Archive for the ‘Small Business’ Category


Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Crony capitalism lurked in the shadows of this solar-panel bust

By David A. Keene-

The Washington Times

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Illustration by William Brown
Last week, the Obama administration’s Department of Energy announced it is extending an $852 million loan guarantee to something called the Genesis Solar Project in California.

Genesis, according to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, will be built on federal land and ultimately employ perhaps 800 people during its construction and 47 people once it is up and running. This would seem to be a lot of money to generate very few jobs at a time when the nation is on the verge of bankruptcy, but the project really isn’t about jobs.

It’s the latest in the administration’s attempt to turn us away from dependence on fossil fuels regardless of cost and reality. This project, according to Mr. Chu, “will enable the deployment of clean, renewable sources at scale, which will help bring down the cost of solar power in the years to come.”

Maybe, but one has to remember that this man is part of an administration with neither a learning curve nor much regard for the intelligence of the people who elected the president.

You see, Mr. Chu and his boss have been there and done that already in California, using tax money to guarantee a massive investment in a company that was going to help usher in a brave, new and a very green world. (more…)



Thursday, September 1st, 2011
The Wall Street Journal

  • AUGUST 31, 2011
The National Labor Relations Board sided with unions in several cases involving rules for organizing and representing workers, further riling business groups as the board continues to push through decisions by year’s end.

The board’s three Democrats outvoted the group’s sole Republican member in all three of the cases.

[LABOR] Associated PressA union supporter takes part in a rally in Cleveland last April.

In a case known as Specialty Healthcare, the board decided that the union could seek to organize a group that consists only of nursing assistants at a long-term care facility. That was a blow to the employer, which wanted to include other nonprofessional employees in the unit.

Employer groups had been concerned the board would use the health-care industry case to endorse the formation of “mini-bargaining units” in a range of industries, which they said would allow unions to target small groups of pro-union workers.

In their written decision, the board’s majority suggested that while they were setting a new approach at many health-care facilities, they were simply clarifying longstanding policy in other industries. They said that if an employer thinks a union proposal improperly excludes some workers, the onus is on the employer to prove that the excluded workers share an “overwhelming community of interest” with workers in the proposed unit.

The board’s lone Republican, Brian Hayes, dissented, and business groups said they feared the decision would set a precedent for other industries. (more…)



Saturday, August 27th, 2011
byByron York Chief Political Correspondent
August 26, 2011

President Barack Obama address the American Medical Association during their annual meeting in Chicago, Monday, June 15, 2009 where he vowed, “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people…If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

In June 2009, as he fought to pass the Democrats’ national health care bill, President Obama made a clear, unequivocal pledge. “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people,” Obama said. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

Spoken with great confidence, Obama’s words were meant to reassure, and it’s possible many Americans believed them. But at the same time, the president and his Democratic allies in Congress built the new health care law on provisions that, when acting together, guarantee that some people — perhaps many people — won’t be able to keep their health care plans.

On the one hand, the new law orders the establishment of health care “exchanges” through which anyone can purchase government-subsidized coverage. On the other hand, the law levies fines on employers who fail to offer coverage to their employees — but sets the fine far below the cost of coverage. In 2010, the average employer paid $4,150 to cover a single employee and $9,773 for family coverage. (Both figures are about double what they were in 2000.) The new law sets fines for employers who don’t cover their workers at $2,000.

So when it takes effect in 2014, the law will give employers a choice: Continue to offer increasingly expensive health coverage, or pay a relatively small fine, save a lot of money, and let employees buy their own subsidized coverage on the exchange. The incentive seems pretty clear. (more…)



Friday, August 26th, 2011

August 25, 2011By Victor Davis Hanson

To newly inaugurated Barack Obama and his prime-the-pump technocrats, the logic seemed so simple. America’s problem was a struggling economy. The solution was to spread around even more borrowed government money. The result would be a return to prosperity.

But after nearly three years and $4 trillion in borrowed “stimulus,” things have only gotten worse. Unemployment is stuck at 9.1 percent. Consumer confidence is approaching a record low.The stock market is tanking. National debt is increasing at a rate of $4 billion a day. Economic growth has almost vanished. America’s creditworthiness has been downgraded. The housing market is still depressed. Food and fuel prices are skyrocketing. In response, only 26 percent of the public expresses confidence in the president’s handling of the economy.

Apparently, as even the president himself recently confessed, government cannot so easily manufacture “shovel-ready” jobs. But it did far better at scaring cash-hoarding businesses into a historic hiring paralysis with nonstop talk of higher taxes, more national debt, more regulations, them vs. us class-warfare rhetoric, threatened government shutdowns of private plants, and higher-priced energy.Obama is still promising to borrow more for “infrastructure” and “jobs.” Despite nearly $15 trillion in federal debt, the administration apparently wants to defy the rules of logic and do more of what made things worse in the first place, under the euphemism of “investments.” American popular culture has coined all sorts of proverbial warnings about such mindless devotion to destructive rote: “Don’t flog a dead horse,” “If you are in a hole, stop digging,” and “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” (more…)



Saturday, July 30th, 2011



Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Published on on July 20, 2011

The new Gang of Six proposal brewing in the Senate is a total sellout which promises to usher in a vast new round of new taxes.  Not just closing of loopholes, but real live taxes we will all have to pay.

The proposal is based on the recommendations of the Bowles-Simpson Deficit Reduction Commission as modified by the “Gang of Six” US Senators.  It plans to raise $1 trillion in new tax revenues.  While the gang is vague on the details of the new taxes, the Bowles-Simpson Commission was quite clear – it proposes the virtual elimination of all tax deductions, certainly for taxpayers with joint incomes of over $200,000 and possibly for everyone.   The revenues it would generate from eliminating or sharply curtailing the mortgage interest, charitable, and state and local tax deductions are set to generate $1 trillion of new revenues over ten years and to finance a vague and unspecified hoped for cut in the top tax bracket.

The elimination or significant curtailment of these deductions would have a ruinous economic impact. (more…)



Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

July 12, 2011

Unknown Unknowns

By Thomas Sowell
When Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense, he coined some phrases about knowledge that apply far beyond military matters.

Secretary Rumsfeld pointed out that there are some things that we know that we know. He called those “known knowns.” We may, for example, know how many aircraft carriers some other country has. We may also know that they have troops and tanks, without knowing how many. In Rumsfeld’s phrase, that would be an “unknown known” — a gap in our knowledge that we at least know exists.

Finally, there are things we don’t even know exist, much less anything about them. These are “unknown unknowns” — and they are the most dangerous. We had no clue, for example, when dawn broke on September 11, 2001, that somebody was going to fly two commercial airliners into the World Trade Center that day.

There are similar kinds of gaps in our knowledge in the economy. Unfortunately, our own government creates uncertainties that can paralyze the economy, especially when these uncertainties take the form of “unknown unknowns.”

The short-run quick fixes that seem so attractive to so many politicians, and to many in the media, create many unknowns that make investors reluctant to invest and employers reluctant to employ. Politicians may only look as far ahead as the next election, but investors have to look ahead for as many years as it will take for their investments to start bringing in some money. (more…)



Thursday, June 30th, 2011



Thursday, June 30th, 2011
The Wall Street Journal

  • JUNE 29, 2011

The return of the deduction phase-out gambit.

  • The White House wants Republicans to agree to tax increases that no one wants to call tax increases, and for an insight into this political method let’s focus on one proposal in particular—the phase-out of itemized deductions for upper-income taxpayers. We hope the tea party is paying attention, because this kind of maneuver is why people hate Washington.

The idea is that once taxpayers earn a certain amount of money (say, $200,000), they would begin to lose the value of the various deductions they’re entitled to under the law. These include such IRS Form 1040 line items as the personal exemption, the deductions for state taxes and charitable contributions, even those for spouses and children. Earn enough money and soon the value of those deductions goes to zero.

The political point of this exercise is to raise marginal tax rates without appearing to do so. The top statutory individual rate would remain at 35%, so the politicians could claim they hadn’t raised rates. But for those losing their deductions, the marginal rate would increase by between one and two percentage points until the phase-outs were complete.

We raise the alarm now because this sneaky bit of political fiddling last became law during a previous bipartisan budget summit—in 1990. Democrats proposed it then, too, and President George H.W. Bush and his budget chief Dick Darman agreed to it so they could appear to be raising tax rates less than they really were. (more…)



Friday, June 24th, 2011
Published on The Weekly Standard (

Fred Barnes

June 13, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 37

The Obama administration is 0-for-3 in meeting economic expectations. In 2009, President Obama and his advisers believed the bountiful stimulus package would give the economy a strong jolt. It didn’t, and still hasn’t. In 2010, Obama declared Recovery Summer and predicted a surge in employment. The economy lost 283,000 jobs over the summer. This year, Obama expected a significant ratcheting up of jobs and growth. There’s been a ratcheting down.

The White House always has an excuse. Obama’s economic policies are never at fault. The problem in 2009, according to Obama? The economy was in worse shape than he’d feared when he took office. In 2010, economic adviser Christina Romer said the dip in jobs was unexpected. No doubt it was, but that’s a lame explanation. And Obama stubbornly refused to express regret for having proclaimed Recovery Summer in the first place.

Now, two years after the recession officially ended, the excuses for economic stagnation and puny job growth are stale and implausible. Obama didn’t offer any in an economic speech in Toledo a few hours after bad job numbers for May were released last week. Romer’s replacement, Austan Goolsbee, dismissed the 9.1 percent jobless rate as a bump “along the road to recovery.” House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer blamed the Bush administration—really, he did. (more…)

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