Book review;  POLICE STATE USA


 “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality” is a compelling chronicle of the rapidly increasing pace of America’s march toward tyranny.

Police State USA by Cheryl Chumley - Photo used with author's permission

Police State USA by Cheryl Chumley – Photo used with author’s permission       Cheryl Chumley is a continuous news writer for The Washington Times. She writes about politics and government for various newspapers, Internet news sites, and think tanks. She also is a 2008-2009 Robert Novak journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation



WASHINGTON,  July 3, 2014 – In her new book, “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality”, Cheryl K. Chumley describes the events and attitudes that are leading America toward the state of absolute governmental control described by George Orwell in “1984”.

The erosion of liberty

Citing a myriad of examples from recent press reports, regulations, think tank studies, and historical works, Chumley makes the case that liberty is precipitately fleeing the American landscape. It is being replaced by a “Big Brother” nanny state that seeks to decide for us and our posterity what we shall have, do and think.

She contrasts the ideas of the founding generation with the laws, events, and attitudes of the last several decades. In so doing, she reveals a stark relief between what the founders saw as God-given rights, and a culture which seeks to eradicate God in favor of a divine government.

Beginning with that contrast, Chumley covers the environmental movement’s encroachment on private property, the flourishing confiscation of personal data by both government and business, the rise of the militarized police, the seizure of private property without due process, the chilling effect political correctness has on free speech, and the devastating consequence a complicitous media has on the public’s willingness to stand up for liberty.

Chumley notes in the book, “Without property rights, all other constitutional rights crumble.”

Elimination of God from society

She finishes off with a discussion of the attempt to eradicate God from our society. Chumley notes that without God to issue divine rights, the people are left as shivering denizens of a tyrannical government, feeding off whatever crumbs are left in the wake of a destructive force which no one seems able to stop.

A tad shy on solutions, Chumley advocates standing up to our fear, speaking up for ourselves, and reclaiming government through the election process.

Interview with the author

In an exclusive interview for this article, Chumley told Brenner Brief News she sees the elimination of God from our public discourse as the single greatest threat to our liberty.

“I would say it’s the biggest threat It’s the root of what’s going on right now. Each chapter in my book talks about government offenses and so forth and encroachments, but the root of that is that the mind-set in America has shifted to the point where we are turning to government and not to God. Once that happens the next generation coming up doesn’t even realize what the founding fathers intended our nation to be.”

When asked about the limited discussion of solutions in her book, Chumley answered;

“Now that I look back, I wish I had dedicated a full chapter to going into some of the solutions that I’m always asked about  on radio shows and interviews. I talk about them anyhow. I guess when I was writing this book I had in my mind that education was key and I thought enlightening people was my main focus of writing. I guess this book, first and foremost, is more an education manual.

One major solution is for Americans to stop funding the major political parties. As you are probably aware yourself, when you look at what goes on in congress, it often doesn’t matter whether if there is an R or a D, Republican or Democrat, next to the person’s name, we are often getting the same results. You can trace the Patriot Act back to a Republican administration and follow the egregious offenses that have come in recent years to a Democrat administration. I think if people put their money to better work for them, maybe to non-profit watchdog groups that actually fight for constitutional individual rights for them, that’s one speedy solution.

Another one is that people should read the constitution, it takes about a half-hour. They need to teach it to their kids because the public school systems, even those that are going over civil history and the constitution are kind of skewing it.  So people need to be armed with the knowledge of what the founding fathers intended for this country, so when you flip on the evening news at night or read the newspaper, you can see – founding fathers versus whats going on now and draw your own conclusions.

One other solution that I think is important to mention is that I believe this nation was founded on God’s blessing. I think the founding fathers appealed constantly to a Higher Power as they were forging and fighting for this nation and coming up with our founding documents. I think this nation should follow suit and turn a little bit more to God and less to government; a little bit more praying and less petitioning government for solutions.”

About the author

Cheryl Chumley is a continuous news writer for The Washington Times. She writes about politics and government for various newspapers, Internet news sites, and think tanks. She also is a 2008-2009 Robert Novak journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation


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