change.  There is no need for this societal suicide…as 1,600 climate scientists are now screaming into the void created by Big Tech and government censorship.  Does their scientific input matter?  Are they really head-in-the-sand deniers?   What exactly is the hard scientific evidence–not political/ideological opinion–that refutes what they are saying?

Time to wake up.  Truth is refreshing and inspiring and freeing.



We Americans have become extremely worried in the last two and a half years because we have suffered a dramatic fall in our standard of living and personal safety. We sense a steep decline in America’s national and economic security and are at last beginning to understand how it happened and who was responsible.

Those who are fundamentally destroying the United States are legion, and their names and organizations are at last becoming known. The organizations include progressive federal and state governments bent on circumventing our Constitutional liberties, a military more concerned about diversity than defending the Republic, a mainstream media in the pocket of special interests like Big Pharma, and billionaire oligarchs like Bill Gates who are only interested in accumulating more wealth, depopulating the planet with lethal vaccines, and indulging their evil fantasies on Epstein’s island.

Tools they use to accomplish those goals include global lockdowns, deadly vaccines, money laundering in wars fought in corrupt countries, and the lie that rising temperatures will soon destroy life on our planet. In this article we will examine the “climate change” hoax.

To begin, let’s note that the mainstream media, in lockstep with the “green” Biden administration, ignored news that 1,609 scientists – including two Nobel Prize laureates – scientists, professors, and climatologists worldwide, signed a declaration last month stating “there is no climate emergency and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy.” Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser said that climate change “… has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists.”

The fact is the United States has been subjected to years of climate change hysteria beginning in 1895 with the New York Times headline, Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again, down to today’s headlines blaming climate change for the fires on Maui. To view those headlines, click here. TIME magazine covers below offer more examples of the “climate change” delusion.


The current climate change hoax began with the “hockey stick” temperature prediction chart below. It came from the computers of obscure researchers and Michael Mann. Published in 1998, it was adopted by Al Gore, a climate change baron now worth more than 300 million dollars.


We know the world did not end in 2000 as predicted, but that did not deter the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from announcing that “the increase in temperature in the 20th century is likely to have been the largest of any century during the past 1,000 years” due to human industrial activity. Maan and his colleagues went on to publish a book and, like many climate change “experts,” reap the rewards of commissions for studies to amplify their propaganda.

They’re not gone…

Below is a chart of the history of global temperatures for the last thousand years as constructed by real scientists using data from ice cores, tree rings, and other physical evidence.


A graph by Don Easterbrook, Professor Emeritus of Glacial Geology and Environmental and Engineering Geology at Western Washington University, also reputes the hockey stick graph that the UN’s IPCC promotes. Easterbrook and others have stated that: “Global warming ended in 1998. There has been no global warming in 15 years;” “The Antarctic ice sheet is not melting, the main ice sheet is in fact growing;” “CO2 cannot possibly cause global warming;” and “We’re in for about 25 – 30 years of global cooling.”

Remote Sensing Systems is a world leader in processing and analyzing data collected by satellite microwave sensors. Their mission is to provide research-quality geophysical data to the global scientific community. Here is their chart of global warming.


Carbon dioxide, CO2, is what drives global warming according to Mann, the IPCC, Al Gore, Bill Gates, and the others who promote the climate hoax. Below is a deceptive chart used by climate change hoaxers that shows the greenhouse gases released by human activity.


The graph below shows all the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.


There are three elements that make up our atmosphere: Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, and Argon 0.9%. They make up 99.9%, so all the other gases like CO2, water vapor, and methane constitute the remaining 0.1%.  As four-hundredths of one percent, CO2 is insignificant, except for its importance for plant life. The truly ridiculous part of today’s CO2 hoax is that 96.8% of CO2 in our atmosphere occurs naturally, so human-caused CO2 is only 1.28/1000th of one percent of the earth’s atmosphere!

Water vapor is 70 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2, and comprises 3% of our atmosphere as opposed to CO2’s insignificant amount. CO2 has not increased for millions of years, as the graph below shows. So why hasn’t the climate change cabal picked water vapor to be their villain? Could it be because there’s nobody to tax for emitting steam into the air?


In the face of all this hard science, why and how do the perpetrators of the climate change hoax continue the charade? First, the progressive green ideology of the Biden administration insists the hoax is true because it bolsters their plan to drive Americans further into submission to federal power and to aid their green war on oil and gas. To pay for that war the administration can endlessly tax the public by printing money. And second, the White House can command respected federal agencies like NOAA and NASA to support the hoax by skewing data that will convince Americans that global temperatures are increasing. Below are two such graphs. The first is actual government data showing no temperature increase. The second is the same data that has been “adjusted,” in their words, to show a rise in temperature. To do that they simply “adjusted” the Y axis of the chart.




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