Archive for the ‘Saudi Arabia’ Category


Tuesday, August 20th, 2019


The Washington Post’s ties to Islamic terrorists are a national security risk.
August 16, 2019   Daniel Greenfield  Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism

Millions of Americans brought Alexa into their homes only to learn, belatedly, that not only software, but human beings, were listening in on them. Amazon employees and contractors from Costa Rica to India were caught reviewing thousands of recordings, of casual requests, private conversations and intimate moments, and sharing clips that they thought were funny in chat sessions with each other.

The Amazon product is always listening and maintains recordings of your conversations indefinitely.

But now there’s something bigger at stake than privacy violations. Amazon expects a $10 billion cloud contract for the military. The $10 billion contract was a sweetheart deal for a politically influential company that seemed unstoppable until President Trump suddenly slammed the brakes on JEDI.

The deal had always been dubious and many critics had questioned how or why a single company could expect to have a monopoly on the JEDI cloud for the United States military. Amazon’s cloud business is huge, but the Capital One breach of 100 million credit card applications by a former Amazon employee highlighted the company’s security and workforce issues. Capital One kept its data in the cloud through AWS or Amazon Web Services and the hacker was a former AWS employee with specialized knowledge.

In the Obama era, Amazon had received a $600 million cloud contract that covers all 17 intelligence agencies. The secret deal was met with protests especially since Amazon’s wasn’t even the lowest bid.

Just as with JEDI, all the national security eggs were being put into one very fragile basket.

Amazon’s federal cloud contracts took off in the Obama era. Many of the biggest contracts are classified making it difficult to measure how much taxpayer money is being sucked into the Bezos business. But Amazon is winning contracts in the usual Washington D.C. way, by spending millions a year on lobbying.

The dot com titan began lobbying the Pentagon in 2016. That was the year Amazon’s lobbying expenditures hit a whopping $11 million, up from $1.62 million during the Bush administration. Amazon’s PAC, which the company strongly encourages employees to donate to, accounted for $515,200 in donations to members of Congress.

Amazon was the fourth biggest contributor to Senator Mark Warner. And when President Trump put Amazon’s JEDI deal on hold, Warner was among the first to protest the move. In his letter, Warner urged the Secretary of Defense to “resist political pressures” that might scuttle $10 billion for Amazon.

Senator Warner, who was applying political pressure to the Secretary of Defense, to protect a contract that would benefit his contributors, appeared to be unaware of the irony of his message.

But Amazon’s lobbying millions were only the tip of the iceberg of its dubious political influence.




Friday, August 16th, 2019


CLARION PROJECT VIDEO – OFFICIAL MOVIE TRAILER     Help spread the word about radical Islamist indoctrination of kids!


Saturday, July 13th, 2019


This is one of the best articles I have ever read.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an incredibly perceptive woman and she writes beautifully .   Nancy

Can Ilhan Omar Overcome Her Prejudice?

I was born in Somalia and grew up amid pervasive Muslim anti-Semitism. Hate is hard to unlearn without coming to terms with how you learned it.

July 12, 2019 6:24 pm ET

Excerpt from this article: The problem of Muslim anti-Semitism is much bigger than Ilhan Omar. Condemning her, expelling her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, or defeating her in 2020 won’t make the problem go away.

Islamists have understood well how to couple Muslim anti-Semitism with the American left’s vague notion of “social justice.” They have succeeded in couching their agenda in the progressive framework of the oppressed versus the oppressor. Identity politics and victimhood culture also provide Islamists with the vocabulary to deflect their critics with accusations of “Islamophobia,” “white privilege” and “insensitivity.” A perfect illustration was the way Ms. Omar and her allies were able to turn a House resolution condemning her anti-Semitism into a garbled “intersectional” rant in which Muslims emerged as the most vulnerable minority in the league table of victimhood.

I once opened a speech by confessing to a crowd of Jews that I used to hate them. It was 2006 and I was a young native of Somalia who’d been elected to the Dutch Parliament. The American Jewish Committee was giving me its Moral Courage Award. I felt honored and humbled, but a little dishonest if I didn’t own up to my anti-Semitic past. So I told them how I’d learned to blame the Jews for everything.

Fast-forward to 2019. A freshman congresswoman from Minnesota has been infuriating the Jewish community and discomfiting the Democratic leadership with her expressions of anti-Semitism. Like me, Ilhan Omar was born in Somalia and exposed at an early age to Muslim anti-Semitism.

Some of the members of my 2006 AJC audience have asked me to explain and respond to Ms. Omar’s comments, including her equivocal apologies. Their main question is whether it is possible for Ms. Omar to unlearn her evident hatred of Jews—and if so, how to help.

In my experience it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to unlearn hate without coming to terms with how you learned to hate. Most Americans are familiar with the classic Western flavors of anti-Semitism: the Christian, European, white-supremacist and Communist types. But little attention has been paid to the special case of Muslim anti-Semitism. That is a pity because today it is anti-Semitism’s most zealous, most potent and most underestimated form.

I never heard the term “anti-Semitism” until I moved to the Netherlands in my 20s. But I had firsthand familiarity with its Muslim variety. As a child in Somalia, I was a passive consumer of anti-Semitism. Things would break, conflicts would arise, shortages would occur—and adults would blame it all on the Jews.

When I was a little girl, my mom often lost her temper with my brother, with the grocer or with a neighbor. She would scream or curse under her breath “Yahud!” followed by a description of the hostility, ignominy or despicable behavior of the subject of her wrath. It wasn’t just my mother; grown-ups around me exclaimed “Yahud!”the way Americans use the F-word. I was made to understand that Jews—Yahud—were all bad. No one took any trouble to build a rational framework around the idea—hardly necessary, since there were no Jews around. But it set the necessary foundation for the next phase of my development.

At 15 I became an Islamist by joining the Muslim Brotherhood. I began attending religious and civil-society events, where I received an education in the depth and breadth of Jewish villainy. This was done in two ways.

The first was theological. We were taught that the Jews betrayed our prophet Muhammad. Through Quranic verses (such as 7:166, 2:65 and 5:60), we learned that Allah had eternally condemned them, that they were not human but descendants of pigs and monkeys, that we should aspire to kill them wherever we found them. We were taught to pray: “Dear God, please destroy the Jews, the Zionists, the state of Israel. Amen.”

We were taught that the Jews occupied the Holy Land of Palestine. We were shown pictures of mutilated bodies, dead children, wailing widows and weeping orphans. Standing over them in military uniform were Israeli soldiers with large guns. We were told their killing of Palestinians was wanton, unprovoked and an expression of their hatred for Muslims.




Saturday, April 27th, 2019


Why aren’t the liberal women of America marching to protest this treatment of women in Saudi Arabia  ?  Nancy   

Apple and Google accused of helping ‘enforce gender apartheid’ by hosting Saudi government app that tracks women and stops them leaving the country

Bill Bostock   Feb 8, 2019
The Saudi Ministry of the Interior’s “Absher” app is where men give women permission to travel, and also where they can activate SMS alerts to let them know when women use their passport at the border. Above, the logos of Apple and Google.  REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
  • Apple and Google have been criticized by rights groups for hosting Absher, an app which allows men in Saudi Arabia to track and control where women travel.
  • Absher is a Saudi government website, which INSIDER reported on at length last week. It is available on Google Play and iTunes, and has been downloaded more than one million times.
  • Under Saudi law, every woman has a legal “guardian” who can restrict her travel to specific airports and routes, and get automated alerts when they cross borders.
  • Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and a women’s rights activist told INSIDER that Apple and Google should reconsider hosting the app.
  • Yasmine Mohammed, a critic of Saudi Arabia, said: “There’s a definite tragedy in the world’s most technologically progressive platforms, Apple and Google, facilitating the most archaic misogyny.”
  • Neither Apple nor Google responded to repeated requests for comment.
  • Read INSIDER’s full report on Absher here.

Apple and Google have been accused of helping to “enforce gender apartheid” in Saudi Arabia, by offering a sinister app which allows men to track women and stop them leaving the country.

Both Google Play and iTunes host Absher, a government web service which allows men to specify when and how women can cross Saudi borders, and to get close to real-time SMS updates when they travel.

Absher also has benign functions — like paying parking fines — but its travel features have been identified by activists and refugees as a major factor in the continued difficulty women have leaving Saudi Arabia.




Wednesday, March 27th, 2019


Now that the Russian Hoax hoopla has finally died down, perhaps the media will take seriously the threat from the Grand Jihadic Strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate and eventually overcome America.  Thanks to Mike Scruggs for sharing. Nancy   

The Grand Jihadic Strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood

Destroying America from Within

By Mike Scruggs

Mike Scruggs- The Muslim Brotherhood is the most powerful Muslim political organization in the world. Its motto is: “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-BannaThe Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan in Arabic) was established in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, a devout Muslim school teacher, and six followers. Al-Banna, his followers, and many Muslims in Egypt believed that Islam had become shamefully secularized and marginalized during British Colonial Rule and that of the secular Muslim leaders that followed after Egypt’s independence in 1922. Moreover, British military and political influence continued.

The Brotherhood was established as a Muslim revivalist organization with the goal of bringing Egypt and eventually all other Muslim nations back to the pure Islam of the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad. As purists, they also advocated expanding Islam over the whole world by peaceful or violent means, whichever is required.

By analogy, it was a “reformation” to turn Islam back to the doctrines and practices of its founders.

By 1938, the Brotherhood had 200,000 members in Egypt. By the end of 1948 and the birth of Israel, the Ikhwan had 2,000,000 members in Egypt, about 10 percent of the total population including women and children.

The Muslim Brotherhood operates primarily within the Sunni branch of Islam, competing for world dominance with the numerically smaller Shia branch led by Iran. The Brotherhood’s modern operating philosophy is often called “Civilization Jihad” or stealth Jihad.

They typically work by deception, infiltration, and subversion until they are strong enough to take power and enforce their dominance by the sword. Hamas and Islamic Jihad were two of their first terrorist branches, but they also had a significant role in establishing al-Qaeda, which is essentially a spinoff of Hamas.

Similarly, ISIS is essentially a spinoff of Al-Qaeda. Oil money, especially from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, has been one of their most powerful resources for propagandizing, bribing, and corrupting political, civil, education, banking, and church leaders in the West.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood is a Sunni organization, they often cooperate with Shia Muslims and even the secular Left against common enemies. The Muslim Brotherhood also has immense influence in the 57-nation member Organization for Islamic Cooperation within the United Nations.

The Brotherhood’s strategic goals in the United States were uncovered by an FBI raid in August 2004 on the Annandale, Virginia, home of Ismail Elbarasse, suspected of fundraising for the Hamas terrorist group and planning to sabotage the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland. Among the 80 boxes of Muslim Brotherhood archives was an “Explanatory Memorandum” of the Brotherhood’s game plan for bringing America down by infiltration and subversion from within.




Sunday, December 16th, 2018
Thanks to Sheldon Hayer for sharing this astonishing video of the speech President Al Sisi of Egypt gave admonishing the people of the middle east for expecting the various countries around the world to welcome them when they continue to fight among themselves and won’t respect the customs of the Western countries.  Nancy


Friday, December 7th, 2018


For additional information about the allies and enemies of  World War II, the book “Warlords” is an extraordinary re-creation of World War II through the eyes and minds of Hitler, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.  The authors are Simon Berthon and Joanna Potts and the book  was published in 2006.    A fascinating read !   Nancy

Unsavory Allies, From Stalin to the Saudis

FDR cooperated with one of history’s most murderous dictators.



Monday, August 6th, 2018




Tuesday, April 10th, 2018


The Radical-in-Chief didn’t just support one monster. He backed two.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

Obama owns the disaster in Syria in a way that no one else does. Three of his policies intersected to cause the bloodshed, devastation and horrors there. 

  1. The Iraq Withdrawal
  2. The Arab Spring
  3. The Iran Deal

Obama’s Iraq withdrawal turned the country over to Iran and ISIS. The tensions between the Shiite puppet regime in Baghdad (which Obama insisted on backing) and the Sunni population created a cycle of violence that reduced the country to a bloody civil war between Shiite militias and Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The collapse of the multicultural Iraqi army allowed Al Qaeda in Iraq to seize huge swathes of territory. And ISIS and Iran began carving up Iraq into their own ethnically cleansed dominions.

Then his Arab Spring empowered the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sunni forces to seize power in countries around the region. Unlike Egypt and Tunisia, whose governments fell under White House pressure, and Libya, which Obama bombed and invaded, the Iranians and Russians didn’t cut their Syrian allies loose.

Iraq’s civil war spread to Syria. Initially Obama backed the Sunni Brotherhood militias. These groups represented themselves as free, secular and democratic. They were actually nothing of the kind. But as Libya and Yemen turned into disasters, and the Syrian militias clamored for direct military intervention, Obama instead turned to Iran. The Sunni Islamists hadn’t worked out so he cut a deal with the Shiites.




Sunday, December 17th, 2017



Obama State Department Let Clinton And Huma Make Off With Boxes Of ‘Muslim Engagement’ Docs

by  Jack Crowe  Political Reporter   December 14, 2017

The Obama State Department allowed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin to remove call logs, scheduling documents and files described as “Muslim Engagement” from government premises by labeling the records “private,” Judicial Watch has learned.

Judicial Watch obtained records about the document removals in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all forms authorizing the removal of “personal papers and non-record materials,” according to a Thursday press release.

“These new documents show the Obama State Department had a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her calls logs and schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA and other laws,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “When are the American people going to get an honest investigation of the Clinton crimes?”

The documents, which are not classified but carry a special notation that they are not to be made public under normal FOIA procedure, include a list of Clinton’s personal and official calls. The special notation was included as part of an addendum signed by Clarence N. Finney Jr., then-director of the Office of Correspondence and Records, who reviewed the records.

The newly obtained records also show that Abedin was authorized to remove five boxes of “physical files” that include documents described as “Muslim Engagement.”

They also indicate that Clinton removed a physical file of “the log of the Secretary’s gifts with pictures of gifts,” which could potentially expose Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative connections.

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