Archive for the ‘Planned Parenthood’ Category


Friday, July 19th, 2013


The Wall Street Journal

How Big Government Co-Opted Charities

Much of the not-for-profit sector has become a junior partner in administering the welfare state.


  • JAMES PIERESONMr. Piereson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and president of the William E. Simon Foundation.
  • EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  Many political groups that lobby for increased government spending are major recipients of government grants. AARP, which lobbied mightily on behalf of the Affordable Care Act, has a tax-exempt foundation that received $97 million (or 82% of its revenues) in government grants in 2009.

    According to the website, the National Urban League received $16 million in 2012 and the National Council of La Raza, which lobbies on behalf of immigration reform and other issues important to Hispanics, got more than $8 million in 2010 in grants from various government departments and agencies. La Raza recently won a $100,000 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for a public-relations campaign called “Engaging the Latino Community as Only NASA Can.”

    Planned Parenthood, also an influential advocate for government spending, received more than $25 million in federal grants in 2012. This list could be expanded many times. Often these well-connected organizations win several grants per year from different federal departments and agencies.

Debate continues in Washington over limiting the charitable deduction for the wealthy to help balance the budget. Billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, in addition to influential advocacy groups like Independent Sector, an umbrella organization of 600 charities, insist that the charitable deduction is vital to preserve America’s vibrant voluntary tradition.

Yet the nonprofit sector has problems beyond the charitable deduction. For much of U.S. history, nonprofits have operated as a check on government by providing private avenues to serve the public interest. Unfortunately, American charities—and more broadly, the entire nonprofit sector—have become a creature of big government.

For decades, the U.S. government has administered research, welfare, housing and educational programs through a system of grants to state and local governments, colleges and universities, hospitals, research organizations, consulting firms and not-for-profit advocacy groups. In the past 50 years, federal spending has exploded 36-fold, to about $3.6 trillion in 2012 from $100 billion in 1962. Meantime, the number of federal civilian employees has expanded modestly in comparison—to 2.8 million in 2011 from 2.5 million in 1962. The reason the federal government can increase its spending without adding many employees is because it subcontracts so many of its functions to ostensibly private institutions. This system has gradually turned much of the not-for-profit sector into a junior partner in administering the welfare state.

The publication Giving USA, which tracks charitable spending, reports that the government now supplies one-third of all funds raised by not-for-profit organizations. Major research universities, hospitals and health centers could not survive without large allocations from the federal government, and are among the largest recipients of federal grants and contracts. They include the Dana Farber Cancer Institute ($136 million in federal grants in 2012), St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital ($56 million), the American Red Cross ($27 million) and National Jewish Health ($26 million).

According to a study by the National Science Foundation, nearly 900 research universities received federal grants and contracts totaling $40 billion in 2011. Johns Hopkins led the pack with $1.9 billion, followed by the University of Washington ($949 million), the University of Michigan ($820 million) and the University of Pennsylvania ($707 million). (more…)



Saturday, April 27th, 2013




Thursday, April 25th, 2013

BREAKING: Obama backs out of Planned Parenthood gala Thursday: White House

Updated 04/24/2013 at 2:32 pm EST 

EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE: President Obama had himself, while serving as a senator in Illinois, repeatedly opposed a measure that would have required doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive during botched abortions.

Obama has long had a close relationship with Planned Parenthood, which donated $15 million to his re-election campaign last year.

PHILADELPHIA, April 24, 2013 ( – President Obama will no longer deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood’s gala in Washington, D.C., as originally planned.

Obama had been widely criticized for attending the gala in the shadow of the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who stands accused of murdering several newborn babies after botched late-term abortions. Critics had also pointed to Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow’s testimony before the Florida House apparently defending infanticide, as well as revelations of horrendous conditions at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Delaware. (more…)



Tuesday, January 8th, 2013


Planned Parenthood reports record year

for abortions

January 7, 2013 | 3:59 pm

In its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, Planned Parenthood reveals that it performed 333,964 abortions in 2011 – a record year for the organization.

According to annual reports, the organization performed 332,278 abortions in 2009, 329,445 in 2010, making the total number of abortions in three years to 995,687.

Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding, according to a Susan B. Anthony List analysis of the report, in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. The amount is 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.

“While government subsidies to Planned Parenthood have reached an all time high, so too has the number of lives ended by this profit-driven abortion business,” SBA List’s President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement. “Destroying nearly one million children in three years is not health care and does not reflect a concern for vulnerable women and girls.”

Contraceptive services at Planned Parenthood have dropped by 12 percent since 2009, and cancer screening & prevention services have dropped by 29 percent.





Thursday, January 3rd, 2013


The Washington Times 

RUSE: Girl Scouts oppose ‘gender norms’

Move over cookies and campfires

By Cathy Cleaver Ruse

Cathy Cleaver Ruse is senior fellow for legal studies at the Family Research Council.



Tuesday, December 11, 2012


EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  Last week, WAGGGS played a prominent role at the U.N.’s International Conference on Population and Development in Bali. Its delegates sat on the steering committee for the conference’s Global Youth Forum alongside the International Planned Parenthood Federation, a frequent ally.

In their official blog, the representatives of our Girl Scouts called for “comprehensive sexuality education and a gender-neutral curriculum in formal education” in order to “deconstruct the gender norms from an early age.” They declared that “gender stereotypes and gender expectations lead to gender-based violence.” If all of this leaves you flat, it is because you are not well-versed in the post-modern panoply of genders recognized by U.N. radicals — seven at last count.

The young delegates praised a panel of “inspiring people” who advocate for “sexual and reproductive health and rights.” That’s U.N.-speak for abortion.

The Girl Scouts are preparing to celebrate “World Thinking Day” in February. Parents, hold on to your pocketbooks.

On “World Thinking Day,” Scouts will earn a badge for thinking about hunger or talking to a Peace Corps volunteer. They also will collect money and send it to the creator of World Thinking Day, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

A noted player on the international stage, WAGGGS is an ardent advocate for controversial social policies including abortion and sex rights for children. Girl Scouts USA is its single largest organizational funder. In fact, every American girl who joins a Girl Scout troop at her neighborhood church is made a de facto member of this radical group.

There is growing concern among former Scouts, Scout leaders and sponsors such as Catholic parishes that the Girl Scouts have gone off the rails a bit. The 2011 top-down edict requiring a Colorado troop to admit a cross-dressing 7-year-old boy is a good example. The WAGGGS alliance is another.

Last week, WAGGGS played a prominent role at the U.N.’s International Conference on Population and Development in Bali. Its delegates sat on the steering committee for the conference’s Global Youth Forum alongside the International Planned Parenthood Federation, a frequent ally.

In their official blog, the representatives of our Girl Scouts called for “comprehensive sexuality education and a gender-neutral curriculum in formal education” in order to “deconstruct the gender norms from an early age.” They declared that “gender stereotypes and gender expectations lead to gender-based violence.” If all of this leaves you flat, it is because you are not well-versed in the post-modern panoply of genders recognized by U.N. radicals — seven at last count.

The young delegates praised a panel of “inspiring people” who advocate for “sexual and reproductive health and rights.” That’s U.N.-speak for abortion. (more…)



Sunday, February 19th, 2012

‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’

via Michelle Malkin by Michelle Malkin on 2/10/12

To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012

If you aren’t creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren’t listening closely enough. The anesthetic of progressive benevolence always dulls the senses. Wake up.

When a bunch of wealthy white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of “increased access” to “reproductive services” for “poor” women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.

As she wrote in her autobiography, Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” This, she boasted, would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.” While she oversaw the mass murder of black babies, Sanger cynically recruited minority activists to front her death racket. She conspired with eugenics financier and businessman Clarence Gamble to “hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to sell their genocidal policies as community health and welfare services. (more…)



Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Mark Steyn: Obama goes Henry VIII on the church

2012-02-10 11:56:24

gestures-thursday-nationaAnnouncing his support for Commissar Sebelius’ edicts on contraception, sterilization, and pharmacological abortion, that noted theologian the Most Reverend Al Sharpton explained: “If we are going to have a separation of church and state, we’re going to have a separation of church and state.”

Thanks for clarifying that. The church model the young American state wished to separate from was that of the British monarch, who remains to this day Supreme Governor of the Church of England. This convenient arrangement dates from the 1534 Act of Supremacy. The title of the law gives you the general upshot, but, just in case you’re a bit slow on the uptake, the text proclaims “the King’s Majesty justly and rightfully is and ought to be the supreme head of the Church of England.” That’s to say, the sovereign is “the only supreme head on earth of the Church” and he shall enjoy “all honors, dignities, pre-eminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits and commodities to the said dignity,” not to mention His Majesty “shall have full power and authority from time to time to visit, repress, redress, record, order, correct, restrain and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offenses, contempts and enormities, whatsoever they be.”

The president of the United States has decided to go Henry VIII on the Church’s medieval ass. Whatever religious institutions might profess to believe in the matter of “women’s health,” their pre-eminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities and immunities are now subordinate to a one-and-only supreme head on earth determined to repress, redress, restrain and amend their heresies. One wouldn’t wish to overextend the analogy: For one thing, the Catholic Church in America has been pathetically accommodating of Beltway bigwigs’ ravenous appetite for marital annulments in a way that Pope Clement VII was disinclined to be vis-� -vis the English king and Catherine of Aragon. But where’d all the pandering get them? In essence, President Obama has embarked on the same usurpation of church authority as Henry VIII: as his Friday morning faux-compromise confirms, the continued existence of a “faith-based institution” depends on submission to the doctrinal supremacy of the state. (more…)



Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Published on The Weekly Standard (

Hidden Persuaders

The unheralded gains of the pro-life movement

Fred Barnes

November 7, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 08

Opponents of abortion are rarely interviewed on television these days. “It’s much harder to get on TV than it used to be,” says Charmaine Yoest, who heads Americans United for Life. Bookers of guests for news shows tell her, “We don’t want to talk about abortion. We’re tired of it.”

Perhaps the mainstream media are simply incapable of covering more than one social issue at a time. For the moment, the conflict over gay marriage and gays in the military is monopolizing media coverage, TV and print alike. Abortion is barely an afterthought.

Photo of ultrasound

There’s an upside to this for the pro-life movement, a benefit of benign neglect. Foes of gay rights are now seen by the press as fighting the bad war, roughly analogous to Vietnam. Pro-lifers are waging the good war, like World War II. “You get much less grief fighting against abortion than you do fighting to preserve traditional marriage,” says Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.

If only the media knew. They have missed the most important breakthrough in the struggle over abortion in years: the resurgence of the pro-life crusade. The press elite was beaten on the story by publications such as Christianity Today (“The New Pro-Life Surge”) and Baptist Press (“5 Reasons the Pro-Life Movement is Winning”).

That the pro-life movement is bigger is a given. It’s also younger, increasingly entrepreneurial, more strategic in its thinking, better organized, tougher in dealing with allies and enemies alike, almost wildly ambitious, and more relentless than ever. (more…)



Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  What I found out in my quest for political clarity was that the Republican party passed EVERY civil rights legislation in regard to black Americans, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act, which was signed by a Democrat president but only passed because of a Republican congress’ overwhelming support.  Most Democrats in congress opposed it.  Republicans passed the 13th amendment, freeing black slaves; the 14th amendment, giving blacks their citizenship; the 15th amend, granting blacks the right to vote.  Even still, whenever Democrats would take back control of the white house and congress, they would prevent blacks from buying land, they denied them fair wages for their work, and they undid many of the civil rights advancements of the Republicans.

Breaking the Chains

Walking Off the Democrat Plantation – The Providence of Change (part 1 of 3)
Posted on September 16, 2011 by  STACY SWIMP

Written By: Providence Crowder

Ok, here’s the story.  I was born and raised a Democrat.  As odd as “being born a” may sound, that statement is as true as it is tragic.  Both of my parents were, my aunts and uncles were, and every influential adult in my life proclaimed to be . . . a Democrat.  I hadn’t considered questioning why because politics didn’t interest me much.  I inherently knew that I was one, and when I became of voting age, the fundamental rule was that I must vote the party line all the way down the voting ticket.  Why Democrat, you may ask?  Because all black people, as far as I was told, voted Democrat.  And since I was black, that made me Democrat.  So when I turned 18 years of age, I registered to vote and voted as any good black American would. I followed the example of those around me and saddled that Democrat donkey every election Tuesday without understanding the issues, without learning the party platforms, and without a thorough assessment of the candidates.  Heck, I didn’t even care to know such things; I just wanted the Democrats to win the election against those “racist” Republicans that I had been taught were against black people.  I wanted the rich to pay their fair share like we, the poor and working class Americans, were.  I didn’t even mind a little redistribution of wealth when it came to someone else’s fortune, as long as mine was left alone. (more…)



Thursday, April 14th, 2011
The Wall Street Journal

  • APRIL 12, 2011

The president would have shut down government over Planned Parenthood funding.


  • Most Americans, it is probably safe to say, have no idea that we are talking about an organization that performed 332,278 abortions in 2009—one abortion every 95 seconds. Planned Parenthood counters that no federal dollars go to abortion, but Americans are not stupid. They know money is fungible.     As for serving pregnant women, that would be worth some congressional attention too.  Planned  Parenthood’s own numbers show that more than 97% of pregnant women it treated were given abortions—against fewer than 3% who received nonabortion services such as adoption or prenatal care.
  • The senior senator from New York was on to something when he complained about ideology getting in the way of spending cuts. Just not in the way he would have us believe.

Appearing on MSNBC on Friday before the budget deal was finally cut, Sen. Charles Schumer launched a pre-emptive blame strike. “We are on the one-yard line,” he complained, “but Republicans in the House are making a goal-line stand on women’s health, which has nothing—nothing—to do with the budget.” The reference was to a GOP bid to strip Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Mr. Schumer was not alone. Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.) advanced a similar argument. “[W]hat they are saying to us today,” she declared, “is that if you want to keep the federal government open, you have to throw women under the bus.” Ditto for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who kept insisting that the only thing between a shutdown and a deal was GOP social ideology.

Whoa there! Might there be another way to read this?

In the end, President Barack Obama was the one who refused to blink on Planned Parenthood. Another way of saying it is this: The president was willing to shut down the entire federal government rather than see Planned Parenthood’s federal funding cut.

According to press accounts leaked by Democratic aides, House Speaker John Boehner argued for the funding cut late into the evening. The president answered, “Nope, zero.” He then said, “John, this is it.” Mr. Boehner accepted the budget deal without that cut.

A Republican aide confirmed more or less the same account to me. He said it was “chilling” to see how inflexible Mr. Obama was. You might call it ideological.

mcgurn0412 (more…)

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