Archive for the ‘Bush Tax Cuts’ Category


Monday, September 27th, 2010

DEMINT: Washington doesn’t deserve a raise

Democratic wastrels shouldn’t get more taxpayer money

By Sen. Jim DeMint -The Washington Times

September 8, 2010

Even though they failed to create jobs, stimulate the economy or make health care affordable, President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi want a raise.

Based on their recent voting record, it could be a $3.8 trillion raise.

That’s how much new money Washington will take from American workers and families over the next decade if all the Democratic tax increases are enacted next year. And despite being in control of Congress since 2007, Democrats have done nothing to stop any part of this tax explosion. Rather than admit they want to give the government a raise, the Democrats claim the government “can’t afford” to keep taxes low. The truth is that Americans can’t afford the European-style, socialist government the Democrats want to create. (more…)

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