The Political Pendulum Continues To Swing

Many of us have lived during an era in American history of watching the political
pendulum swing from the far left to the far right and back again. The age old
issues continues to be either less government in the affairs of business and
citizens or more government designed to keep businesses in check to protect
workers and avoid abuses of the public trust. The Republican say that less
government is better for the people, and the Democrats say that the government
has a duty to protect the working class against the indifferences of business,
especially the large corporations. In reality, the truth can be found somewhere in
the middle. Meanwhile, the pendulum keeps swinging back and forth.
What the American people have been experiencing since 2008 is a repeat of
history that my father and mother lived through in the 1930s. My father, an
immigrant from Sicily, worked to get a good education – the first in his family. He
was a pro-active Tammany Hall (N.Y.) Democrat during the Roosevelt New Deal
era, but with the knowledge of the history of New York’s corrupt political bosses,
such as Boss William Tweed whose political cronies actually caused the 1869
stock market crash. Reform in New York came only after the newspapers finally
exposed Tweed Gang corruption to a fiercely democratic electorate in New York.
If you study American history you can see the parallel between what has
happened in the past to the situation facing us today. Today, it is not Tammany
Hall in New York City, but the John Daly political machine in Chicago. A political
machine that was the embryo for the creation of ACORN and SEIU into which
millions of dollars of federal taxpayers dollars were poured in order to bring about
the 2008 elections in many communities, not just Chicago, in favor of the junior
senator from Illinois; beating a very popular Hillary Clinton. It was this effort
coupled with others that elected President Barack Obama, including the Bush
administration engaging in eight years of Harding style politics, thus creating a
spring board for President Obama and many new Democrats in the Congress.
By comparison, the 1929 stock market crash was another example of greed
under President Herbert Hoover with an unregulated stock market, a lack of labor
laws to protect the working class, and with union organizers being injured or
murdered by company thugs. The country demanded change, and that change
came in the person of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A man with substantial wealth
in his own right, but who saw the need for drastic reform if this nation was to
survive the 1929 depression.

Like today, Roosevelt saw factory closings, foreclosures, and bank failures, while
unemployment soared. Roosevelt faced the greatest crisis in American history
since the Civil War. He undertook immediate actions to initiate his New Deal
policies. To halt depositor panics, he closed the banks temporarily. Then he
worked with the Congress during the first “100 days” to pass recovery legislation,
which set up agencies such as the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration)
to support farm prices; the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) to employ young
men; the establishment of the Works Projects Administration (WPA) which
provided jobs not only for laborers but also artists, writers, musicians, and
authors, and the Social Security Act, which provided unemployment
compensation and a program of old-age and survivors’ benefits.. Other agencies
assisted business and labor, insured bank deposits, regulated the stock market,
subsidized home and farm mortgage payments, and aided the unemployed.
These measures revived confidence in the economy. Banks reopened and direct
relief saved millions from starvation. But the New Deal measures also involved
government directly in areas of social and economic life as never before and
resulted in greatly increased spending and unbalanced budgets which led to
criticisms of Roosevelt’s programs, but in retrospect, it was what was needed at
the time to balance the rights of big business against the rights of the individual.
I believe that President Obama sees himself as a modern day Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, except there is one big difference. While there were allegations that
Roosevelt had surrounded himself with declared Communist sympathizers, there
is no question that there is many more Marxist -Socialist officials in the Obama
administration than ever conceived by the people during the Roosevelt era.
These people, including the President, have been trained to reject the basic
principles upon which the capitalism economy existed for two centuries in this
country, for a more equitable distribution of wealth to the working class
proletariat. They also seem to believe that religion is the opiate of the masses
and oppose organized religion in the same way as the Marxist-Communists. And
the pendulum continues to swing.
Sometimes it is hard to tell the players without a score card. The pro-active
Republican of today is not the same Republican of yesteryear. With the mixture
of a big business, the super rich and Christian right, you technically have
interests that are adverse to each other. Yes, they share support of a strong
military. Yes, they oppose abortions. Yes, they support a strong Judeo-Christian
religious philosophy, but beyond these issues big business and the working class
Republicans are at odds on other issues. They are at odds with such issues as
keeping the labor force in the United States, a responsible healthcare system,
and a workable pension system. It is here where the modern day Marxists are
attempting to drive a wedge between these diverse interest and differences.
In 1939, Dmitry Manluilsky, a senior Comintern in the Soviet Union, told students
at the Lenin School of Political Science that, “we will lull the bourgeois to sleep
and in 20 or 30 years we will smash them with our clinched fists.” At the time,

many Americans were being trained and indoctrinated at the Lenin School in
Moscow to go back to America and build the American-Communist Party. What
most Americans failed to see from 1940 to 1980 was that this effort was well
financed by the Soviets and many of those trained found their way into the
federal government system, in spite of the loyalty oaths they had to sign during
the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. The main focus of the Soviets was
to put money into four primary areas of American society. First, the
entertainment industry, especially motion picture production. Next, was
journalism and major media resources. Next was organized labor, and lastly, the
secondary educational system. All designed to control the hearts and minds of an
uneducated and uninformed American population. In addition, they financed
such efforts as the anti-Vietnam war effort and other protests groups in America.
During the post–World War II era U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy engaged in an
unrelenting search to expose Communist in America. McCarthyism, as it came
to be known, accused many thousands of Americans of being Communists or
communist sympathizers, and became the subject of aggressive investigations
and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and
agencies. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees,
those in the entertainment industry, educators and union activists. While he and
his Senate Committee were not wrong, he just went about it in the wrong way,
with the whole process getting completely out of hand to the shame and to the
demise of Senator McCarthy. And the pendulum continued to swing.
I remember how my father broke from the Democratic Party, when Hubert
Humphrey was the democratic candidate for President of the United States,
which made headlines in our local paper in Maryland. At the time, he saw too
much infiltration of the Marxist far-left in the national party leadership, and that
the Party was abandoning traditional American values. This was especially
difficult for him because of his close political alliance with former Congressman
and Mayor of Baltimore Thomas J. D’Alesandro Jr, the father of House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi. D’Alesandro was a hard core Roosevelt New Deal Democrat. He
even named one of his sons after President Roosevelt. It is here where Speaker
Pelosi probably got her first political education.
Maybe, just maybe, what has been presented here will give you a better
understanding of why we are where we are today. There is much more for
discussion and this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Let’s not forget that under the
U.S. Constitution the American people have a right to change their form of
government, except by force. As the pendulum continues to swing.
Where we go from here is problematical. Will President Obama live up to his
words regarding his plans for America, or are we being lulled back to sleep to be
hammered with the clinched fist of the far Left ?.
© Paul J. Marino, Esq. 2009 # # #

The following is a brief history of the political background of Paul J. Marino, Esq.

Raised in Baltimore, Paul Marino is the eldest son of Judge Vito Marino, who was a political leader in the Democrat Party in Baltimore and Maryland during the 1940-1960s. His father changed political parties in the 1960s when he came to the realization that the Democrat Party had been infiltrated by ultra-left Socialists, including former members of the Communist Party.

From the time that he was a pre-teenager, Paul worked closely with his father in his local district, learning politics from the ground up. After graduation from law school, Paul served as a campaign coordinator for Mayor William Donald Schaefer of Baltimore and County Executive Ted Venetoulis in Baltimore County. He moved to Tampa, Florida in 1975 to serve as Chief Legal Counsel to the Sheriff of Hillsborough County. Paul served as Campaign Manager for Sheriff Walter Heinrich in Tampa, Charles Spicola for Mayor of Tampa, and Hillsborough County Campaign Coordinator for Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth.

Paul is currently serving as a legal advisor with various Patriot Groups in Florida. As General Counsel for Tampa 912 Project, Inc. and Tampa Patriots, Inc., he is working to build up the membership base with the expected outcome of Republican victories in 2010 and 2012.

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Conservative Women’s Forum

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