Thanks to Gary Kanady for sharing with us his comments re the historical background of the conservative positions starting with this amazing speech that Ronald Reagan gave in 1966 ( see  youtube link below Gary’s comments)  Nancy 


Every day we’re being bombarded by new political tactics, hidden enemies, and false friends, right? Nope, there’s not much happening these days that we haven’t been warned about, as the attached video shows. This 1966 speech could have been given yesterday, with the figures adjusted for inflation, and it would have made perfect sense.

 Let me set the stage. The 1954 Brown V Board of Election case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for students of different races to be unconstitutional, was decided in the Spring of my sophomore year in high school. We integrated our high school the next fall. I entered the Navy in 1960. My starting salary for the year was $4,800. One of my first goals was to get to $10,000 a year. Two years after that, I was patrolling in a submarine three miles off the coast of North Vietnam. That year, the Supreme Court banned prayer in schools. Two years later Ronald Reagan came on the political stage with his “Time for Choosing” introduction of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater at the 1964 Republican National Convention, the same year Lyndon B. Johnson announced his Great Society program as the cornerstone of his domestic policy.

What do all these events have to do with today? I’ll let you listen to the Great Communicator explain. After you listen, ask yourself if we’ve learned anything from history.



Gary Kanady

“Government…is force.  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” 
G. Washington



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