Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category


Saturday, April 27th, 2024


Is The Great Illusion In Ruins?

73 Comments April 8, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

In 2021, Joe Biden was elected after a bitterly fought campaign that deposed the incumbent Donald Trump. Democrats eventually captured, for a time, both the House and Senate, ensuring the most left-wing government in modern American history.

Americans were then set to witness a great experiment. For the first time in their lives, a truly radical socialist program would supposedly fundamentally transform the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement, crime, education, and social questions such as religion, gender, abortion, and schooling.

In a sense, we were all to be lab rats of sorts, to be experimented on by the radical left and their various critical theories. Now in the last year of the Biden term, we can see the results of that experiment—and the unfortunate disasters that followed.

But first, how was such a radical move to the left even possible in a center-right America?

The Democratic nominee, Biden, had earlier united the left, but only through a Faustian deal. The handlers of a nearly non compos mentis Biden had ushered all his 2020 primary rivals out of the primary races in unison.

But in exchange for their exits that ensured Biden the nomination, the left took over his general campaign—in which Biden was virtually relegated to his basement—and then set his agenda.

Who was running things?

The mysterious architects of White House ideology included, inter alia, the omnipresent, now-Washington-DC-dwelling Obamas, the old socialist gadfly Bernie Sanders, the fossilized tribunes of the black and Latino congressional caucuses, the DEI firebrand Squad, and the neo-socialist scold Elizabeth Warren.

As a result, for one of the few times in American history, the hard left now had undreamt of power. And it was enhanced by a chorus in our compliant media, academia, corporations, the administrative state, foundations, entertainment, and popular culture.




Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024


More tax dollars  thrown down the green energy pipe dream – Drill, Baby Drill !!!    Nancy   

Gone With the New York Wind

Three more offshore windmill projects hit the rocks, despite subsidies.

April 22, 2024   By The Editorial Board
Is offshore wind a perennial infant industry? Despite receiving countless billions of dollars in subsidies over the last few decades, these energy projects are still failing to launch. On Friday three New York offshore wind projects hit the rocks owing to rising costs and technical snafus.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority called off contract negotiations with three wind developers after turbine manufacturer GE Vernova said it couldn’t deliver 18-megawatt turbines for the projects. As a result, the projects would have to be redesigned with more and smaller turbines that would make them noneconomic.

GE’s renewable business had planned to produce the 18-megawatt turbines but last year decided to limit turbines to a maximum of 16.5 megawatts, according to Bloomberg News. Bigger and more powerful turbines have recently been toppling over, requiring expensive repairs. This is one reason GE’s renewable business lost $1.44 billion last year, which was an improvement on its $2.24 billion loss in 2022.

The offshore wind industry received a strong tailwind from the Inflation Reduction Act, which included tax credits that cover 30% or more of a project’s cost. The law also subsidized the domestic manufacturing of components, which New York’s wind developers and their suppliers planned to exploit by making parts at new plants in the state.




Sunday, April 21st, 2024


FBI Warns Chinese Hackers Are Poised to Hit US Infrastructure Anytime With ‘Devastating Blow’

‘Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic,’ FBI Director Christopher Wray said.
FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on the “Annual Worldwide Threats Assessment” in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on March 11, 2024

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Thursday that hackers linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have infiltrated America’s critical infrastructure and are biding their time as they wait for the right moment to strike a “devastating blow.”

Mr. Wray said in an April 18 speech at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, that the threats posed by China-sponsored hackers are no longer a matter that’s over the horizon but that “they’re upon us now.”

“A few years ago, we might have said China represents the most significant long-term threat,” he said. “That’s no longer the best way to describe the danger.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) assessed last year that the Chinese regime was busy building the capacity to deter American intervention in a looming crisis between China and Taiwan by 2027. But that timeline has been accelerated, Mr. Wray said, noting that some of the effects of the enormous CCP-backed hacking enterprise are already being felt today.

An ongoing Chinese hacking campaign known as Volt Typhoon has burrowed into numerous U.S. companies in various critical sectors including telecommunications, energy, and water, with 23 pipeline operators targeted, Mr. Wray said. With a hacking program that is larger than every other major nation combined, China is developing the ability to physically attack critical U.S. infrastructure at a time of its choosing, he warned.

“Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic,” he said.




Sunday, April 21st, 2024



Life, Liberty and Levin (Saturday 4/20/2024)



Wednesday, April 10th, 2024


Letters: What I tell my friends when they ask me why I’m voting for Trump (10/31/20)

Friends, why I support Trump

When friends ask me why I am voting for President Donald Trump, I tell them I’m not voting for a personality, but for policies I believe are best for our country.

• I’m voting for tax policies that keep businesses competitive globally and sustain employment growth and economic opportunity.

• I’m voting for judges who do not legislate from the bench.

• I’m voting for properly funded and trained police departments that protect all citizens regardless of color.

• I’m voting for an accountable and functional Veterans Administration.

• I’m voting for fair trade policies.

• I’m voting for logical immigration laws consistent with international best practices.

• I’m voting for peace through strength.

• I’m voting for all NATO nations to pay their share of the burden.

• I’m voting for peace in the Middle East and the protection of Israel

• I’m voting for the continued growth of natural gas through fracking and its positive impact on CO2 emissions.

• I’m voting for sensible abortion laws that protect life in late-term situations.

• I’m voting for the Electoral College, so California and New York do not control the election.

• I’m voting for a market-based health plan that promotes competition, protects pre-existing conditions and reduces cost.

I’m sorry my friends can’t get past hating a president with a disturbing personality but also with sound policies.

Henry Rissier, Silverthorne



Monday, March 25th, 2024


Democrats certainly do have a knack for destroying everything they touch !    Nancy
California is not all right
March 23, 2024

Despite stubbornly high inflation and record-high credit card debt, the economy added 2.7 million jobs last year while unemployment hovered just below 4%. But not all states did as well. California, the gem of Democratic uniparty governance, added just 154,000 jobs, and joblessness stagnated above 5%.

While states such as Florida and Texas grew their workforce by 3.4% and 3.3%, respectively, California’s grew by just 0.87%. All this was while the state budget deficit ballooned to a record $73 billion as revenues from personal income tax collection dropped by 25%.

Why is California’s economy sputtering while the rest of the nation moves ahead?

The simplest answer is that California’s population is shrinking. After more than 100 years of steady growth, California is exporting more people than it is importing. The state continues to have golden sunshine, natural beauty, and warm winters, but bad policy decisions by Democratic politicians who run the state mean people simply don’t want to live there anymore.

The biggest reason people are leaving is the cost of housing. On the coast where the best jobs are, California has some of the most expensive housing in the nation. To afford a median-priced home in San Francisco, a household needs to make $400,000 a year. Actual households in San Francisco make just one-third of that: $136,000.

California’s housing crisis is due to excessive environmental regulation, which makes it impossible to build new homes. While California built just fewer than 120,000 new homes in 2020, Texas built more than 260,000.




Wednesday, January 17th, 2024



Trump Victory May Forecast Creative Destruction

Chaos may lead to renewal

JAN 15, 2024


“Creative destruction,” the term coined by Joseph Schumpeter to describe the power of capitalism to create something greater from the destruction of something lesser, is an optimistic forecast of the outcome of Monday’s vote in the Iowa Caucuses.

Former President Donald Trump resoundingly won the contest, setting himself up for a triumphant return as the GOP nominee who will confront whomever the Democrats nominate this year, whether it is an ailing and unpopular President Joe Biden or a late-game substitute.

Within the Republican contest, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, whom I favored, couldn’t overcome the wellspring of support for Trump that came from unfair, undemocratic prosecutions by the Biden administration and local hick prosecutors in New York City and Atlanta. Those prosecutors and officials in Colorado, Maine and elsewhere who have sought illegally and outrageously to deny voters the option of voting for Trump—supposedly in the name of democracy—helped propel his ascent.

Trump still faces former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, but the former president seems likely to prevail. Haley is a happy warrior like Trump, but will be cast as a globalist, neoconservative, establishment Republican for the simple reason that she is one. Few on the Right beyond the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Chamber of Commerce long for uncontrolled immigration, exporting manufacturing to Asia, or funding the defense of wealthy European moochers.

But Iowa was about more than the prosecutions. Trump is right on policy and right on the image of America, which appealed to Iowa voters. They want the Three Fat Years of economic growth that Trump and his economic team achieved before China inflicted the COVID-19 pandemic on the world. Through those years, Trump had ended the decade of economic malaise that created the populist wave that brought him to power. He made everyone willing to work hard better off—especially minorities.




Wednesday, January 10th, 2024


Another excellent article by Sam Faddis a retired CIA operations specialist who spent the majority of his career  in the Middle East.  Nancy

Joe Broke The Planet – You Pay The Price

By Sam Faddis   January 9, 2024

Ever since Joe Biden sat down in the White House a great many people, myself included, have been talking about the possible dire consequences down the road of a Biden Presidency. Putting a mentally incompetent Chinese puppet in the Oval Office seemed calculated to turn out badly. “Eventually, we will pay the price” has been the standard refrain.

“Eventually” is today.

The Iranians, via their Houthi surrogates, have closed the Red Sea. Ninety-five percent of the commercial shipping that would have normally transited the Red Sea and the Suez Canal is now taking the long way around Africa instead. Shipping costs have skyrocketed by 60% already. Insurance costs are up 20%.

You will pay the price for that at the pump, the grocery store, and in all your purchases. Orders of merchandise will be delayed by weeks in delivery.

The U.S. Navy is conducting a pointless and toothless exercise called Operation Prosperity Guardian.  It accomplishes nothing. We shoot down cheap throwaway drones that cost less than $2000 and junk missiles with 2 million dollar interceptors. The Houthi missile batteries on shore remain untouched and intact.

Our forces across the Middle East are under almost continuous attack by other Iranian surrogates. Every once in a great while we strike a target of no real significance. Mostly, we pretend like it is not happening. We are at war. We are under continuous assault. We take no meaningful action to defend ourselves.

The Communist Chinese are ramping up for action against Taiwan. At least twenty Chinese spy balloons have passed over Taiwan in the last week. The CCP just launched a “satellite” directly over Taiwan. That launch was initially mistaken for a missile attack on the island. Chinese officials are making almost continuous statements regarding the inevitability of “reunification” between the mainland and Taipei.





Monday, January 8th, 2024


Green Energy Waste Overlooked In Climate Agenda
The amount of waste piling up from solar panels and wind turbine blades can be measured in tons. And the industry is just getting started.
Almost all spent solar panels in the United States end up in landfills, and many first- and second-generation panels are already tapping out, well ahead of their anticipated 30-year lifespan.
Added to that will be an estimated 9.8 million metric tons of dead panels to deal with between 2030 and 2060, according to a study published in Science Direct.
Tossing a solar panel into a U.S. landfill currently costs about $1, maybe $2. To recycle that same panel, the cost balloons to $20 to $30, according to an estimate reported by PV Magazine.
Wind turbine parts present a similar challenge, with thousands of blades having already found their way into dumps and fields in Texas, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Iowa.
It’s no small feat to dump a blade. The length of a single wind turbine blade can be more than 200 feet or longer than the wingspan of a Boeing 747, according to the Department of Energy. Offshore wind rigs are even larger.


Wednesday, November 29th, 2023


Please scroll down for a very  informative article re the vulnerabilities of our electric grid substations except for the fact that the author  blames the past attacks on domestic terrorists and white supremacist groups.  What, no mention of the possibility that foreign terrorists who have entered our country through our open border could be a possible threat !  Nancy  P.S.  This Judicial Watch  article re migrants caught at our border  makes for some very interesting  reading ! 

The Ongoing Battle to Protect Critical Substation Infrastructure

Nov. 28, 2023
by Eddie Williams
EXCERPT FROM THIS ARTICLE:  The threats to substations are many, and varied. According to a study by Politico, physical attacks on the power grid are at their highest level since 2012, and utilities reported 60 such attacks on major grid infrastructure (in addition to two cyberattacks) during the first three months of 2023 alone. That’s more than double the number from the same period last year, and the methods of attack are increasing alongside the frequency.  
Given the diversity of these threats, experts are now advising that utilities undergo threat assessments based on specific challenges posed by their location and unique vulnerabilities.

You’ve seen them, though they’re not much to look at – gravel patches of dull gray poles and metal boxes strung with wires, coils, and pipes. The U.S. grid consists of around 55,000 substations, high-voltage equipment used for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity across the country. Usually found off to the side of some unassuming rural road or industrial park, we drive by substations each day with little thought, just some dystopian (this is the second use of dystopian in writing in my entire life.) art exhibits lining our commute. But for bad actors intent on creating chaos, substations represent something much more valuable – the perfect target.

One of substation’s primary functions is to (the main roles of substations is to) convert electricity into the correct (different) voltages that can be used by (so it can be transmitted into) our homes and businesses. Without substations, electricity cannot be measured, and voltage levels cannot be switched or regulated because the equipment is specifically designed to handle particular voltages of power. When this happens, the power goes out and cities or regions can shut down. Given its critical importance, you’d assume this infrastructure would be heavily guarded round-the-clock. Nope. Instead, substations are usually just surrounded by a chain-link fence, the security equivalent of protecting a basketball court.


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