Archive for the ‘Cyber Warfare’ Category


Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020


Now this report is definitely explosive!.  Please click on the link below to hear the audio video of General McInerney explaining what has happened. There have been scattered reports that this has happened but McInerney’s report definitely sounds believable.   Thanks to Royal Brown of Florida for sharing this article with us.   Nancy

Gen. McInerney reports US Special Forces attacked CIA server farm in Germany

November 29, 2020
Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave interviews to WVW Broadcasting Network today. It was Flynn’s first interview since his pardon.
In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany. 5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary. The CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to reports.
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that China, Iran, and Russia were involved in the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, who will be shown to have won an overwhelming victory for the American people, McInerney revealed.
“These people have committed treason,” declared McInerney. He pleaded with President Trump to not leave office until the treason is uncovered, otherwise America will be fatally wounded and ripe for takeover by our enemies.
“THE KRAKEN’ is a reference to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, based out of U.S. Army Fort Huachuca, Arizona,” Lt. General Thomas McInerney revealed.
McInerney also stated that he believes President Trump knew the steal was coming, hence his executive order issued for sanctions for interference in our elections by foreign powers.
McInerney clarified that Powell had been using data provided by the 305th, and others, as fuel for legal battles, including her Georgia lawsuit, which alleges that the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians used Dominion to interfere in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.
“Sidney and the President through, I believe, General Flynn, have got the ‘Kraken’ organization, the 305 Military Intelligence Battalion, working with them,” said McInerney. “Because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ, of the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side. It’s been on the ‘Deep State’ side.”

U.S. military seized Dominion servers in Germany?

“Special Operations Forces seized those, that facility, so they have those servers” said McInerney. McInerney added that the raid did not go “without incident” and stated that U.S. soldiers faced casualties during the operation:


Thursday, November 26th, 2020


Sidney did it !!!!    Nancy  

Lawsuit filed late Wednesday. November 25, 2020 by Sidney Powell and Lin Wood in Georgia


Thursday, November 26th, 2020


VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH RUSS RAMSLAND, co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) in Dallas

Election Fraud You Can See

Debbie Georgatos is the Host of the conservative talk show, AmericaCanWeTalk?
November 25, 2020

Decimals in Vote Tallies

Tabulation software in use in the 2020 election in at least 28 states explicitly authorized in operating instruction manuals provided by the software vendor — the use of weighting algorithms to tally votes.

Actual tallies in Michigan’s public records show weighted numbers of votes received, showing vote tallies in fractional numbers — e.g. a tally of 1,615,707.52 votes for candidate X and 1,925,865.66 votes for candidate Y. 


These numbers are not vote total percentages for one candidate or another, which would logically include decimals.  These are reports of vote totals. With decimals. There is no logical place for decimals in a system that is supposed to be counting one person, one vote. Vote counts with decimals establish that the system used algorithms.  They prove the actual vote tally has been manipulated.


Mainstream media, elected officials, and popular culture are attempting to steamroll America into surrendering to the pronouncement that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. The election certification train is leaving the station and joining the steamrolling.


As with so many other leftist missions, the “let’s move on… this is over..” mantra has been unleashed. But preservation of our democratic republic requires election integrity, and integrity requires investigation of serious allegations and evidence of election fraud, lest we anoint someone president who did not actually win.


Vote fraud, the kind that occurs in varying degrees in every election, where deceased people mysteriously vote, some individuals vote multiple times,  and mysterious pallets of ballots appear to save the election for the candidate who was losing, seems to be widespread. Affidavits in unprecedented numbers and scope, describing firsthand observations of perceived vote fraud, are piling up.


But election fraud, the electronic manipulation of voter tabulation software, also called vote-switching, is the burning issue that could change everything we think we know about election 2020.  The central question is how serious, how substantive, how real, is the evidence of widespread, systemic election fraud?   And why are so many Biden-supporting anti-Trumpers SO determined to shut down consideration of the evidence before it is presented? Sidney Powell’s promised upcoming lawsuits will no doubt be full of details that have made her so resolute and confident in saying that Trump won, and that she is about to  “release the Kraken … on steroids.”




Sunday, November 15th, 2020


Thanks to Gadi Adelman for sharing this very important information with us.  Trump has outsmarted the Dems once again –  This election is definitely not over !  Nancy
Not having heard of his media outlet I had to check and see what was what, after reading the Executive Order    Gadi Adelman
I see that what is in this article is true.
We are in for a ride.  Gadi Adelman
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National
Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing
of election and campaign infrastructure”
BY HEALTHRANGER // 2020-11-13
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”
Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain. That’s right. Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.” Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also own stock in Scytl.”

Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany

Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”
Edmund Burke 1729-1797
Lan astaslem (لن استسلم‎)
“I will never surrender/I will never submit”.


Saturday, November 14th, 2020
Sidney Powell tonight on Lou Dobbs  gave very important and explosive information  regarding   fraud on the Dominion   election system.
  A MUST WATCH !   Nancy


Sidney Powell With Lou Dobbs: Release The Kraken

November 13, 2020




Thursday, November 12th, 2020


This article from a speech given at Hillsdale College, is packed with a tremendous amount of very important information about China.  I have highlighted what I thought were the important facts for those of you who only have time to skim the article as it is a long article.  The title of this article ‘Facing Up to the China Threat’ is definitely what we, as a country, needs to do to ensure our survival as a free nation.  Nancy   


Facing Up to the China Threat

Septembe 2020
Brian T. Kennedy
American Strategy Group

Brian T. Kennedy is president of the American Strategy Group, chairman of the Committee for the Present Danger: China, and a board member and senior fellow of the Claremont Institute, where he served as president from 2002 to 2015. He has written widely on national security affairs and public policy, including in The Wall Street JournalNational ReviewInvestor’s Business Daily, and RealClearPolitics. He is the author of Communist China’s War Inside America.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on September 29, 2020, in Rapid City, South Dakota, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar.

We are at risk of losing a war today because too few of us know that we are engaged with an enemy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that means to destroy us. The forces of globalism that have dominated our government (until recently) and our media for the better part of half a century have blinded too many Americans to the threat we face. If we do not wake up to the danger soon, we will find ourselves helpless.

That is a worst-case scenario. I do not think we Americans will let that happen. But the forces arrayed against us are many. We need to understand what we are up against and what steps must be taken to ensure our victory.

Our modern understanding of Communist China begins during the Cold War, with President Nixon’s strategic belief that China could serve as a counterweight to the Soviet Union. This belief seemed to carry with it two great benefits. First, the U.S. wouldn’t have to take on the Soviet Union by itself: Communist China was a populous country that bordered the Soviet Union and shared our interest, or so we thought, in checking its global ambitions. Second, by engaging with China—especially in terms of trade, but also by helping it develop technologically—we would help to end communism as a guiding force in China. This second notion might be called the China dream: economic liberalism would lead to political liberalism, and China’s communist dictatorship would fade away.

At the end of the Cold War, pursuing the China dream appeared a safe course of action, given that the U.S. was then the world’s preeminent military power. The 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks reinforced the notion that superpower conflict was a thing of the past—that our major enemy was now radical Islam, widely diffused but centered in the Middle East. Later that same year, China was granted “Most Favored Nation” trading status and membership in the World Trade Organization. Little changed when the Bush administration gave way to the Obama administration. The latter’s “pivot to Asia” was mostly rhetoricala justification to degrade our military capabilities vis-à-vis China, integrate even further the U.S. and Chinese economies, and prioritize the Middle East above all else.

Under both administrations, the U.S. failed to build a military that could challenge Communist China’s aggression in the Pacificspecifically its building of a modern navy and its construction of military installations on artificial islands in the South China Sea—and acquiesced in the export of much of the U.S. manufacturing base to China and elsewhere.


History will record that America’s China policy from the 1970s until recently was very costly because it involved a great deal of self-deception about the nature of the Chinese regime and the men who were running it.

Communist China Today




Sunday, November 8th, 2020
General Tom McInerney – War Room (9 min, 45 sec)
            We all know the DNC cheat and have now perfected the art of the cheat. There’s fraud with the ballots, with the vote counts, and definitely in the voting machines.  Retired General Tom McInerney elucidates exactly how the votes are corrupted through the voting machines.  Please listen to this 9-minute Steve Bannon interview with McInerney, link below.  This interview took place the night before election day.
                 The General states that this voting fraud was being set up for Tuesday night.  “It’s going to look good for President Trump, but they’re going to change it.  And that’s the danger everybody must realize.”
          This man is not a “conspiracy theory” whack job.  The General’s bona fides are:  35 years in the Air Force, he was the #3 man in the Air Force HQ, had four tours in Vietnam, commanded the raid on Tripoli in 1986, was Vice Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Air Force of Europe and is currently “in the Cloud business, which is how I’m so familiar with what ‘Hammer’ and ‘Scorecard’ can do, and nobody knows it.”  (These are explained below, and in the interview.)
         He discusses this single most sophisticated system from the CIA/NSA called “Hammer” that came up after 9/11 for intelligence or counterintelligence about radical Islamic Jihad and the ability to monitor it.  It started as a foreign surveillance system to watch our foreign enemies, later used by the CIA with U.S. citizens, which is illegal. 
        Later it was adapted to the voting business with a software package “Scorecard”, “and it was used in foreign countries. ‘Scorecard’ changes votes at a certain point in the voting system.”  The General states that the Obama administration used it in 2012 in Florida, “so Obama and Biden are very familiar with it.”  McInerney says they used it in the primaries so that Sanders would lose to Biden.  “This software system switches 3% of the votes.”
        It was “taken out of the CIA when the Obama administration left — they used some kabuki to get it out.  They still have it up and running … we know where it’s located, we know that it’s active tonight. … The DNC … are trying to set up this voting thing on Tuesday night.  It’s going to look good for President Trump, but they’re going to change it.  And that’s the danger that everybody must realize.”
       McInerney asserts: “It would have happened in 2016, except something happened to it that night when the Obama crowd and the Democrats tried to use it.  I can’t talk about that.”
General Tom McInerney – War Room (9 min, 45 sec)
        There’s always the chance that the legal actions taken by the Trump team will actually succeed through the courts.  We don’t know how much evidence they have, but they do have evidence.  All the “Biden victory” hoopla notwithstanding, it’s not over yet.






Thursday, June 11th, 2020


While the U.S. is fixated on the pandemic and the Antifa and anarchist destructive riots, Russian Collusion,and  impeachment, the Chinese have been steadily building up their ability to wage a cyber war with the U.S.  Is it any wonder that President Trump is creating a U.S. Space Force to protect us against debilitating cyber attacks.  .   Nancy
How China is positioning to neuter America’s military status as top dog
New book details that in war games with China, the U.S. loses every time
By Jamie McIntyre Jamie McIntyre is the Washington Examiner’s senior writer on defense and national security. His morning newsletter, “Jamie McIntyre’s Daily on Defense,” is free and available by email subscription at     May 28, 2020

A recently published book begins with the sobering premise that if the United States were to go to war with China today, the biggest, best-trained, best-equipped military force in the history of the world, one fielded by a country that spends more on defense than the next 10 countries combined, would lose.

And most national security experts agree.

The book, which sparked debate inside and outside the Pentagon, is The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare, by Christian Brose, a former staff director of the Senate Armed Services Committee and senior policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain.

In his introductory chapter, Brose lays out how China follows a strategy aimed at denying the U.S. the ability to project power in the way it traditionally has, essentially checkmating America’s greatest strength.

And he describes in chilling detail how the U.S. military as currently configured is uniquely unsuited to go toe-to-toe with China in a conventional force-on-force war.

“Many of the US ships, submarines, fighter jets, bomber aircraft, additional munitions, and other systems that are needed to fight would not be near the war when it started but would be thousands of miles away in the United States. They would come under immediate attack once they began their multiweek mobilization across the planet,” he writes.

“Cyberattacks would grind down the logistical movement of US forces into combat. The defenseless cargo ships and aircraft that would ferry much of that force across the Pacific would be attacked every step of the way. Satellites on which U.S. forces depend for intelligence, communications, and global positioning would be blinded by lasers, shut down by high-energy jammers, or shot out of orbit altogether by antisatellite missiles,” leaving many U.S. forces “deaf, dumb, and blind.”


China’s massive arsenals of advanced precision strike weapons, such as cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons, would hit U.S. planes in the region before they could take off, and U.S. aircraft carriers would have to steam away from China to stay out of range of China’s carrier-killer missiles.

In short, all signs point to an ignominious defeat.




Monday, June 1st, 2020



United States must restore its independence from China

Cold War games entwine medicine, rare earth minerals and more

by Jeb Babbin  Jed Babbin, a deputy undersecretary of Defense in the George H.W. Bush administration, is the author of “In the Words of Our Enemies.”    May 17, 2020


Though no one in our government speaks in these terms, we are decades into a Second Cold War, this time with China. Unlike the Soviet Union, China is so deeply involved in our economy and brazen in its aggression that our ability to deal with the threats it poses is uncertain.

There are a dozen reasons for the U.S.-China rivalry — all of which are based on the ideological difference between America, a free nation, and Communist China, a totalitarian state. It was inevitable that, as China rose and the Soviet Union fell, the imbalance in global power would result in a second cold war between the United States and China.

The natural evolution of the new Cold War has produced an adversarial relationship from China’s pursuit of domination over U.S. allies such as Japan, its persistently aggressive cyberwar against us and its aggression in the South

In 1990, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping issued his “24-character strategy,” which centered around concepts such as “secure our positions,” “hide our capacities and bide our time” and “never claim leadership.” China’s current leader, Xi Jinping, hasn’t descended into the shrillness of Nikita Khrushchev’s “we will bury you,” but has given up the pretense of restraint in claiming China’s position as a global power.

One of the hallmarks of the first Cold War was the ideological struggle against Soviet communism. Another was the ever-present fear of nuclear war. Both of those factors are central to the new Cold War but seem to be ignored by American leaders.

Since January, U.S. scientists have been racing to develop a vaccine and treatments for the COVID-19 virus. Chinese cyber thieves have been working just as hard trying to steal every bit of information our scientists possess and every finding they make. China’s cyberattacks are reportedly also seeking to interfere in and sabotage our scientists’ work.




Tuesday, May 5th, 2020



The Century of Bioweapons

The coronavirus’s disruptive effects will inevitably inspire evil minds to action

 by Walter Russell Mead    April 28, 2020
EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE: Imagine a country whose scientists produced something like the coronavirus and also a vaccine. The virus could be released, causing chaos and destruction, but one could protect one’s own people from the plague—and offer the vaccine to the world if one’s demands were met. Now imagine a jihadist group or other criminal organization with the same power.

Over time, the danger will grow as humanity develops better and more efficient ways to hack the genetic code and create organisms on demand. Biological laboratories, even sophisticated ones, are cheaper to build and easier to hide than the factories necessary to enrich uranium and develop nuclear weapons.

Covid-19 does not appear to be a genetically engineered plague unleashed on the world by supervillains—but its massive global impact shows how effective such a weapon could be. That will have consequences.

The current pandemic, we may hope, won’t live up to its full hype. It may be less destructive and even less costly than many feared. Reliable treatments may soon become available, and societies will figure out ways to protect the most vulnerable while allowing the normal business of life to resume. Covid-19 will presumably at some point become through antiviral therapies a manageable hazard, like HIV/AIDS before it, or be conquered by a vaccine.

Yet less than three months after the first known Covid-19 death in the U.S., more Americans have died of this disease than fell in battle during the Vietnam War. It has disrupted more lives, thrown more people out of work, and at least temporarily closed more businesses than the Great Depression.

And of course the U.S. is not alone. Much of the world has been shut down; global trade has been upended in ways not seen since World War II, and the spreading economic and geopolitical fallout from the pandemic is already on course to dwarf the consequences of the 2008-09 financial crisis.


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