Archive for the ‘Socialism’ Category

Republicans Help Democrats Pass Omnibus Spending Bill

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
Thanks to Royal Brown of Florida for sharing this information with us on the recently passed $1.2 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill.  Democrats do this to Republicans every time – wait till the last minute to bring forward a huge spending bill packed with pork for their Democrat pet projects.  A government shut down is threatened if Republicans don’t cave and surprise, surprise, the Republicans fall for it every time. 


The terrible 1,200+ page $1.2 T Omnibus Spending Bill passed March 22 once again increasing the National Debt; funding most of Democrat agenda and made very few cuts or needed increases needed for a true conservative Republican agenda.  Beijing Joe Biden and Chuck U Schumer put it over on House Speaker Mike Johnson who along with another 100 Republicans voted to pass this bill.  See a partial list of the bad spending at link that follows:
The House vote was bipartisan, with 286 members for it — 185 Democrats and 101 Republicans — and 134 against. Twelve members did not vote. To see an alphabetical  list of how each House Member voted click on:  How each House member voted on the $1.2 trillion funding package | CNN Politics
The omnibus bill passed through the Senate with a 68-29 vote. The 68 Senators who voted in favor of passing the bill included 18 Republicans.  Both FL Senators Rubio and Scott correctly voted NO on the bill.
Following  is a  list of the 18 Republican Senators who voted in favor of this bad bill (most are usual suspects e.g. establishment, ruling class, elitist, neo-con RINOs):
  • Roy Blunt (Missouri)
  • John Boozman (Arkansas)
  • Shelley Capito (West Virginia)
  • Susan Collins (Maine)
  • John Cornyn (Texas)
  • Tom Cotton (Arkansas)
  • Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
  • Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
  • Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
  • Jerry Moran (Kansas)
  • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
  • Rob Portman (Ohio)
  • Mitt Romney (Utah)
  • Mike Rounds (South Dakota)
  • Richard Shelby (Alabama)
  • John Thune (South Dakota)
  • Roger Wicker (Mississippi)
  • Todd Young (Indiana)
So the overspending adding more to the National Debt goes on without securing the border or demanding accountability for spending in areas which are anti-American, anti-Constitution, immoral, promote the LGBTQ agenda and/or not in best national interests of the United States or the safety of its citizens.
Royal A. Brown III
President, Winter Haven 912
America First
“Resist Tyranny-Obey God’s Laws” 


Monday, March 25th, 2024


Democrats certainly do have a knack for destroying everything they touch !    Nancy
California is not all right
March 23, 2024

Despite stubbornly high inflation and record-high credit card debt, the economy added 2.7 million jobs last year while unemployment hovered just below 4%. But not all states did as well. California, the gem of Democratic uniparty governance, added just 154,000 jobs, and joblessness stagnated above 5%.

While states such as Florida and Texas grew their workforce by 3.4% and 3.3%, respectively, California’s grew by just 0.87%. All this was while the state budget deficit ballooned to a record $73 billion as revenues from personal income tax collection dropped by 25%.

Why is California’s economy sputtering while the rest of the nation moves ahead?

The simplest answer is that California’s population is shrinking. After more than 100 years of steady growth, California is exporting more people than it is importing. The state continues to have golden sunshine, natural beauty, and warm winters, but bad policy decisions by Democratic politicians who run the state mean people simply don’t want to live there anymore.

The biggest reason people are leaving is the cost of housing. On the coast where the best jobs are, California has some of the most expensive housing in the nation. To afford a median-priced home in San Francisco, a household needs to make $400,000 a year. Actual households in San Francisco make just one-third of that: $136,000.

California’s housing crisis is due to excessive environmental regulation, which makes it impossible to build new homes. While California built just fewer than 120,000 new homes in 2020, Texas built more than 260,000.




Sunday, March 17th, 2024


The number 1 issue in this year’s election is shaping up to be our country’s massive problem over illegal immigration, our open borders and Biden’s refusal to use his powers that congress gave him to stop this invasion into our country.  With the stroke of his pen, Biden could stop this invasion.  Nancy
We’re So Sick of It:  Northern Border Crisis Gets Worse
Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the northern U.S. border have jumped from 916 in fiscal year 2021 to 10,021 in fiscal 2023
by Allan Stein   March 16, 2024

HIGHGATE, Vt.—At dawn or dusk, Kristy Brow used to enjoy alone time walking in the woods on her 21-acre property in Highgate, Vermont, a small rural town near the U.S.–Canada border.

Lately, however, she’s cautious—she’s worried about potential encounters with illegal immigrants along the remote logging trail.

“I don’t go out by myself anymore—especially at night,” said Mrs. Brow, who runs a dog obedience business from her home.

“It’s unsettling. You can’t feel relaxed anymore,” she said. “You want to be safe in your own house and on your property.

“It’s getting bad. Sometimes, you see them on the interstate, looking for a ride.”

Mrs. Brow and her husband are both avid hunters and have deer stands set up on their property. Their game cameras often record illegal immigrants passing through.




Saturday, March 16th, 2024

BIDEN’S $7.3 Trillion Nightmare

Joe Biden’s budget proposal is a campaign pitch that would be disastrous in practice.

by Nate Jackson   March 12, 2024

Our first thought when seeing Joe Biden’s $7.3 trillion budget proposal was that he must have transposed the numbers and meant $3.7 trillion. But then we remembered reality and our own warnings from four years ago — that “emergency” COVID spending would create a new floor for federal spending, and there would be no looking back.

When Biden took office, the national debt was $27.7 trillion, but here we are, $34.5 trillion in debt and counting, and all President Fiscal Responsibility wants to do is tax more and spend even more than that.

His budget represents an 18% increase over two years, and he’s proposing massive deficits as far as the eye can see. He wants spending to reach nearly 25% of GDP on federal outlays, which is a major increase over the 21% average of his 50 years in Washington. It’s also a lot more than tax revenue will provide — even at roughly 20% of GDP, which is far higher than the 50-year average of 17.3%.

Biden wants almost $5 trillion in tax hikes, yet that won’t even begin to fund his spending plans. This is the same guy who doubled the deficit last year and then boasted five times in his State of the Union address last week that he had “cut the deficit.” Heck, he’s got the gall to claim this budget proposal cuts the deficit by $3 trillion in 10 years. From what alternate reality?




Saturday, March 9th, 2024
Unbelievable that our own government is  actively destroying our country !   This video goes into detail about exactly how our government is giving incredible benefits to these illegals that they are secretly flying into our country !  Prepare yourself,   this is not going to end well.  Nancy  P.S.  There is not a Skip Ad button to the video so we have to endure the commercial before the video begins 
Elon Musk Issues ‘9/11’ Warning; 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown Into US
Crossroads  March 8, 2024
The federal government has now admitted that it has been actively flying illegal immigrants directly into the United States. So far, it has facilitated air travel for 320,000 illegal immigrants. This is in addition to the others who travel to the U.S.–Mexico border and surrender themselves to authorities to enter the amnesty system. Behind this program is a government app that is gaining more attention, known as CBP One, and allows migrants to schedule appointments with U.S. authorities to illegally enter the United States.
In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss this topic and others, and answer questions from the audience.




Saturday, February 24th, 2024


Feb 22, 2024

At CPAC, El Salvador President Nayib Bukele decried “globalism” and warned about social and civilizational decline.

cpac 2024


Wednesday, February 21st, 2024


France’s Skyrocketing Threat

by Guy Millière

Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, is the author of 27 books on France and Europe.

February 21, 2024


The European Court of Human Rights ruled in 2003 that Sharia law is incompatible with the values of democracy. Sharia law stipulates that Allah has dictated all the rules that human beings must obey, and that all rules contrary to Sharia law must be rejected. 37% of French Muslims say they support the Muslim Brotherhood — also not surprising: the main French Muslim organization, Musulmans de France (“Muslims of France”) is the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Every year, Muslims of France organizes a conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over Europe. The group also invites radical imams who speak to the crowd.

  • January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.
  • Every year, Muslims of France [the main French Muslim organization, and the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood] organizes a conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over Europe. The group also invites radical imams who speak to the crowd.
  • The survey further showed that 49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and that 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques… The survey also discloses that 25% of French Muslims said that the word “France” is a word they reject.
  • France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim. According to reports, the crime rate among the Muslim population is high…. There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally. Only 7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France are ever actually deported
  • A similar situation to that of France can be found in other Western European countries, where the Muslim population may be smaller but is quickly growing.
  • If Europeans wish to avoid such a future and keep their culture, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone, not just by words but by actions. If not, what we are seeing could well mean the end of the European civilization as we know it.
According to a new comprehensive survey, 49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques, and 25% of French Muslims said that the word “France” is a word they reject. Pictured: Thousands of Muslims arrive to attend the morning Eid al-Adha prayers at the Great Mosque of Paris on June 28, 2023. (Photo by Zakaria Abdelkafi/AFP via Getty Images)


Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson Reveals The Left’s Plan For America

43,066 views Sep 7, 2023 Radio Free Hillsdale Hour

Host Scot Bertram talks with Victor Davis Hanson, the Wayne and Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, and discusses his recent essay, “What the Left Did to Our Country.”



Wednesday, December 27th, 2023


This video is from 2017 but is even more relevant today.   Nancy  

Immigration and World Poverty Explained with GUMBALLS – Does Immigration Really

Help The Poor?

Feb 8, 2017

Presented by author/journalist: Roy Beck – Numbers USA …Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of Roy Beck’s colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version has been one of the most viewed policy presentations on the internet. From 2000 to 2009, the United States granted on average 1,003,741 green cards per year, according to DHS. Statistics. From 2000 to 2013, the U.S. granted an average of 1,008,404 green cards per year. Using the World Bank’s measure of poverty, in 2010 the Population Reference Bureau estimated the percentage of each country’s population who lived on less than $2 a day. The United States tends to bring in immigrants from the better off poor of the world instead of those living in extreme poverty, as measured by per capita GDP data from the World Bank. Academic works on international migration trends demonstrate that the “poorest of the poor” cannot afford to migrate and poorer countries tend to lose their better educated and more prosperous citizens to the developed world. According to DHS, the largest share of people living in the United States in 2009 who had been born in another country was from Mexico, 29.3 percent of the total foreign-born population. The second largest group was from China, 5.5% In 2009, the number of people living in countries with average incomes below Mexico’s was approximately 5.6 billion, according to the World Bank measure of per capita GDP. According to the Population Reference Bureau, 80.8 million births in 2009 were in “less developed regions.”



Sunday, December 17th, 2023
As we all suspected right from the beginning.  Nancy

The “Dirty Little Secret” of America’s Current Government

Obama’s Third Term

By Chet Nagle

Chet Nagle is a graduate of the Naval Academy and Georgetown Law School. A carrier pilot, he was in the Cuban Missile Crisis. A civilian, he was a Pentagon official, CIA agent, and author. He was awarded the Order of Oman during the war with Yemen.

 December 16, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, made a significant comment during the recent 4th primary debate. He exposed what he called the “dirty little secret” of America’s government by stating,”The people who we elect to run the government are not the ones who are even actually running the government.”

If he’s right, then who does run our government?

Is it billionaires who steer our domestic and foreign policy? They certainly are trying to control our speech, health, food, use of energy, and the information that we see, hear, and read. They’re also trying to give that power to the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – organizations they control through massive donations. For example, in a recent speech in Basel, Switzerland, Dr. David Martin said Bill Gates controls the WHO because he donates 88% of their budget! In return, global WHO programs enhance his plans to depopulate the world and his profits from vaccine investments.

Nevertheless, those billionaires can’t routinely call Cabinet members and senior White House officials to direct the handling of America’s plans and policies. It is Barack Obama who makes those calls.

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