The Real Mike McIntyre Record

Mike McIntyre says he is “independent”, and he claims to be a conservative Democrat.  However, his record tells a different story:

–  Mike McIntyre is one of Nancy Pelosi’s Senior Whips; this means Mike McIntyre helps Nancy Pelosi round up votes for key pieces of her left-wing agenda

–  Mike McIntyre voted for Nancy Pelosi’s failed “stimulus” bill that increased the national debt by $1 trillion

–  According to numerous non-partisan sources, Mike McIntyre votes with Nancy Pelosi to advance her left-wing agenda over 90% of the time

–  In 2009 alone, Mike McIntyre sponsored or co-sponsored 57 bills that would have increased spending by over $53 BILLION.

–  This year, Mike McIntyre has received over 60% of his campaign money from special interests that support Nancy Pelosi’s agenda, including big unions, drug companies and trial lawyers

–  In 2009, Mike McIntyre received a 5% rating from Citizens Against Government Waste – a worse rating than ultra-liberal Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich

–  While in Congress, Mike McIntyre has taken over $400,000 from Big Labor

–  Mike McIntyre pledged to serve only six terms in Congress; he is now seeking his eighth term.

The record is clear.

Mike McIntyre works for Nancy

Pelosi and the liberals in Washington,

not for us.

    Paid for by the North Carolina Republican Executive Committee.
    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



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