Washington Times article – The Lone Soldier – Americans travel from afar to defend the Israeli ally in democracy
The following Impressions of Israel at War  is from Lee Green, one of our conservative ladies, who just returned from visiting friends and family in Israel.   Nancy

My impressions of Israel at war: Israelis are incredibly decent, caring, productive, competent and resilient.
People are very worried about the soldiers, but they are confident they will prevail, because there’s no alternative.
Everyone is glued to the news and doing acts of kindness for the soldiers. The injury or death of any soldier is keenly felt. Israel is united and quietly determined in stopping the terror tunnels and daily bombings from Hamas. They are disgusted with the way Hamas purposefully exposes their own women and children to harm.
Unless they live in the south, where there are red alerts and bombs from Hamas constantly, Israelis do their best to compartmentalize their fears and continue most of their routines, within reason. There are babies and construction projects everywhere. Israel is thriving and full of hope, and they just want to live in peace.

Gaza has some of the world’s best beachfront property and could be a beautiful, bustling tourist destination. If only it weren’t run by genocidal sociopaths who would rather spend their money destroying Israel instead of building a future for their people.

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