Archive for the ‘Elitism’ Category


Thursday, October 19th, 2023


This is a common sense plan that will hopefully stop the indoctrination of our children by the Far left Marxists.  Nancy  P.S.   One of my grandsons who is 10 years old wears a cross on a chain around his neck.  He tells us that he feels there are some of his teachers who openly discriminate against him because  he is wearing a religious symbol,  Years  ago, when I was in school,  it was very common for  students to wear  crosses or St Christopher medals to school.   Discriminating against religious symbols is just another example of Cultural Marxism.  We see examples of its affect everywhere we look now – education, movies, corporations, churches, marriage, traditional family values and especially parental authority over their children’s education or gender identity.  It is well past time to bring back traditional values that were the foundation of our country.  

Trump’s Education Plan: End Fed Ed, Restore Prayer

.By Alex Newman October 18, 2023

The New Report. Originally published at

With virtually no media coverage, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump vowed to shut down the U.S. Department of Education and respect the authority of parents and states to oversee public education as part of a bold plan to bring about major changes. 

Shuttering the controversial department was just one part of a 10-point plan including restoration of prayer and patriotism unveiled by the former president last month. Taken together, Trump’s vision would rock the education establishment to the core.

“We’re going to end education coming out of Washington, DC,” explained Trump in a campaign video. “We’re going to close it up – all those buildings all over the place and you have people that in many cases hate our children. We’re going to send it all back to the states.”

Over a trillion tax dollars per year are poured into the government education system, Trump explained. And yet, instead of being at the top, “we are literally right smack — guess what — at the bottom,” the former president explained, pointing to racial, political and sexual indoctrination.  

Vowing to tackle the issue “very early” in his next term, Trump said his administration would be “sending all education and education work and needs back to the states.” “We want them to run the education of our children because they’ll do a much better job of it,” he said. 

“You can’t do worse,” the GOP contender explained about the current state of affairs. “We spend more money per pupil by three times than any other nation and yet we’re absolutely at the bottom — we’re one of the worst. You can’t do worse.”




Wednesday, October 18th, 2023



“Police State”: Dinesh D’Souza On The Left’s Campaign Of Thuggery Against Trump

Mike Gallagher  |  Posted:  October 17, 2023
“Police State” is in theaters Monday, October 23 & Wednesday, October 25 , 2023 followed by release across all the streaming platforms is Friday, October 27 – 5:00 pm PT.  All tickets sold only at (October 17, 2023)


Monday, October 16th, 2023


Another excellent article by Sam Faddis. There are videos in this article so you may have to click on the link below to view the videos.   Nancy

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EXCERPTS FROM THIS ARTICLE: Your tax dollars are not paying for border defenses. They are paying for bigger camps so more people can be pushed through into the United States. They are paying for something called ‘safe mobility centers’ throughout Central America to speed up the movement of illegals north.

The Biden administration failed to remove through immigration court proceedings, 99.73 percent of illegal aliens released into the United States during President Biden’s first 26 months in office.

Two new camps are currently under construction in Panama. They will be operated by the United Nations (UN) and affiliated NGOs. Much of the funding is coming from the United States. The purpose of the new camps is to make sure more illegals can be pushed through and make it to the United States.

The centerpiece of this conference was the concept of climate refugees. What that boils down to is this. Climate change is dogma and cannot be questioned. The whole world is impacted by climate change. If you are impacted by climate change you can claim refugee status and demand the right to migrate wherever you choose.

Everyone is now a refugee. Borders no longer exist.




Monday, October 9th, 2023
With the  extremely alarming events that  took place in Afghanistan and are now  taking place in the Middle East and the Ukraine, it is time to evaluate our military’s readiness.  The following video is intended as a wake up call to address the damage that  Marxism is having on our defenses.  Marxism can take many forms but it is troubling to hear our generals speak about white privilege and how the military needs to be more Woke.  Listen to the following speakers and come to your own conclusions.     One of the speakers in the video is Sam Faddis, a retired CIA operations officer.  I have recently sent out one  his articles – The War To End Israel.  If you haven’t read it, now might be a good time to catch up with him.  Also, if you agree with the speakers, please do contact your senators with your concerns about the numerous woke military officers that will be coming before the senate for confirmation.   Nancy 

Speakers –

Frank Gaffney with Dr. Carol Swain, Col. Dr. Ron Scott, USAF (Ret.), LTG
Jerry Boykin, USA (Ret.), Jenny Beth Martin, Hon. Kenneth Blackwell, Sam
Faddis, Hon. Robert Charles, Esq., Major General Joseph W. Arbuckle, USA
(Ret.), Elaine Donnelly, David Pyne, Kris Ullman, Eric Early, Capt. James
Fanell, USN (Ret.), Ken Abramowitz, Ann Schockett, LTG Rod Bishop, USAF
(Ret.), E.W. Jackson, Christine Reagan, LTC Tommy Waller, USMC (Ret.),
and Ron Armstrong





Friday, October 6th, 2023


Even though this article was written in 2017, it gives us a definite answer as to how Obama fundamentally changed America and definitely not for the better !      Nancy

How Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States

COMMENTARY: The true Obama legacy has occurred not in economics, government, or foreign policy, but in culture.

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

So declared Barack Obama in Columbia, Missouri, on Oct. 30, 2008, on the cusp of his historic presidential election.

It was a bold statement, revolutionary even, surpassed only by the response of those in attendance, who, rather than pausing to reflect upon such an audacious assertion, wildly applauded. To be sure, these Obama enthusiasts would have ecstatically cheered anything he said at that moment.

There was a full-fledged personality cult in motion at that time. The new president could have promised anything and received a giddy reaction. Obama himself admitted to serving as a kind of “blank screen” upon which Americans desiring some warm-and-fuzzy “hope and change” could project whatever they wanted.

But even then, the words “fundamentally transform” should have alarmed everyone. We Americans generally don’t do fundamental transformation. We make changes, yes, small and large, but who among us — other than the most radical revolutionaries — actually want to fundamentally transform the nation?

Many people think that America has many problems, but those can be addressed without a fundamental transformation. Ask professors who teach history or political ideologies (as I have for two decades), and we will tell you that totalitarianism is the ideology that fundamentally transforms.

Indeed, the textbook definition of totalitarianism, which I’ve scribbled on the chalkboard every fall and spring semester since 1997, is to seek to fundamentally transform — specifically, to fundamentally transform human nature via some form of political-ideological-cultural upheaval.

So, that being the case, I winced when Barack Obama said that, and then felt sick to the stomach when I watched people blissfully and blindly applaud without question or objection.

But now here we are, at the end of Obama’s two-term presidency, and the question begs to be pondered: Did Barack Obama fundamentally transform the United States of America, as he promised?




Sunday, October 1st, 2023



Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration Hardcover – October 3, 2023

by Alex Marlow (Author)

The New York Times bestselling author of the “must-read” (Sean Hannity) Breaking the News and editor-in-chief of Breitbart News Network returns with this timely and eye-opening deep dive investigation into the 46th president.

Over his 50-year career in Washington, Joe Biden has become known for his wild dishonesty, embarrassing policy failings, and an absolute lack of accountability, culminating in his predictably unpopular presidency. But what has not yet been revealed is the vast web of consultants, bureaucrats, corporate titans, foreign interests, and various extended family members (it’s not just Hunter!) who have achieved unfathomable wealth and power while keeping Biden in charge.

Now, Alex Marlow reports the findings of a shocking, in-depth investigation into the individuals and entities behind the devastating decisions that have empowered the global elite at the expense of the American public. With his signature “prescient” (Tucker Carlson) writing, Marlow unearths new details such as:

EXPOSED: The secret cadre of consultants running Joe Biden’s Washington.
EXPLAINED: How Joe Biden sold America’s intellectual property to communist China.
UNCOVERED: The unreported and audacious reason the underwhelming, under-qualified, and unpopular Kamala Harris was chosen to be vice president.
REVEALED: All the ways the Bidens’ bag cash off of the family name.



Monday, September 25th, 2023


These ‘climate change’ activists/alarmists just never give up  their attempt to scare people into believing that ‘Climate Change’ is going to destroy the world !  Nancy
Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change
One of the topics of discussion for the night was climate change. Can you even begin to imagine the size of the carbon footprint of this crowd?
Remember, these are the people who want the peasants to live without air conditioning and eat bugs. Not for them, though.

Climate Change Is ‘Killing People and Devastating Communities’ Says U.N. Chief António Guterres

EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  One must assume that Mr. Guterres is also unaware that far more people die each year from cold weather than from heat.

The United Nations alarmist-in-chief António Guterres called for “drastic steps” Friday to eliminate all fossil fuels in order to curb global warming.

“Climate change is not just a change in the weather. It is changing life on our planet,” Guterres asserted in a Twitter (X) post. “It is killing people and devastating communities.”

The U.N. chief did not share data on who exactly has died from “climate change” or which communities have been “devastated” by it, in accord with his usual practice of rhetoric-heavy, fact-light discourse.

Instead, he cut right to the chase: “To limit global temperature rise, we must phase out coal, oil & gas in a fair & equitable way – and massively boost renewables.”

In a video he embedded in his post, Guterres makes the remarkable claim that “every continent, every region, and every country is feeling the heat.”

That may be true in his native Portugal, but in Greenland, where the average yearly temperature is just over 1°F (-17°C), feeling the heat is a luxury.

Russia, spanning the continents of Asia and Europe, has a still colder annual average of -5.2ºF (-20.7ºC), meaning that below freezing is the norm.

Even in Canada, where the annual average sits at a balmy 20.6°F (-6.4°C), one supposes that an added 1.5ºC would be a welcome (if insufficient) change for the better.

One must assume that Mr. Guterres is also unaware that far more people die each year from cold weather than from heat.




Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Be sure to watch the Davos Watch video.   It is so disturbing  what these One World Government groups are pushing now.  Thanks to Jay Stobbs for sharing.  Nancy

A shadowy nonprofit organization called C40 is pressuring mayors across the globe to implement city-wide “consumption interventions” to restrict or eliminate meat consumption, air travel, owning your own car, and even buying new clothes.

C40 seeks to establish these restrictions by 2030, and 100 cities are already adopting them. Cities in France are limiting air travel, New York City restricts meat intake in its schools and other government facilities, and many cities in the U.S. have ridiculous “low emissions zones.”

Despite its radicalism, C40 is very influential. It is funded by the Clinton Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, the World Bank, and other powerful interests. It collaborates with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

In a new Davos Watch segment of our In The Tank podcast, Heartland’s Donny Kendall details this newest threat to liberty. You can view the short segment here:

I also wanted to share with you an article by our Chris Talgo, which I found to be very good.

This is in response to the absurd lies being told by the media and Democratic politicians, claiming that “Bidenomics is working.” In reality, it has doubled the deficit.

You can read his article for American Thinker here.

I wish I had better news for you today, but the reality is that the policy problems we face are significant. Thank you for standing with Heartland as we face down these Goliaths.

For liberty,

David Hoyt
Executive Director of Development
The Heartland Institute
3939 North Wilke Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
United States

P.S. Please feel free to forward on both of the items I linked to in this email and share them with friends and family. And if anyone you know would like to sign up for our email lists, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to sign them up. Thanks!





Saturday, September 9th, 2023

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy The City – That Was The Point Eric

By Sam Faddis   September 8, 2023

“Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to — I don’t see an ending to this,” New York Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday night in his opening remarks at a town hall-style gathering in Manhattan. “This issue will destroy New York City.”

The Mayor is right. What he does not seem to comprehend, however, is that that is the entire point of this administration’s immigration policies. It is to destroy America as we know it. This government is not run by individuals looking to serve the population of the United States and safeguard its citizens. It is, at the upper levels, run by radicals who despise this country and everything it stands for and are looking to radically restructure it along clearly Marxist lines.

This government’s official policy is not to control the border or the flow of migrants into this country. The official policy of this government is to guarantee “safe and orderly migration.”

“The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to safe, orderly, and humane migration around the world, including to the United States. We commit to working with other countries to enhance cooperation to manage migration in ways that are grounded in human rights, transparency, non-discrimination, responsibility-sharing, and State sovereignty.”

The illegals from all over the planet that are destroying New York and so much of the rest of our country are not just somehow managing to find their way here. They are being moved across Central America on what amounts to a conveyor belt of camps, often linked by contract bus service, run by a wide range of non-profits. Much of the funding for all this comes from the U.S. Government.

You are paying to bring these people here. And, then you are paying to maintain them once they arrive. You are being replaced, and you are footing the bill for the entire operation.





Tuesday, September 5th, 2023


Direct Government Censorship Of The Internet Is Here
SUNDAY, SEP 03, 2023 – 11:30 PM

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,   


Censorship of the Internet has been getting worse for years, but we just crossed a threshold which is going to take things to a whole new level.
On August 25th, a new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union.  Under this new law, European bureaucrats will be able to order big tech companies to censor any content that is considered to be “illegal”, “disinformation” or “hate speech”.  That includes content that is posted by users outside of the European Union, because someone that lives in the European Union might see it.  I wrote about this a few days ago, but I don’t think that people are really understanding the implications of this new law.  In the past, there have been times when governments have requested that big tech companies take down certain material, but now this new law will give government officials the power to force big tech companies to take down any content that they do not like.
These new content rules are so vague that they could apply to just about anything.
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