In my last editorial on this subject, I attempted to show how our current political
situation in this country evolved from a strong religious and conservative
philosophy with emphasis on capitalism, individual rights, and unfettered freedom
of speech; to our current system of diminishing rights and substantial expansion
of government control into every aspect of American life. Presidents Roosevelt,
Carter and Clinton, regarded as the most liberal of all Democrat Presidents,
advocated more and more government mandated programs at taxpayer’s
It is a sad commentary when a U.S. Senator like Arlen Spector (D-PA) equates
the actions of average citizens expressing their concerns about the Obama
Healthcare Plan to the KKK and the opposition to the civil rights movement of the
1960s. It is equally as sad when the Speaker of the House, Nancy D’Alesandro
Pelosi, views these same Americans as “astro-turf” or Nazis. While such
commentary shows their ignorance and contempt for the American people, it is
not surprising since ridiculing the opposition is a tactic right out of the DNC
handbook. It is also not surprising that the current attitude of these far left officials
is contrary to their position on free speech and freedom of expression when the
Republicans were in power, especially when you have the national print and
electronic media in your back pocket as forum for distorting the truth. What is
truly interesting in the history of the American political system is that those who
were the strongest opponents of civil rights for all citizens regardless of race,
color, creed or national origin were almost exclusively southern Democrats.
It has become abundantly clear that the leadership in the Congress, as well as, in
the Executive Branch of government have been influenced by Marxist
philosophy; and an attempt by President Obama and the Democratic members of
Congress to move toward the implementation of many of the policies and
programs of pre-World War II German National Socialism. The current debate
over a National Healthcare Plan is only the beginning for these socialists, as the
pendulum keeps swinging further to the far left.
To further support the argument that many of the Democrats in control of this
country today are socialists, was best seen in 2007 when Congresswoman
Maxime Waters (D-CA) made a serious slip of the tongue while questioning the
President of the Shell Oil Company when she declared,”…[w]hat this Liberal is all
about is socializing…..I mean…” (And began to stumble over her words when
she realized that she has used the “S”. word). She then went on to say, “I mean
taking over, and the government running all of your companies.” It is also
becoming more abundantly clear that the President, various members of
Congress, most of the support staff and appointees are Soviet style socialists, if
not outright Marxists, and an unwitting America put them there, with the
pendulum continuing to swing to further to the far left.

This country was not founded on the principles of a pure democracy, but as a
republic and a representative form of government. We are part of a
representative republic that is supposed to be concerned with what is good for
the people and the nation as a whole, following the dictates of our founding
fathers as documented in the U.S. Constitution and to govern accordingly. It is
not a perfect system of governance, but it is far better than any other system in
the world, with the highest standard of living.
As seen recently, many of our Congressional Representatives no longer
represent the will of the majority of their constituents, and have said so openly.
The liberal members of Congress are marching in lock step with President
Obama and House Speaker Pelosi, with a complete disregard of the mandates
from a majority of the people. Today, the United States of America is slowly, but
surely, abandoning its concept of “government of the people, by the people and
for the people”. It is fast becoming a totalitarian form of government promoted in
vast part by a liberal, state-controlled media. By definition, totalitarianism is
characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute
and centralized control over its people and programs, and crushes all opposition.
I honestly believe that unless the President and Congress abandons their current
course of legislative mandates and executive orders, the country may find itself
facing the demands of the people for a new Declaration of Independence. In
case you don’t remember much about the Declaration of Independence from
your days in school, here is just a small, but significant, part of what our founding
fathers declared against the King of England.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any form of government becomes
destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or
to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that
governments long established should not be changed for light
and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath
shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these
colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to
alter their former systems of government”

Those moderate members of the Democratic Party in Congress, who have come
to the realization that their constituent base may very well replace them in 2010
with more conservative representatives if they follow the Obama/Pelosi policies
on healthcare and other socialist programs are now being threatened and
intimidate by the likes of Rahm Emanual and the DNC if they do not fall in line
and march to the Obama cadence. The Obama administration remains fully
behind the idea of a “public option” for government-run healthcare insurance,
rejecting all other viable options, despite clear signals over the weekend from top
officials that the public option is not a deal-breaker, and is just a piece of the
overall reforms sought. The catastrophic direct and collateral damage that will
result from the “public option” approach is almost immeasurable – but they don’t
The current debate over healthcare is only the beginning for this administration
as it continues to bring a New Order to America. H.R. 45, a gun control bill
currently pending in the House of Representatives under the guise of a Child
Safety Law, has been offered for the sole and exclusive purpose to mandate the
registration of all firearms in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens. This
legislation is a prelude to total gun confiscation by the government without regard
for any states rights legislation on gun ownership. Such legislation will eventually
take away the right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes and
possessions as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. As the pendulum
continues to swing to the far left.
Of equal, if not of greater importance, is the prospects by the Obama controlled
Federal Communications Commission will mandate a F.C.C. rule for “diversity in
broadcasting” as a back door approach to the so called “Fairness Doctrine”,
designed solely to force the end to conservative news and talk shows on radio,
television and cable programming. In this way, the state controlled national
media will be the only source of information and debate of information for the
people. What state controlled media you say? Forgetting for a moment the
unwarranted and dastardly attacks against Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by the
national media, because they realized she represented a real threat to future of
socialism in this country. Here is another prime example of the so-called state
controlled media. Recently, Andrea Mitchell of NBC News while reporting on the
percentages of the American people who believe the “myths” about the Obama
Healthcare Bill never once stated whether these concerns were founded or
unfounded about the legislation. Anyone with the ability to read can see that all
of the concerns expressed by the American public, especially senior citizens, are
very well founded. But she, like CBS’s Katie Couric, and others in the national
media are where they are because their political philosophies are in line with their
employers all of whom are now marching to the Obama cadence. And the
pendulum continues to swing further to the far left.
From it inception, this country was founded under the principle of “one nation
under God”; however the Obama administration and those in the Congress who
blindly follow his initiatives are slowly and methodically removing any reference
to God from our society. Recently, Pope Benedict XVI declared that, “ Modern society is pushing God out of people’s lives”. An example of this can be seen
when President Obama ordered the Department of Defense not to participate in
a God and Country Rally with an Air Force jet fly over which the Air Force has
done for the past 42 years. The “God and Country Rally” is held each year to
honor the men and women in our military. It has no religious affiliation, but
because of the name of God is in the title of the event, Obama ordered that U.S.
participation be discontinued in the event. Further, while serving as a guest
speaker at Georgetown University, the President ordered that a Christian
religious symbol be covered up while he was on stage. This administration has a
culture of evil hostility against religion, as the pendulum continues to swing to the
far left.
The scariest plan of this administration, I believe, is yet to come, with the
development of a previously announced Civilian Defense Corp, unlike the one
that existed in World War II and thereafter, but one with powers and authority to
equal the military. A “brown shirted” gang of so called community organizers
who will also be called upon to help enforce the weapons confiscation program in
this country, which I believe will become a reality within the next few years. They
will, in all probability be the ACORN members who were observed threatening
and intimidating voters in the last election, and who, along with the SEIU, have
been intimidating citizens at recent town hall meetings all paid for by taxpayers.
They now know that the Justice Department will not prosecute them for violating
the law under orders from the President. Only in this way does Obama believe
that he can stay in the White House for a second term to cause more destruction
to our social order. Meanwhile, the pendulum continues to swing to the far left.
My father was a Roosevelt style Democrat and state party leader for most of his
adult life until he saw what was happening to this nation at the hands of the New
Democratic Party. He was known for playing politics by the rule of law until
opponents handed him a new set of rules. Then, he said, “[Y]ou play by their
rules”. The Republican Party, the Libertarian Party and most independent people
voters have yet to learn and apply this lesson
I applaud those persons who stood up to let their voices be heard during recent
town hall meetings on healthcare issues, especially those who tried to attend the
President’s scripted, staged and televised meeting at a Bozeman Montana
airport hanger where SEIU members, shipped in from outside the state, showed
up in force, pushing the local citizens back from being able to show their
expression of disapproval of the President’s healthcare proposals. Couple this
with the fact that every question and answer to and from the President was
carefully scripted. Further, the AARP, after denying support of the President’s
healthcare plan, finally admitted its support of the President’s healthcare initiative
in its entirety, even though it is not in the best interests of the AARP membership.
Failing to disclose their position to their membership has now resulted in tens of
thousands of AARP members tearing up their membership cards and sending
them back to the association. Hopefully, many more of the 40 million members
of AARP will do the same. The so called silent majority must continue to speak
out and take action on all future issues facing our nation in these perilous times,
because the pendulum continues to swing to the far left.

I again want to remind you that much of what we are experiencing today in our
government began seventy years ago when Dmitry Manluilsky, a senior
Comintern in the Soviet Union, told students at the Lenin School of Political
Science that, “we will lull the bourgeois to sleep then we will smash them with our
clinched fists.” At the time, and for many years thereafter, Americans were being
trained and indoctrinated at the Lenin School in Moscow to come back to
America and build the American-Communist Party. What most Americans failed
to see from 1940 to 1980 was that this effort was well financed by the Soviets
and many of those trained found their way into the Democratic Party and the
federal government system, in spite of the loyalty oaths they had to sign during
the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. The main focus of the Soviets, or
those who were Communist sympathizers, was to put money into four
primary areas of American society. First, the entertainment industry, especially
motion picture production. Next, was journalism and major media resources.
Next were organized labor, and lastly, the educational system, all designed to
control the hearts and minds of the American people. In addition, they financed
such activities as the anti-Vietnam war effort and other protests groups in
America. Efforts to surface this Marxist – socialist political strategy were rebuffed
by the main stream media as McCarthy conspiracy theorists; and thus, we were
lulled back to sleep.
The current situation of having radicals controlling our central government in both
the legislative and executive branches of government must be stopped beginning
in 2010. The people who are opposed to the current state of affairs in
Washington need to work hard to insure the defeat of every liberal (far left)
Democrat out of office; no matter how entrenched they appear to be. Only in this
way will we be able to return our government back to the people for whom so
many men and women paid the supreme sacrifice.
The last and final question to be asked by everyone concerned about the future
of our nation is, “who are the real movers and shakers behind the whole Obama
movement. These are the people with the big money that no one gets to see and
who never surface to be identified, as they continue to move the pendulum
further and further to the far left.
I ask that you consider sending this message to your family members, friends
and acquaintances, so that they, like you, may know the rest of the story.
Get Involved and stay involved…Your children and grandchildren are
depending on you…..Go In Your Power and Save Your Country.
# # #
© P.J. Marino, Esq. 2009


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