Cathy Wright – Republican candidate for the North Carolina House 54th District

Happy Birthday America

Cathy Wright for the House

Campaign update

Broad-based tax relief better than short-term gimmicks for North Carolina job creation

As the Republican candidate for the North Carolina House of Representatives, District 54, I am greatly concerned about the way the current legislative leaders have expanded state government, increased state spending, and caused great uncertainty for our citizens.

I support broad-based tax relief rather than short-term gimmicks for jobs creation.  North Carolina lawmakers should resist calls for more government spending on short-term, targeting “jobs” packages as they look for ways to boost the state’s employment picture.   All businesses ought to be taxed at the same rate, and a lower rate than it is today, in order to help North Carolina compete with other states, especially neighboring Southeastern states with more favorable tax climates.

The North Carolina Employment Security Commission’s latest report lists the state’s unemployment rate at 10.3% for May, down five-tenths of a percentage point from April’s rate of 10.8%.  North Carolina’s unemployment rate is still higher that the national average of 9.7%.   North Carolina will have a hard time returning to the national unemployment average as long as lawmakers and others tout jobs plans that don’t work.  Among the bad ideas is the so-called H.E.L.P. Small Business Act (HB1721).  It basically offers businesses $300 a year for creating a new job that must stay in place for three years.  A business owner who would create a job solely to take advantage of the credit probably should rethink being in business at all!

Lawmakers should support policies that will set the stage for strong economic growth.  A more viable strategy involves lower, more competitive tax rates, a more sustainable level of state spending, and fewer regulatory roadblocks for new and expanding businesses.

Of course I didn’t get involved in this race just to lower taxes and spending, although this is of great importance for our economic recovery and future for our children and grandchildren.  I will stay true to my conservative morals and values and will work hard for all North Carolina citizens.   As the July 4th holiday nears we are reminded of the responsibilities that accompany American citizenship.  Voting is one of those important duties and privileges for Americans.  Please be sure to vote in the November elections, no matter where you live!  Happy Birthday America!

Best wishes, Cathy

PS:  Come by and join my Facebook Fan Page and check out my new launching page:

Wright for the House


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