Archive for the ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ Category


Sunday, November 1st, 2020



The Biden Contradiction

He’s running on Covid and character, but his policies are the most left-wing in decades.

The Editorial Board   October 30, 2020

The Wall Street Journal hasn’t endorsed a presidential candidate since 1928—Hoover—and we aren’t about to change this year. But we do try to sum up the risks and promise of the candidates every four years, and we’ll start today with the contradictory candidacy of Joe Biden.

The former Vice President is running as a reassuring moderate, a man of good character who can reunite the country and crush Covid-19 after the disruptive Trump Presidency. Yet he also is running on the most left-wing policy program in decades.

Voters have little idea about these policies because Mr. Biden mentions them only in the most vague, general terms. The press barely reports them. Americans may think they’re voting for Joe’s persona, but they will get the platform of Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

In Mr. Biden’s sunny telling, he will be the anti-Donald Trump. He won’t kick down, won’t trash norms and won’t alienate allies. He’ll work with Republicans to forge bipartisan policies, restraining the passions of his party’s left. In that sense he has been the perfect Democratic nominee to appeal to women and suburban Republicans tired of polarized politics. He has run a disciplined campaign on character and Covid that has made the election a referendum on Mr. Trump.

We too would like to believe Mr. Biden could govern in a less divisive way because it would be better for the country. Left to his own instincts, and if he were a decade younger, he might pull it off. Every Republican who negotiated with the White House over a budget compromise in 2011 told us they made progress when Mr. Biden was in the room, only to have Barack Obama take it all back when he joined the talks.

But what evidence is there today that Mr. Biden will restrain his increasingly radical party? Across his long career he has been the consummate party man, floating right or left with the political tides. As a presidential candidate this year he has put no particular policy imprint on the Democratic Party—not one. The party has put its stamp on him.




Wednesday, October 21st, 2020



An Ex-Liberal Reluctantly Supports Trump

How historian Fred Siegel came to appreciate the president’s defense of ‘bourgeois values’ against the ‘clerisy.’

An Interview with Fred Stegel by Tunku Varadarajan  Mr. Varadarajan is a Journal contributor and a fellow at New York University Law School’s Classical Liberal Institute.   October  17, 2020

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Donald Trump can count at least one new supporter in this year’s election. “I had a close friend who’d been a business partner of Trump in the ’90s,” the critic and historian Fred Siegel tells me. “Trump ripped off a quarter of a million dollars from him. He told me this when we were discussing the election” four years ago. “Trump just said, ‘So, take me to court.’ I couldn’t vote for him.” Mr. Siegel couldn’t abide Hillary Clinton either, so he “slept through” the 2016 election. Next month he’ll be wide awake—though not woke—and will vote for Mr. Trump.

Joe Biden needn’t worry too much, perhaps. Mr. Siegel, 75, has only twice backed a winning presidential candidate since he reached voting age. But while he’s no bellwether, he does make an energetic case for the incumbent.

Mr. Siegel, a professor emeritus at New York’s Cooper Union and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, says he overcame his distaste for Mr. Trump for three reasons. First, foreign policy: “Crushing ISIS, pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal, moving our embassy to Jerusalem, and making fools of those people who insist that the Palestinian issue is at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict.” Second, by his “ability to withstand a prolonged coup attempt by the Democrats and the media,” which started with the Steele dossier: “If I’m saying what I find impressive about Trump, it’s that he’s survived. He has an extraordinary amount of arrogance, egotism, and self-confidence.”

Mr. Siegel’s third reason goes to the heart of his own political philosophy. He sees the president as a champion of “bourgeois values,” under threat from the “clerisy,” Mr. Siegel’s word for the dominant elites who “despise” those values. He regards Mr. Biden as a “captive” of this clerisy, and running mate Kamala Harris as the “embodiment of it.”




Sunday, October 4th, 2020




Tuesday, September 29th, 2020


Liberal warnings about Trump’s Middle East policy have proven embarrassingly wrong



Sunday, September 20th, 2020



I Was Never Trump. Not Anymore.

He has weaknesses, but his presidency has been successful.

By Michael I. Krauss  Mr. Krauss is a professor emeritus of law at George Mason University.  September 3, 2020

In 2016 I wrote in the name of Rep. Paul Ryan for president. I knew that the policies Hillary Clinton advocated were detrimental to the nation, but I simply couldn’t bring myself to vote for her rival. I found Donald Trump boorish and misogynistic, and I was dumbfounded that he had captured the GOP nomination. When the dust settled in November 2016, I was glad Mrs. Clinton was defeated. But I winced whenever I heard the president-elect speak.

Back then I thought I was a Never Trumper. Now I realize I was wrong. If the election took place today, I would vote to re-elect President Trump.

I still find Mr. Trump’s style grating, and I cringe at his narcissism. Some of his junior subordinates are wanting in talent or experience. His friendliness with the dictators of Russia and North Korea is wrong-headed, even dangerous. As for ethics, I believe he hasn’t sufficiently ensured that his hotel empire derives no profit from hosting U.S. and foreign government officials. And I think the president clearly doesn’t understand the principle of mutual gains from trade.

Notwithstanding these weaknesses, I believe that the Trump presidency has been, to a large extent, successful. Mr. Trump survived a politicized, even somewhat corrupt impeachment campaign. He has confronted a once-in-a-century virus of foreign origin in good faith and with candor. Despite often-contemptuous hostility by the elite press, and outright civil disobedience by several federal judges, the president has performed his duties and genuinely tried to keep his promises.

He not only insisted that immigration conform to the rule of law, but advocated for and (where legally permitted) built a border wall. The president has appointed more than 200 federal judges, most of whom are superb and committed to finding the law, not making it up. He has followed through on his promise to reduce taxes and to begin deregulating the economy, creating a remarkable boom that reduced unemployment for minorities to the lowest rates ever recorded.




Friday, September 18th, 2020


After 9/11, Biden Wanted to Send $200 Million to Islamic Terrorists


No administration since Jimmy Carter’s had done more to enable and appease Islamic terrorists than the Obama-Biden administration. But Joe Biden wasn’t a patsy in a radical administration. As his original response to 9/11 shows, his own position was always favorable to Islamic terrorists.

“This,” Joe Biden announces, “is what I’ve spent my entire adult life preparing for.” It’s exactly three Tuesdays since the September attacks, and Biden is presiding over a morning meeting of his committee staffers…

At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.”

Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares.

Biden’s response to an attack by Islamic terrorists was a proposal to send $200 million to Islamic terrorists. The Obama-Biden administration topped that be sending billions to Iran. And Biden’s campaign platform calls for going back to those days.

But this is the same Joe Biden who threatened to impeach Bush if he tried to take out Iran’s nukes.

Waging a presidential campaign amid rising tensions with Iran 12 years ago, Joe Biden, then a senator from Delaware, had a warning for President George W. Bush should he decide to take military action without congressional authorization.

“I want it on the record, and I want to make it clear,” Biden said. “If he does, I will move to impeach him.”

And around whom allegations of Iranian funding have lingered.

Kaveh Mohseni, a spokesman for the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran, calls Biden “a great friend of the mullahs.” He notes that Bidens election campaigns “have been financed by Islamic charities of the Iranian regime based in California and by the Silicon Iran network,” a loosely-knit group of wealthy Iranian-American businessmen and women seeking to end the U.S. trade embargo on Iran. “In exchange, the senator does his best to aid the mullahs,” Mohseni argues. Biden’s ties to pro-Tehran lobbying groups are no secret.




Wednesday, September 16th, 2020


Its been an amazing past few weeks of watching the first couple of middle east  countries come to normalize relations with Israel.   In fact, today as  I was watching the DOW drop from its highs of the day to negative territory moments before the close, President Trump hinted  that Saudi Arabia might  soon be joining these countries in recognizing Israel.  The DOW went from negative  to positive  territory in a matter of a minute or two.   A very good omen of things to come  – a possible  Nobel Peace prize for our president !     Nancy  

The Long Road to Israel’s Very Good Month

The Jewish state has become too valuable to the Arab world to be treated as a pariah.

by Walter Russell Mead    September 15, 2020

Not since May 1948, when both the U.S. and the Soviet Union recognized the state of Israel in the critical weeks of its war for independence, has Israel had a diplomatic month like this. On Aug. 13, the United Arab Emirates and Israel signed an agreement to normalize relations, with the formal ceremony to be held Tuesday in Washington with President Trump. On Sept. 11, Bahrain followed suit. The Palestinian Authority, holding the rotating chair of the Arab League, introduced a resolution condemning the U.A.E. move at a Zoom session of Arab foreign ministers, but in a shocking departure from past practice, the motion failed to pass. On Sept. 13 another Arab nation, Oman, issued a statement of support for Bahrain’s decision to normalize relations.

Meanwhile, defying pressure from the European Union and in exchange for Israeli recognition of Kosovo’s independence, Kosovo became the first Muslim-majority country in the world to agree to place an embassy in Jerusalem in another Trump-brokered deal. (The status of a similar pledge from Serbia isn’t clear.)

With Saudi Arabia allowing flights from Israel to the U.A.E. to pass over its territory and Morocco reported to be close to allowing direct flights to the Jewish state, something of a tipping point seems to have been reached in the Middle East. Resentment of Zionism and sympathy for the Palestinians will no longer be allowed to interfere with what embattled Arab rulers see as a vital relationship.

These changes are evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Arab opposition to Israel’s existence has never been as unanimous or implacable as casual observers sometimes assume. Geopolitically, conservative Arab states have long understood that their interests and Israel’s are connected.

The strongest force in international politics is driving the change: fear. The Arab world as a whole is confronting its greatest crisis since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Iraq and Syria, once pillars of Arab nationalism and strength, can barely hold themselves together. Yemen and Libya are sunk in bitter civil wars. Egypt, whose economy is staggering as the pandemic slashes its income from tourism and trade, can barely manage its own security, much less export stability to the rest of the Arab world. Lebanon, for so long a financial and cultural capital of the Arab world, suffers from a failing state and Hezbollah’s heavy hand.




Sunday, August 9th, 2020


Some very interesting comments to letters to the editor from readers of the  Wall Street Journal.  My favorite letters are from Laura Duffy from Redondo Beach, California, and  from Don Stuart of Nashville, Indiana.   If you want to read the Peggy Noonan article, ‘Burn the Republican Party Down’, it is highlighted in the first paragraph.
I personally feel the riots and looting and general anarchy in the Democrat controlled cities and the nanny state enforced lockdown in  states with Democrat governors  will be a strong incentive for a vote for Trump in November.  Let’s not also forget the widely anticipated Durham Report too !    Nancy

How We Got Trump and How He Got Ideas

His ability to wing it on the stump is one of the main reasons he triumphed over the scripted automatons he faced in 2016.

August 7, 2020
A glance at Peggy Noonan’s headline (“Burn the Republican Party Down?” Declarations, Aug. 1) had me torn as to whether I should read the piece. Good thing I did. She summarized what the American public has endured for 25 years and the dilemma voters face this fall. How did we get here, with President Trump? She cites a rudderless foreign policy and long, unsuccessful wars, the financial collapse in 2008, and anxiety-provoking illegal immigration that Washington never addressed.

She could also have mentioned a smug, do-nothing Congress that views us as deplorable masses. Both parties bear the blame. The nation deserves better.

Laura Duffy

Redondo Beach, Calif.

In the Midwest, no one is talking about redoing the Republican Party. Here the party is more unified than it has been in many years.

Starting about 10 years back or so, the Missouri Republican Party went through a gut-wrenching experience. We had our Tea Party moments that almost tore the party apart. But the party adapted, changed and in many ways remade itself, incorporating parts of the Tea Party agenda. The election of Mr. Trump was the crowning achievement. Most folks knew that he didn’t represent everything that the more-conservative elements of the party wanted, but he brought a feeling that someone outside the Washington cabal would be calling the shots.

Sharon and David Stackelhouse

Lee’s Summit, Mo.




Sunday, July 19th, 2020


If you have wondered why Islamic terror attacks have become less frequent,  look no further.   Muslims have been told to run for elected office where they can become influential in American politics.   Also, they all run for office as Democrats……..Nancy

‘Building Power for Muslims in Politics’

The push to place Muslims in elected offices

JUL 18, 2020   5:00 PM  BY ROBERT SPENCER 

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Editor’s note: In this monograph, Robert Spencer reveals the disquieting agenda and goals of those who are working hard to get Muslims elected to political office at the national, state, and local level. He shows how this initiative is gaining ground despite the frank anti-Americanism of Ilhan Omar and others – or is it because of that anti-Americanism?

Building power

“Invest in building power for Muslims in politics,” is the invitation from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in a tweet on May 23, 2020, which features a photo of a smiling Salam al-Marayati, MPAC’s President and co-founder, with the notorious Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Ca.).[1] “We ensure that Muslim voices are heard by decision-makers in Washington, DC,” the tweet also says, “and we work diligently with policymakers like Rep. Adam Schiff to advocate for legislation that protects our communities.”[2]

To those who are aware of Adam Schiff’s central role in the attempt to frame President Trump for an impeachable offense and railroad him out of office, MPAC’s upbeat declaration of civic engagement was hardly reassuring. Even more disturbing was the fact that the stated goal was not something to the effect of “Help Muslims begin to participate in the American political process,” much less anything such as “Encourage Muslims to assimilate and adopt American values,” but “invest in building power for Muslims in politics.”

Building power. It is not unreasonable to surmise from this language that MPAC, at very least, appears to be aiming toward establishing a Muslim bloc in American politics, one that will wield power and influence with its Muslim identity at the forefront, contending for candidates and policies that it deems to be in line with Islamic teachings and values.

While there are many organizations in the United States defending their own group’s interests, MPAC’s endeavor is different from the others in that Islamic law, Sharia, is authoritarian by nature, denying the freedom of speech, as well as aggressive, expansionist, and supremacist. In its classic formulations, Islamic law denies equality of rights to women and non-Muslims, and allows for a host of practices that are incompatible in numerous with American principles and customs; discussion of these issues, however, has been effectively silenced by charges of “Islamophobia” and “bigotry,” not least from al-Marayati and MPAC itself.

Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch asked pointed questions in November 2019, after another Islamic advocacy group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), sent out a press release celebrating the large number of Muslims who had just been elected to various offices. “One might wonder,” Corcoran wrote, “as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government? And, just imagine, I asked then, if we would blatantly say—we want Catholics, Jews, other Christians as our leaders—wouldn’t all hell break loose in the media? Yet, no one seems to care if CAIR says we are electing our people, Muslims, everywhere we can!”[3]




Saturday, June 20th, 2020


Please click on the link to read the entire article   Nancy  


Ex-Trump adviser breaks silence on Russia probe, says Iran deal played role in false allegations

‘It elevates my suspicion that there is something at a higher level that was happening … to stop a president,’ Walid Phares says in interview with Just the News.



He suspects a dossier of misinformation was created and shared with investigators to ensnare him and others. In the interview, he categorically denied ever taking money from Egypt to set up meetings or secretly gain influence inside the Trump world, calling it “outright fiction.”

“Why would I take money to set up meetings? I’ve set up meetings for the last twenty years with with U.S. leaders and foreign leaders and … every meeting I conduct is on my social media, is on my Facebook,” he said.

Phares said Russia had its own interest in preserving the Iran deal, noting Moscow sold Iran an S-300 missile defense system over the objections of the U.S. government after the sanctions were eased in 2016 by Obama.

The Obama deal “allowed an open market in Iran. Here we’re talking trillions of dollars. So Russia and the Chinese, many interests even in the United States and in Europe were to move in and make huge amounts of money,” he said………

In the meantime, Phares said, he believes history will look back at the Russia collusion activities when all is exposed and see an Obama administration that was unwilling to cede the reins of power and trying instead to hamper the incoming Trump administration from succeeding in its foreign policy goals.

Phares said the early leaks and allegations made against Trump and his team sought to scandalize activities that are routine during a campaign and transition, such as the president-elect and advisers meeting and consulting with world leaders, like Michael Flynn did with the Russians. The scandalizing hampered Trump’s early foreign policy efforts, he said.

“You know, as an American citizen seeing those exchanges, it kind of shocks me,” he said. “We live in a liberal democracy. But it elevates my suspicion that there is something at a higher level that was happening, because to stop a president, I mean, this is something that in our American history we haven’t seen before.”



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