Printed from the News & Observer – www.NewsObserver.com
Published Wed, Sep 14, 2011 05:05 AM
GOP bills would block new monuments on public land
BY MATTHEW DALY – Associated Press
Published in: National


Vice President Al Gore applauds after President Bill Clinton signs a bill designating 1.7 million acres in southern Utah as Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

WASHINGTON Presidents from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush have designated public land as national monuments, using a federal law to protect from development sites judged to have natural, historical or scientific significance.

Now some House Republicans, saying the 105-year-old law has been misused, have introduced bills to limit or block the president’s ability to make such designations without approval from Congress.

GOP Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana compared the 1906 Antiquities Act to the mythical sword of Damocles, calling it a weapon that can be used against rural communities at any time without warning.

Residents of Montana and other Western states “must cope with the constant knowledge that, one day, we could wake up to find that with the stroke of a pen, the president declared their backyard a national monument,” Rehberg said Tuesday.

For many living in the West, “it’s no myth,” Rehberg said, citing a 2001 designation by then-President Bill Clinton creating the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument in Montana and Clinton’s 1996 designation of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah.

Rehberg, who is running for U.S. Senate against Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., sponsored one of six GOP bills to overturn or limit the Antiquities Act.

The bills respond to outrage expressed throughout the West last year after an internal Interior Department memo was made public. The memo listed 14 sites in nine states that could be designated as national monuments. The plan was never formally proposed, but opponents said its existence showed the need to reform the law.

“This isn’t about preventing future monument designations. It’s about making sure those designations aren’t forced on people who frankly don’t want or need them,” Rehberg said.

Jerry Taylor, mayor of Escalante City, Utah, testified in favor of the bills. He said the 15-year-old Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument has been “devastating” to his small town and cost many people their jobs.

The 1.9-million acre monument “has hurt the local economy, driven our residents to find work elsewhere and burdened local government to provide uncompensated services,” Taylor told the House Natural Resources Committee Tuesday.

Ray Rasker, executive director of Headwaters Economics, a Montana-based research group, said economic data does not support Taylor’s claim. Rasker’s group studied the economic performance of communities adjacent to 17 national monuments in the West.

“In all cases there was growth of employment, real personal income and real per capita income. In no case did we find that the creation of a national monument studied led to an economic downturn,” he said. No one from the Obama administration was at the hearing, but the Interior Department submitted testimony opposing all six bills.


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